Intentional torts Flashcards
Things to Consider about torts P’s and Defenses
No hypersensitive or eccentric Ps
No incapacity defenses (child/incompetent/disabled/drunk)
Transferred intent applies
What are the elements of battery?
Harmful or offensive contact
With P’s person
What is offensive contact?
Think “unpermitted”
What is their person?
Their body and anything they’re holding or touching
Does battery contact have to be instantaneous?
What is assault?
D puts P in a state of reasonable apprehension
Of an immediate battery
What is reasonable apprehension?
Unloaded gun ok if P didn’t know it was unloaded
“Immediate” battery?
Words alone NOT ENOUGH!
Need observable conduct
What is Transferred intent?
Trying to commit a tort and fail but cause a separate tort in the process.
You’ll be found liable for that tort.
False imprisonment
Act of restraint
Causes P to be confined in a bounded area
What are the special cases of false imprisonment?
A threat is enough
Failure to act if there is a legal duty to act (not allowing disabled person off a plane)
Plaintiff needs to be aware they’re confined
What is a bounded area?
Don’t need 4 walls
If P can escape it’s not bounded
What are the factors that show P actually can’t escape or leave?
The way out cannot be:
Intentional infliction of emotional distress
Extreme and outrageous conduct that causes P to suffer severe emotional distress
What qualifies as extreme and outrageous?
Exceeds all bounds of decency in a civilized society (not just insults)
What are the hallmarks of outrageousness?
If D is common carrier or innkeeper
P is member of fragile class (children, elderly, pregnant women)
D uses advance knowledge of a sensitivity
What is severe distress?
Show some evidence but it’s subjective. Need not be physical.
Trespass to Land
Intentional physical invasion of land
What is a physical invasion of land?
On foot or in a vehicle
Liable if you throw something onto the land?
Liable for trespass to land if unaware of the boundary?
What does land include?
Air above and earth below
What is the difference between trespass to chattels and conversion?
Both involve intentional interference with personal property.
TTC - item can be repaired
Conv- item needs to be replaced at FMV