International Political Economy Flashcards
Dramatic recent change in the political systems of many countries In particular, a move towards market-driven economies in Eastern Europe and China Political ideologies (beliefs, theories & doctrines) interwoven with economics
A system of government in which the people directly or through their elected officials, decide what is to be done e.g. UK, US, New Zealand
A system of government in which one individual or party maintains complete control and either refuses to recognise other parties or suppresses them e.g. Communism (Cuba), Theocratic (Iran), Secular (North Korea)
Market-driven economy:
Goods and services are allocated on the basis of consumer demand
Centrally determined economy:
Goods and services are allocated based on a plan formulated by a committee that decides what is offered
Mixed economies:
Economic systems characterized by a combination of market- & centrally-driven planning
The process of selling government assets to private buyers
A process by which a government or business sells assets
Contract Management:
A process by which an organization (such as the government) transfers operating responsibility of an industry without transferring the legal title and ownership
A process by which the government takes control of business assets, with or without remuneration of the owner
Transnational rules and regulations that enhance economic trade & cooperation among countries Results in:
- Trade creation
- Trade diversion
Trade creation:
Members of an economic integration group focus on goods & services with a comparative advantage & trade extensively with each other
Trade diversion:
Members decrease trade with non-member countries in favour of trade with each other
Free Trade Area:
Barriers to trade (such as tariffs) among member countries removed (e.g. NAFTA – now USMCA)
Customs Union:
Tariffs between member countries eliminated and a common trade policy toward non-member countries established (e.g. Andean Community)
Common Market:
Elimination of trade barriers among member countries, a common external trade policy and mobility of capital, labour & enterprise among member countries (e.g. early European Union)
Economic union:
Deep form of integration involving free movement of goods, services, capital, labour & enterprise among member countries and full integration of economic policies (e.g. European Union now)
Political union:
Full economic integration, unification of economic policies and a single government (e.g. the USA)
European Union (EU):
A treaty-based institutional framework managing economic & political cooperation among 27 member countries
European Free Trade Association (EFTA):
A free trade area including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland
US-Mexico-Canada Agreement
(USMCA – formerly NAFTA): A free-trade area founded 1989, renegotiated 2020; comprising United States, Canada & Mexico
Andean Community:
An economic (customs) union from 1969, including Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador & Peru + Associate members
Mercosur: Free trade group
(customs union) founded 1991, consisting of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay & Venezuela + Associates
Free trade agreement of the Americas, not yet implemented; possibly 35 countries from N., C., & S. America and the Caribbean
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC):
From 1994; 21 Pacific Rim nations; trade barrier reduction; visa-free travel; business & technical cooperation
Comprehensive & Progressive agreement on Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP):
Free trade agreement between 11 Pacific Rim countries (New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Vietnam & Brunei) signed 2018
Civil society:
is a group of individuals, organizations and institutions that act outside government & market to advance diverse interests, including opposition to global business
Strategic alliance:
is a business relationship in which two or more companies work together to achieve a collective advantage
These alliances can take many forms, e.g.:
Research cooperation
Marketing cooperation
Licensing of a product or technology for a specific market region