Epidemiology and Study Design Flashcards
What was the first physical activity epidemiology study?
Coronary Heart-Disease and Physical Activity of Work (the bus study (London Transport Study) that compared the conductors and the drivers)
Why was occupational physical activity the only measure of PA used in earlier studies?
Lack of leisure time PA
What are the weaknesses of using occupational physical activity study?
Energy expenditure can differ widely in the same job
Job transfers of sick workers
may not measure LTPA
Early studies did not adjust for cofounders
New technology reduces energy expenditure over time
How has physical activity changed since the 1950s?
Less related to occupational more toward leisure
What is the overall goal of physical activity epidemiology?
extend mortality, compress morbidity, and improve quality of life
Cross-sectional study
Snapshot in time (ex. Compare the occurrence of disease or health outcome based on the current level of participation)
one point in time
Case-Control Study
Looking backward (ex. Compare the past between those with and without the disease)
followed for a period of time (starts with individuals free of the disease or health outcome followed and compared based on who develops and doesn’t over a period of time
Randomized control trial / clinical trial
Intervention (ex. individuals free of the disease are randomly assigned intervention and are followed for a period of time)