Internal factors Flashcards
Teachers may attach a label to a pupil positive like the bight hardworking pupil or negatively label them as the troublemaker who is unintelligent.
Becker 1971
Interveiwed 60 Chicago highschool teachers. Found that they had judged puipils beaded on the ‘ideal pupil’
Ideal pupil
Working class students seen as the ideal pupil and working class furthest away from the ideal pupil
Labelling - Dunne and Gazeley 2008
‘Schools persistently produce W/C underachievement’
Interview 9 English secondary schools found that teachers ‘normalised’ underachievement of working class
Self-fulfilling prophecy
- Teachers label a pupil and makes a prediction
- Teacher treats student acording to the label
- Pupil internalises the teachers expectations and becomes the pupil the teacher expects
Rosenthen and Jacobsen
Suggests teachers belifs influenced by test results
Streaming students into different ability groups. Self-Forfilling prophecy is more likely to occur when children are streamed
When streamed its difficult to move out of the set
Children placed in lower streams at 8 saw decline in their IQ by age 11
Middle class kids benefited from streaming
Found that children placed in higher streams at 8 had improved their IQ by 11
Gillbourn and Youdell (2001)
Teachers use stereotypes of ability to stream students
Found that teachers ore less likely to see working class and black pupils as having the ability
Gillbourn and Youdell A-C
Link streaming to Leauge tables
A to C econemy - schoools focus on pupils that they see as having potential to get 5 grade Cs and boost their school in the Leauge tables
Gillbourn and Youdell Triage
Educational Triage - sorting
1 the hopeless cases
2 borderline C/D supplies - Targeted for extra help
3 Those who will pass anyways
Pupil subcultures
Lacy (1970)
Differentiation - categorising pupils acording to abitity, attitude and behaviour
Polarisation-pupils respond to their subculture and become either pro or anti school (polar opposite)