Starting sentence for this paragraph
One assumption of the cognitive approach is how internal mental processes work together to help us make sense of the world.
explain the cognitive approach-explain
The cognitive approach sees humans as information processors,
where cognitive processes work together to help us make sense of and respond to the world around us.
explain the 4 cognitive processes and what its known as-explain
cognitive processes include perception, attention, language, and memory. These processes all relate to each other and work constantly together to help individuals understand their environment. This is known as information processing.
what is an example of this in psychology
An example of this in psychology is the levels of
explain how things can be stored in the long term memory-example
Evidence shows that
there are cognitive processes which work at the
time of learning which decide what is stored in
long term memory. If you process information deeply it will be stored
in long term memory. If you only process something
superficially then it will not.
explain how what we know about the long term memory has been applied to education - example
This has been applied to education where teachers deliver creative lessons or create acronyms for key terminology so students process information at a deeper level with the idea it will be stored successfully in long term memory
where it can be retrieved when necessary