Defenses to Intentional Torts Flashcards
Is consent a defense?
Yes. To all intentional torts.
How can consent be given?
Express with words or writing (cannot be due to fraud or duress)
Implied consent - custom or usage
Body language consent
When will you be liable WITH consent?
If you exceed the scope of the consent given.
What are protective privileges?
Self defense
Defense of others
Defense of property
What force can be used with protective privileges?
Proportional force only
What are the factors to consider when using protective privileges?
Was there a reasonably genuine threat?
Did D react in real time with no delays
What is the shopkeepers privilege?
Shopkeep can hold shoplifter in store with reasonable means until police arrive without being found liable for false imprisonment
Public Necessity Defense
D is protecting community in emergency
This is a complete defense
Private necessity defense
This is a qualified defense. D is only protecting his own interests.
Can remain as long as emergency lasts (sanctuary)
Compensatory damages to owner
No liability for punitive or nominal damages