International environmental policy in reality Flashcards
United Nations Environment Programme
Commission for Sustainable Development
Give strategies to develop sustainable development
United Nations Development Program
Support economic development especially in less developed countries
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Help improve school system in less developed countries
Has an influence on what they teach at school, like talking about environmental issues
World Heritage Organization
Help less developed countries to improve their health facilities or fight diseases
International Panel on Climate Change
Worldwide scientific cooperation on climate changes brings results together, important information for national governments
3 kinds of international environmental treaties
- Treaties between neighbor states (ex: treaties between states bordering the Bodensee)
- Treaties concerning a specific continent or a specific region of the world (ex: environmental treaties in Europe)
- Treaties on the global level (ex: Treaty concerning the protection of the ozone layer, treaty of Kyoto 1997, treaty of Paris 2015)
Cooperation between neighbor states - Bodensee (lake Constance)
1950 : Increase phosphate in the Bodensee
1959: Foundation of the international commission for the protection of the Bodensee
1966: Agreement concerning a procedure for the settlement of conflict of interests. Special committee and arbitration committee
1967: Program for keeping the Bodensee clean from pollution
Cooperation between neighbor states - states bordering the Rhine
1945: Informal meetings between bordering states
1963: Agreement between Germany, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Switzerland for establishing “International commission for the Protection of the Rhine against contamination (IKSR)
1976: Agreements between the same countries for the protection of the Rhine against chemical pollution and against chloride pollution
Cooperation between neighbor states bordering the Baltic Sea
1970 : Baltic sea is one of the most polluted water in the world
1972 : Baltic Sea excluded from 2 important international ocean protection conventions : Oslo convention and Paris convention
1974 : Creation of the Helsinki-Commission for the protection of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea
1985: Baltic Sea get declared special area in term of the MARPOL-treaty (to protect the environment of oceans)
Cooperation between neighbor states- states bordering the North Sea
1969 : Treaty for cooperation against oil pollution in the North Sea
1972: Agreement about prevention of marine pollution through the dumping of waste water materials (Oslo and London)
1974: Paris, agreement about prevention of land based marine pollution
1984 to 2002: Conferences for the protection of the North Sea in Bremen, London, The Hague, Copenhagen and Bergen
Example of the states bordering the Mediterranean Sea
1975: 1st environmental conference of the states bordering the sea in Barcelona. MAP : agreement on an “Mediterranean Action Plan” and formation of an office of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in Athens.
1976: Adoption of the convention of Barcelona “For the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution”
1985: Conference of Genoa
1989: Massive algae bloom along Adriatic Sea
1990: European community declares its support for a long-time program of the construction of purification plants
What are the 4 protocols for the Convention of Barcelona “For the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution”
- Protocol against dumping from ships and airplanes
- For pollution through oil and other harmful material due to accidents
- For pollution coming from the land
- Protocol concerning specifically protected areas
Development of the competences of the European Union concerning the environment
1971: STARTING POINT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY- European commission acknowledge
1972: First environmental conference of the UN in Stockholm
1973: First environmental action program
What is the treaty of Maastricht
- Environment protection as a goal of the EU
- Incorporation of the principle of subsidiarity
- Differentiation between general and specific environment protection (Qualified majority : 55% of European union country = 65% of the population
What is the principle of subsidiarity
In the treaty of Masstricht
When a solution cannot be solved on a national level, the European union can try to solve it
Environmental goals (6) in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)
- Maintenance of the environment
- Improvement of the quality of the environment
- Protection of human health
- Far-seeing and efficient use of natural resources
- Promotion of international measures of environment protection
- Promotion of a sustainable development
Principles of the common environmental policy within the EU
- Precautionary principle
- Origin principle (origin in one country, measures should start there)
- Polluter pays principle
What is the cohesion fund for?
Instrument to finance environmental measure of the EU for poorer countries