interactionists believe deviance is….
socially constructed
mainstream media see who as deviant?
wc males
who said people need power in order for a label to stick?
becker said…
people need power in order to make a label stick
what does labelling lead to?
self fulfilling prophecy
media causes label to _____…..
stick, leading to moral panic
cicourel found 3 stages in dealing w potential deviants….
1- stop and search suspicious individuals
2- arrest them depending on appearance and mannerisms
3- police search for ‘typical criminal’
cicourel linked all 3 stages to….
social class
how did cicourel link his study to social class?
all 3 stages depend on who you parents are, how polite you are e.g. if you bring parents down to station no arrest
the fact that stages link to social class shows…
justice can be negotiated
cicourel said that delinquency is…
socially constructed by agencies of social control as 2 cities same in econ and population had diff crime rates
how can interactionist view of ysc be criticised?
assume the label comes first, what about those who commit crime before they have been labelled?