International Financial Management Flashcards


How can we hedge against jet fuel price increases while operating in South Africa?

  • Foreign currency option contracts with banks, where you can limit the maximum price that you you pay them
  • you can reduce reduce the hedging costs of this option contract with a collar but you’ll have to Google how it works
  • you can purchase a forward currency contract so that you can be protected against unexpected strsngthing of the value of the foreign currency
  • You can entry into supply contracts to lock prices in place which will help keep you safe for the next 3-12 months
  • You could purchase oil futures which means thr buyer will buy the underlying asset(jet fuel) at an agreed price determined today
  • You van make use of natural hedges where you sale things to foreigners in their own country snd then keep the revenue in a foreign account so that it remains in that currency and and pay thr foreign expenses with that money
  • You could simply just bulk purchase jet fuel when the prices are favorable
  • You could make use of swaps, which is when the prices are fixed on the date of agreement but any changes in the spot rate would still apply
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