Intelligent Agent Flashcards
What is an agent?
An agent is anything that can perceive its environment through sensors and acting upon the environment using actuators.
Percept sequence
A complete history of everything that has been perceived by the agent.
Agent function
Maps any given percept sequence to an action (Making any percept sequence into an action)
Are body parts sensors?
NO LOL it is actuators.
What are the sensors for a human agent
Eyes, ears, nose, other organs.
What are the sensors for a robotic agent
Cameras, scanners, infrared range finders
What are the actuators for a robotic agent
Various motors (robotic hands, legs etc)
What specifies which actions an agent ought to take at any point of time?
Ideal Mapping
What is a performance measure?
a SUBJECTIVE measure to characterize how successful an agent is.
Explain the concept of rationality.
An agent should strive to do the right thing based on what it has perceived and what it can perform.
What makes an agent the most successful?
When the agent does the right thing to do. (Rational)
What is perfect rationality?
When the agent is assumed to always do the right thing and will take action that will maximize the utility. (utility: usefulness)
How is rational different than perfect?
Rational agent would maximize the EXPECTED outcome meanwhile a Perfect agent would maximize the ACTUAL outcome.
What is omniscience?
all-knowing with infinite knowledge
A rational agent should be AUTONOMOUS. What is autonomous?
The behavior is determined by its own experience and the ability to learn and adapt
What do PEAS stand for?
How does PEAS help is?
Peas can help us in specifying the SETTING for the intelligent agent design.
How do we know if the agent is non-deterministic(stochastic)?
When there are aspects beyond the control of an agent. When this happens, the agents would have to guess the changes of the world.
How do we know the agent is deterministic?
When the next state only depends on the current state and the agent’s action only.
What is episodic?
Current action does not depend on the past
Current action depends on the past and will also affect future actions.
Differentiate between static, dynamic, and semi-dynamic,
Static: Environment won’t change. (One way to achieve the goal)
Dynamic: Environment changes
Semi-dynamic: Environment does not change but the agent’s performance does (There are various ways to achieve the goal, eg: Chess)
Differentiate between discrete and continuous
Discrete is when all the states are LIMITED and has been clearly defined in the percept sequence of an agent meanwhile continuous is the opposite. Continuous would have unexpected states.
is chess discrete or continuous?
Discrete since it only has a limited number of states