interactionist Flashcards
Cicourel overview
Negotiatios of justoce, found that mc were better at working system so less likely to get convicted
Impacted stereotypes of police - more likely to look for someone who is wc as a criminal
Therefore more likely to charge someone from wc background
What did cicourel find from his research
There was similar levels of delinquency in all areas, more consistently charged in the “bad areas” - lowest groups in American society
What does ciciorel believe about law enforcement
There is a pre -set image of a “typical delinquent” ; how they dress, how they speak
Cicorel view on justice
Negotiations of justice, mc can negotiate for their child, they are often respected and powerful members of society
Evaluations of cicourel
Offers little about different ethnic groups of the same gender
Assumes all members label delinquents in the same way
Offers little explanation’s of the root causes of crime
Whta is cohen’s fold devils and moral panics
Relationship between media, police and acts of deviance. Most prominent in mods and rockers 60s/70s
What did Cohen find about reporting on mods and rockers
It was only really 2 groups fighting, media reported it as riots creating a moral panic and labelling them as folk devils
People were only doing it to pass time at first, media reported it to alienize the whole youth and share their views that it is all the youths fault
What did Cohen find folk devils were
Ill - informed generalisations of individuals involved in deviant behaviours
What was the result of deviance amplification
Harsher punishments and more policing in sea side towns making it less popular for people to go
Other examples of moral panics
Rave culture in the late 80s
Terrorism after 9/11 and 2005 london bombings, IRA - alienated irish and muslims
Xenephobia and rise of nationalism
Knife crime in the UK
Welfare dependency
Evaluation of Cohen
Mcrobbie and Thornton - diminidhed due to a more diverse media
Some youth cultures have become mainstream
some youth cultures have become mainstream
May be applied to contemporary issues - blm and covid
Lemert’s view
There is an act of primary deviance : deviance acts have not been publically labelled as deviant, and secondary deviance- once the act is labelled, it is now the master status of the person who commits it
Braithwaite - labelling
Disintegrative shaming - label both the act and the person who committed it
Reintegrative shaming - lable only the act, will therefore decrease chances of reoffending
Eg: rehabilitaion programmes
Argument it has worked in countries like norway
Evaluations of Braithwaite
Doesn’t examine cause
May be a positive alternative
Douglas - stats
Reject stats when talking about suicide - we do not know