Internal and External Validity Flashcards
What is internal validity?
Cause and effect (Did the treatments (IV) cause the change in the outcome (DV)?) it is to address the true cause of the outcome.
What is external validity?
To what populations, settings, or treatments can the outcome be generalized?
Is there a trade-off between internal and external validity?
Yes, the more internally valid less generalization to be made
How to control threats to internal validity?
Randomization, Placebos, Blind Setups, Double-blind setups, Reactive effects of testing: estimate pretest, Instrumentation, experimental mortality
How to control threats to external validity?
Selecting from a larger population, ecological validity: does the setting capture the essence of the real world?
Internal Validity example
strong justification that causally links your IV to your DV
External Validity example
Target population