International Medicine - Ryan Flashcards
What is Health?
“A state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
What is Global Health?
- Field devoted to the study and improvement of the health status in developing nations
- Relates to health issues and concerns that transcend national borders, class, race, ethnicity and culture. The term stresses the commonality of health issues and which require a collective (partnership based) action.
Health Status Factors aka Determinants of Health
income, education, knowledge of healthy behaviors, social status, sex, genetic makeup, and access to health care.
three main criteria for providing adequate healthcare: (to the poor)
- Equitable access to both prevention and treatment services, rural and urban
- Affordability regardless of income
- Sustainability of services through long tern political and financial support
Best outcomes for improving health in poor countries?
Major Causes of Death
- Ischemic Heart Disease
- Cerebrovascular Disease/stroke
- Lower Respiratory
Leading cause of death in children
- malnutrition 2. preterm births
Top 3 deaths due to infectious dx
- Lower respiratory
- diarrheal dx
- TB
Top Single agent/organism killers
- TB
- Malaria
-Leading cause of death in HIV patients
Highly contagious, Latent vs. Active.
- About 1/3 of the world’s population has latent TB
- 5-10% of people who are infected with TB bacilli
MDR TB -multiresistent TB
- Price and availability of the medications; disrupts the treatment protocols of patients
- Insufficient infection control (containment of aerosol transmission)
- Side effects of medications, people feel worse, so they stop taking the meds
XDR- TB (extensively drug resistant)
TB caused by strains of Mycobacterium
-isolates resistant to rifampin, isoniazid, flouroquino-lones and any second line injectable
- Most important arthropod born disease and parasitic disease in the world
- 1/2world pop live in areas at risk for transmission
5 Major areas of study for developing countries
- Nutrition
- Contraception and safe obstetric care
- Infectious disease prevention
- Trauma prevention
- Provision of medical care
Malnutrition- protein energy malnutrition (PEM) most common
- deficiency in protein, calories and micronutrients.
- increases risk of infectious dx
PEM types (2)
- Marmus- Stunted growth, extreme muscle wasting, loss of adipose tissue, with no peripheral edema, resulting primarily from the combined effects of both energy (CHO) and protein malnutrition (typical starvation)
- Kwashiorkor - Growth failure, peripheral edema, hair discoloration, hypoalbuminemia, and preservation of subcutaneous fat resulting from protein malnutrition. (swollen stomach)
Micronutrient Deficiency (VIT)
- Vitamin A – xerophthalmia (corneal scarring) and blindness
- Iron- chronic anemia
-Zinc- stunted growth and poor
wound healing
-Iodine- thyroid dysfunction and goiter
Some interventions to improve health
- Exclusive breast feeding for the first 4-6 months of life
- Nutritious complementary formula feedings for infants ages 4-24 months
- Iron and folate supplementation for pregnant women
- Iodized salt and Vit A for everyone
Breast feeding
For nutrition and birthcontrol
Trauma prevention
most caused by traffic accidents
Trauma Prevention
Products- helmets
Behavior- alcohol consumption , learn to swim
Enviornment- road conditions