Interior Design Glossary of Terms 2 Flashcards
A three-dimensional art of fashioning figures of wood, clay, plastics, metals, stones etc.
Means “to carve”
Process of making sculpture that has been known since prehistoric times. With this process the artist subtracts or cuts away superfluous material until the desired form is reached.
A process of sculpting that mainly consists of addition to, or building up of form. The materials used are soft and yielding and can be easily shaped, enabling rapid execution.
Manufacturing process by which a liquid material is poured into a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape and then allowed it to solidify.
Oldest surviving casting.
Copper Frog
Also known as the lost wax method.
Cire Perdue
Raised forms that projects from a background or a surface. It is made to be seen only on one side from an angle.
Relief Sculpture
A type of relief sculpture that is where the figure is projecting closer to the surface and no part is entirely detached from the background.
Low Relief
Another term for Low Relief
Bas Relief
Other than bas relief, this is another term for low relief.
A type of relief sculpture where figures may almost detach from the surface.
High Relief
Another term for High Relief.
Haut Relief
Other than Haut relief, this is another term for high relief.
A type of relief sculpture that is between low and high relief.
Half Relief
Another term for half relief.
Demi Relief
Other than demi relief, this is another term for half relief.
The lowest degree of relief in which the projection barely exceeds the thickness of a sheet of paper.
Crushed Relief
Another term for crushed relief.
Relievo Sticciato
A relief in reverse, in which all the carving lies within a hollowed-out area below the surface plane.
Hollow Relief
Another term for hollow relief.
A free standing sculpture and is often on a pedestal or a base. This is made to be seen from many directions and angles.
In the Round
Representationalist sculpture depicting a specific entity, usually a person, event, animal or object.
Representation of a person from chest up.
Typically showing a person on a horseback.
Equestrian Statue
A sculpture from found objects.
Oldest sculpture dating back in pre-historic times.
Venus of Vestonice
A 11.5cm sculpture with bulbous proportions.
Venus of Willendorf
Characterized by abstract geometric designs which were enlivened by formal images of elemental gods.
Mesopotamian Sculptures
Sculptures that were made through basalt, diorite, sandstone and alabaster with the use of metals and semi precious stones as inlay. Characterized by large, staring eyes and beard.
Sumer and Akkad Sculptures
Period where sculptures include the Lamassu.
Babylonian and Assyrian Sculptures
Characterized by colossal structures mainly used for outdoors to accompany or adorn the dead.
Egyptian Sculptures
A type of relief where the outline is the one that is carved out.
Period where they have no interest in large sculptures. The designs were good but lacked a good sense of proportion, practically for human figures.
Aegean Sculptures
Period in art where they use they sculpture as monuments to honor their gods, to commemorate victories and to record religious sites.
Greek Sculptures
A clay mold technique used by the Archaic Period mainly for frontal figures.
Daedalic Style
The only sign of life in with the Archaic Sculptures.
Archaic Smile
The period where the personality portrait started.
Hellenistic Period
Sculptor famous for the boldness of which he foxed moments of violent action in bronze. Ex: Discobolus the Discus Thrower
The greatest name in Greek sculpture. He designed and directed the building of Parthenon.
Sculptures done in ivory and adorned with gold.
He was one of the most admired sculptors of the Classical Period and his aim was to depict people as they were. Ex: Doryphoros, the spear bearer
He always tried new techniques to make his artwork “ripple with life” and be as natural as possible.
An exaggerated contrapposto, a sensous more erotic modeling of the body and a serene countenance with an unmistakable gaze.
Praxitelian Curve
He initiated portrait sculpture and modified canon by using smaller heads.
Characterized by accurate portrayal of facial expressions even if it was unflattering.
Roman Sculpture
A technique of undercutting with a drill around the figure rather than modeling them in rounded form producing a flattering contrast of light and shadow.
Negative Relief
He continued the Italian tradition of elaborate freestanding carved pulpits.
Nicola Pisano
Son of Nicola Pisano, developed freestanding sculptures in wood, ivory and marble.
Giovanni Pisano
Period where sculptures were made with full range of human emotions with exact knowledge of human anatomy and body mechanics.
Renaissance Sculptures
He was the first to make sculptures of twisting figure.
Giovanni de Bologna
Period in sculpture that made a virture of complexity, distortion and artifice. There was a focus on the human form and not always realistic settings.
Mannerist Sculptures
Period that replete with lively movement and pictorial in nature. Figures moved, flew or contorted with agony.
Baroque Sculptures
This period maintained the theatricality of Baroque with sculpted fugures that are even more melodramatic and compositions that were more complex.
Rococo Sculptures
Period that made sculptures with noble simplicity and serene grandeur.
Neo-Classic Sculpture
Their sculptures were used as representation of certain religious ideas and doctrines. It all begins in reference to all things by Buddha.
Indian Scupltures
a fine-grained stone with a smooth milk-white surface. It is slightly translucent.
Inert ingredient mixed with cement in making casting mix.
(In relation to sculpture) Any component of a building which has been modeled, carved or welded and integrated into the whole.
A framework of metal wire or tubing used in fashioning a work in clay, wax or plaster or Paris.
It is where a sculpture is mounted on or fixed into.
Other term for base.
A small terracotta sketch of a sculpture.
A design carved in relief in stone or shell.
Metal or plaster poured into a mould and left to harden to produce a work of art.
A mechanical process of finishing a metal surface.
Modern method of casting sculptures in which the casting material is a resin mixed with powdered bronze.
Cold Cast Bronze
A huge sculpture, larger than heroic.
20th century term used to describe a less planned approach to carving where the sculptor carves the finished sculpture without intermediate models and maquettes.
Direct Carving
Other term for Direct Carving.
Taille Directe
A type of dark-colored stone much used in Egyptian Sculpture.
Sculpture portraying the human or animal figure.
A small moulded statuette.
Sculpture larger than life-size.
A form of incised relief in which the design is sunk below the surface.
A small scale model for a finished sculpture.
Oil-based clay used for modelling sculptures.
A copy of sculpture which is in cast plaster.
Plaster Cast