what does functionalists believe about youth subcultures?
beneficial for society
how are youth subcultures beneficial for society?
they make youth feel belonging to communities and feel solidarity
what happens if youth subcultures (therefore solidarity) doesn’t occur?
anomie because people are not integrated into society
parsons believes that youth subcultures are a ____ of _______
rite of passage
why do youth subcultures form according to Parsons?
due to capitalism
how are youth subcultures formed due to capitalism?
learn independence and responsibility
break ties from parents
what are youth subcultures according to Parsons?
a bridge from childhood to adulthood
Eisensadt believes youth subcultures exist for the youth to…
what do people know youth subcultures do according to Eisensadt?
they let off steam blaming it on their hormones
people in youth subcultures ____ the _________ according to Eisensadt
push the boundaries
what did Abrams say the media do to youth subcultures?
target them in the media due to spending power
feminists would criticise the functionalist view of youth subcultures because…
they ignore girls
marxists would criticise the functionalist view of youth subcultures because…
they ignore class differences
functionalist theory about youth subcultures ______ them
functionalists can be criticised for what youth culture?
what do functionalists not look at?
distinctions between youth subcultures e.g. gender, class