Intentional torts to the person Flashcards
Reynolds v Clarke
direct/indirect distinction
‘[I]f a man throws a log into the highway, and in that act it hits me; I may maintain trespass because it is an immediate wrong; but if, as it lies there, I tumble over it, and receive an injury, I must bring an action upon the case, because it is only predjudicial in consequence, for which originally I could have no action at all’ (Fortesque CJ)
Letang v Cooper [1965] 1 QB 232
trespass and negligence
Held: The claimant’s correct cause of action was negligence because the action was unintentional (in fact the plaintiff was asking them to reconstrue the statue by using the old case/trespass distinction)
Principle = trespass can only be claimed for intentional torts
+ Contact with the person of another must be intended
Denning MR:
> You will remember the illustration giveninReynolds v. Clarke, in 1726
“If a man throws a log into the highway and in that act it hits me, I may maintain trespass because it is an immediate wrong; but if, as it lies there, I tumble over it and receive an injury, I must bring an action upon the case because it is only prejudicial in consequence”.
Nowadays, if a man carelessly throws a piece of wood from a house into a roadway, then whether it hits the plaintiff or he tumbles over it the next moment, the action would not be trespass or case, but simply negligence
Could a non-intentional act constitute trespass to the person?
Facts: Mrs. Letang (plaintiff) was sunbathing on a grassy area that was used to park cars at a hotel, Mr. Cooper (defendant), who did not see Letang, drove his Jaguar over her legs and injured her. More than three years later, Letang sued Cooper for negligence and trespass to her person and claimed damages. The applicable statutes of limitations barred actions for negligence after three years and barred actions for trespass to the person after six years. Letang conceded that her negligence claim was time barred but alleged that her trespass-to-the-person claim was not barred under the six-year statute of limitations. The trial judge agreed and awarded Letang £575 in damages for her trespass-to-the-person claim. Cooper appealed.
Tuberville v Savage
Conditional threats - assault
= words here negatived what otherwise might have been an assault but no rule that conditional threats as a class cannot amount to assault (Read v Cocker)
‘If it were not assize time, I would not take such language from you’ while putting hand on sword.
Read v Cocker
assault - conditional threats
Held: the threats constituted an assault
The claimant came to the defendant’s workshop to discuss a business dispute involving some of the goods in the workshop. He refused to leave when asked. The defendant and his employees surrounded the claimant and threatened to break his neck if he did not leave. Fearing violence, the claimant left
R v Ireland; R v Burstow
assault - mere words
“The proposition that a gesture may amount to an assault, but that words can never suffice, is unrealistic and indefensible. A thing said is also a thing done. There is no reason why something said should be incapable of causing an apprehension of immediate personal violence, e.g. a man accosting a woman in a dark alley saying “come with me or I will stab you.” (…) Take now the case of the silent caller. He intends by his silence to cause fear and he is so understood. The victim is assailed by uncertainty about his intentions. Fear may dominate her emotions, and it may be the fear that the caller’s arrival at her door may be imminent. She may fear the possibility of immediate personal violence.”
– silent telephone calls – depending on the facts of the case could create a reasonable apprehension – note the reasoning of Lord Hope as to why the phone calls may satisfy the requirements is that the apprehension must be reasonable.
see also Smith v Superintendant Chief of the Working police station
The defendant made a series of silent telephone calls over three months to three different women
Stephens v Myers (1830) -
assault - reasonable apprehension
contrast with Thomas v NUM (1986) - group of strike miners threatened by other miners but large police cordon between them – no reasonable apprehension of imminent battery.
reasonable apprehension requires an ability to carry out the threat but not judged with hindsight (only the facts as they appeared to the claimant at the time)
The claimant was chairing a meeting at a local parish. The defendant sat at the other end of the table. The discussion became very heated. The defendant got out of his chair and told the claimant that he would ‘rather pull the chairman out of the chair, than be turned out of the room’. He then advanced on the claimant shaking his fist. Witnesses thought that the defendant’s intent was to hit the claimant. However, he was stopped by the churchwarden before he got near enough to strike.
The claimant sued the defendant for assault. The defendant argued that it was not an assault because he had no power to carry out any threat.
Rex (RN) v First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) [2024] 1 WLR 814.
assault immediate violence
More remote threats are not actionable as assault (Mbasogo v Logo)
CA held that: The immediacy of the violence had to be judged at the point when the victim apprehended the threat, and while the fear had to be of immediate violence, that was a fear of violence at some time not excluding the immediate future. He did not need to know the exact form of the threatened violence, only to fear that violence might be used against him
A 12-year-old boy who had been subjected to online grooming was the victim of a crime of violence for the purposes of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012. The First-tier Tribunal had applied the wrong test when determining whether threats made to him had caused him to be in fear of immediate violence. .
Bici v MOD
intention - assault - intention
Ex. Hence: pointing an unloaded gun (D knows but not C) has been held to amount to assault. In such cases, would it have made any difference if D says that they did not intend C to have a reasonable apprehension? Normally, the court would not believe it. (Logdon v DPP (1976) - CRIMINAL CASE)
D must intend for C to have a reasonable apprehension of imminent battery
NB => likely to be inferred from the nature of D’s conduct.
NB: ubjective recklessness may suffice: Elias J, ‘I accept that recklessness will in principle suffice, but it must be a subjective recklessness that they appreciated the potential harm to the claimants and were indifferent to it.
Soldiers taking part in United Nations peacekeeping operations in Kosovo owed a duty to prevent personal injury to the public and had breached that duty by deliberately firing on a vehicle full of people when they had no justification in law for doing so.
Wilson v Pringle
battery - intentional touching
D’s appeal is allowed; no battery had been committed
Battery required the application of force to be intentional and hostil
= So, while some cases say that the act must be intended (Wilson v Pringle), usually cases where the contact occurs as part and parcel of the act
Two schoolboys were involved in an incident in a school corridor as a result of which one fell and was injured. The boy who fell claimed damages, alleging a battery by the other boy. The defendant admitted that he had indulged in horseplay with the plaintiff but claimed that this was insufficient, as the ingredients of trespass to the person were a deliberate touching, hostility and an intention to inflict injury, and therefore horseplay in which there was no intention to inflict injury could not amount to a trespass to the person. The plaintiff contended that there merely had to be an intentional application of force, such as horseplay involved, regardless of whether it was intended to cause injury.
Colins v Wilcock
intentional touching - exceptions - battery
NB: The ‘contact of everyday life’ exception => NOT defense. There is simply no battery
=> the police officer had committed a battery
Goff LJ - defined assault and battery: ‘An assault is an act which causes another person to apprehend the infliction of immediate, unlawful, force on his person; a battery is the actual infliction of unlawful force on another person.’
Goff LJ – general exception for contacts generally acceptable in the ordinary conduct of everyday life (crowded place, social contact at parties, tapping someone on the shoulder : he creates the exception on implied consent in Colins but precises it in Re F)
NB: it is also a question of degree – clear that only minor contacts fall within thin exception (medical contact would be outside the exception)
The defendant was on the street with her friend. Both were known by the police to be prostitutes. An officer approached the two, suspecting that they were soliciting. The friend agreed to be questioned, but the defendant walked away. The police officer took hold of her arm to stop her from leaving, at which point the defendant swore and scratched at the officer. The defendant was convicted of assaulting a police officer in the course of duty. The defendant argued that she was not guilty of this offence, because the officer had not been acting in the lawful course of her duties.
F v West Berkshire Health Authority [1990
intentional touching - battery
Lord Goff: the judge that made exception in Collins v Wilcock
- “This exception has been said to be founded on implied consent, since those who go about in public places, or go to parties, may be taken to have impliedly consented to bodily contact of this kind. Today this rationalisation can be regarded as artificial; and, in particular, it is difficult to impute consent to those who, by reason of their youth or mental disorder, are unable to give their consent. For this reason, I consider it more appropriate to regard such cases as falling within a general exception embracing all physical contact which is generally acceptable in the ordinary conduct of everyday life.”
⇒ The exception in Collins is based on implied consent, here Goff LJ expands it by allowing contact generally acceptable in the ordinary life.
> “Medical treatment, even treatment for minor ailments, does not fall within that category of events. The general rule is that consent is necessary to render such treatment lawful. If such treatment administered without consent is not to be unlawful, it has to be justified on some other principle” => ⇒ medical treatment is outside of the ambit of the exception he has carved out on ordinary life. The ‘other’ principle will be necessityGoff ⇒ the common law principle of necessity: 3 categories:
- private interest
- public interest necessity
- action taken as a matter of necessity D to assist another person without his consent
Requirements of necessity:
(1) necessity to act “ when it is not practicable to communicate with the assisted person,
(2) the action taken must be such as a reasonable person would in all the circumstances take, acting in the best interests of the assisted person.
NB: intervention cannot be justified when another more appropriate personis available and willing to act; nor can it be justified when it is contrary to the known wishes of the assisted person, to the extent that he is capable of rationally forming such a wish.
held: The appeal was dismissed as the granting of the declaration was legal.
NB: But the judges seemed to exclude surgical operations form the range of ordinary life events exception
(see the discussion on necessity below)
Lord Bridge
> It would be intolerable for members of the medical, nursing and other professions devoted to the care of the sick that, in caring for those lacking the capacity to consent to treatment they should be put in the dilemma that, if they administer the treatment which they believe to be in the patient’s best interests, acting with due skill and care, they run the risk of being held guilty of trespass to the person, but if they withhold that treatment, they may be in breach D of a duty of care owed to the patient.
seen in criminal: necessity, duress of circumstances
facts: 36 year old woman (F) with a minor’s mental age lived in permanent medical care. The hospital staff and F’s mother wished to sterilise her, irrespective of F’s inability to consent, on the grounds that pregnancy would carry severe negative consequences for F due to her disability. F’s mother applied for a declaration from the court that a sterilisation operation would be legal notwithstanding the lack of F’s consent. The declaration was granted by the judge and upheld by the Court of Appeal; the Official Solicitor appealed to the Lords.
Pile v CC Merryside (2020)
battrey - borderline cases - implied consent
see also: McMillan v CPS; Marland v DPP
= In both cases, alcohol affected victims touched (in McMillan by police, in Marland by boyfriend) without consent – in Marland clear evidence that the victim did not agree to the touching – is this relevant?
Held: was not a battery
‘Cheryl Pile brings this appeal to establish the liberty of inebriated English subjects to be allowed to lie undisturbed overnight in their own vomit-soaked clothing’ – on what basis could taking her clothes off and replacing them with clean clothes not be a battery?
Bird v Jones
false imprisonment - total deprivation of liberty
No false imprisonment
This Case is Authority For…
To establish detention or imprisonment, the claimant must show that they were completely obstructed. If the claimant is merely prevented from going in one direction but is free to go in another, they are not imprisoned
There must not be a reaosonable way to escape
The defendant unlawfully enclosed part of the highway. He was charging a fee to admit spectators to view a boat race. The claimant tried to enter the enclosure without paying, and was repelled by the defendant and two police officers. At all times the claimant was unrestrained and free to return the way he came. He sued the defendant in the tort of false imprisonment.
Walker v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis
false imprisonment
A brief period of detention, when the claimant was effectively ‘held’ in a doorway without being touched, amounted to false imprisonment.
Murray v Ministry of Defence [1988] 1 WLR 692
false imprisonment - awareness of the harm
=> a claim can be brought even if the claimant is unaware of the restraint.
Lord Griffiths, 703: ‘If a person is unaware that he has been falsely imprisoned and has suffered no harm, he can normally expect to recover no more than nominal damages … The law attaches supreme importance to the liberty of the individual and if he suffers a wrongful interference with that liberty it should remain actionable even without proof of special damage’.
NB: but if you have suffered no harm, no more than nominal damages
The claimant was suspected of collecting money for the IRA. An army corporal was instructed to go to the claimant’s house with a number of armed soldiers and bring her to an army screening centre. At 7 a.m. the army entered the claimant’s house and, following procedure, assembled the other occupants of the house into one room while the claimant got dressed. The claimant was not told that she was under arrest until 7.30 a.m. She was then taken to a screening centre where she was pat-searched and an attempt to interview her was made. The defendants released her at 9.45 a.m. The claimant brought a claim in false imprisonment against the Ministry of Defence.