International Flashcards
Polymer coatings on fertilizer
Slow the release, making less vulnerable to losses, more plant available in the end
Proximal sensing
Uses infrared sensing to determine plant nitrogen status
Chelated fertilizer
Increases micronutrient availability by keeping it from undesirable reactions in the soil
Sodic soil
High in sodium Na
Saline soils
Non sodic soil containing sufficient levels of solvable salt to adversely affect growth of most crop plants
Calcareous soils
Partly or mostly composed of calcium carbonate. Containing lime or being chalky
Bulk density
The dry weight of soil per unit volume. Considers both the solids and the pore space
Ideal is half solids half pore space
Anti back siphoning devices
Prevents contamination of source water
How close a measured value is to the actual value
How close the measured values are to each other