Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (ATP 2-01.3) Flashcards
4 Steps of IPB
1) Define the Operational Environment
2) Describe the Environmental Effect
3) Evaluate Threat
4) Determine Threat COA
Primary Outputs associated with Step 1 of IPB
1) Determination the AO and AI
2) Determination of the area of intelligence responsiblity
3) Identification of general characteristics of the AO that could influence the unit’s mission
4) Identification of gaps in current intelligence holdings, translating them into requirements for collection (Request for information, request for collection) in order to complete IPB
Are (AO/AI)
Intelligence (Intelligence Area of Responsibility)
Groups ( General charactristics of AO)
Required (RFIs created)
Sub steps of outputs for step 1 of IPB
See template

What does OCOKA stand for?
O: Obstacles
C: Cover and Concealment
O: Observation and Fields of Fire
K: Key Terrain
A: Avenues of Approach
Aspects of a Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay (MCOO)
1) AA
2) Mobility Corridors
3) Natural and manmade obstacles
4) Terrain mobility classifications
5) Key Terrain
6) Severly restricted, restricted, unrestricted terrain
DEF: Decisive terrain
Is a key terrain whose seizure and retention is mandatory for successful mission accomplishment. Key terrain is not necessarily decisive terrain.
DEF: Mobility Corridors
Relatively free of obstacles where forces will be canalized due to terrain restrictions; allows military forces to capitalize on principles of mass and speed.

What do you do with the Terrain Effects Matrix?
Using the MCOO as a guide, the Terrain Effects Matrix desribes the effect each aspect of OCOKA has on FRIENDLY and THREAT operations

What are the two sub steps for weather analysis?
1) Analyze the military aspects (characteristics) or weather
2) Evaluate the weather’s effects on military operations
Miltary aspects of weather
1) Wind
2) Visibility
3) Temperature
4) Cloud Cover
5) Precipitation
6) Humidity
7) Atmpospheric pressure (As required)
(Note: Acronym: West Virginia TCP + Humidity)
What are the characteristics of civil considerations?
- Area
- Structure
- Capabilities
- Organizxation
- People
- Events
What are the 4 tactical COAs that are generally open to conventional military forces?
- Defend
- Reinforce
- Attack
- Withdrawal (or Retrograde)
NOTE: Acronym: DRAW