Interactionism Flashcards
-social action approach
-individuals demonstrate free will
-qualitative approach
-individuals develop a concept of self through interactions
-self concept, develops through how others interact with us and perceive us
-self worth, attractiveness and intelligence
-social roles, characteristics in context to ger social approval
Mead Symbolic interactionism
-individuals create society through routine
-work on relationships as they respond to symbols
-developed by interaction, children playing mums and dads
-individual behave in certain ways due to what they think is appropriate for as situation
-shaped by the interaction we have with others, in which are not fixed
-can develop and change interpretation therefore unpredictable
-individuals take on different roles in society, act different ways
-2 separate roles/mum and friend
-impression management, desirable
-social interaction is key to self else you loose sense of self, reinforcement of character
-society is loosely scripted like a play and we are all actors
-looking glass self
-people define themself by hie others label there actions
-labelled and self fulfilling prophecy
-can also be seen as soft determinism/people have choice but restrained by external factors , reject labels
-deterministic, assumes labels can influence behaviour e.g. social class
-subjective and small scale
-not generalised to wider society e.g. under dogs
-But some would argue that is its purpose to undercover truths not heard
-social behaviour
-true meaning, rather than being reliant of superficial data
-broader meaning of acts not generalised theory