Intelligence Operations and Disciplines Flashcards
The purpose of intelligence
It supports commanders and decision makers
The mission of military intelligence is
to provide timely, relevant, and accurate intelligence support to commanders and their decision making across unified land operations.
A priority intelligence requirement
is an intelligence requirement, stated as a priority for intelligence support, which the commander and staff need to understand the adversary or the operational environment (JP 2-0).
Levels of Intelligence
Strategic, Operational, Tactical
Supports the formation of strategy, policy and military plans and operations at the National and Theater Levels
Supports planning of military campaigns and major operations; “The Theater of War”
Supports the execution of battles and engagements; directly affects the military outcome
Combat Information
o Real-Time (RT)/ Near-Real-Time (NRT)
o Employs non-lethal /lethal fires
o Collection, integration, evaluation, analysis and fusion of information
o Must be Processed and Exploitable
7 Military Intelligence Disciplines
Human intelligence (HUMINT)
Counter-Intelligence (CI)
Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
Measurement and Signatures Intelligence (MASINT)
Technical Intelligence (TECHINT)
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
Human intelligence (HUMINT)
is the collection by a trained human intelligence collector of foreign information from people and multimedia to identify elements, intentions, composition, strength, dispositions, tactics, equipment, and capabilities.
Counter-Intelligence (CI)
includes all actions taken to detect, identify, track, exploit and neutralize multidiscipline intelligence activities of foreign Intel and security services (FISS), international terrorist organizations and adversaries.
They are the key Intel community contributor to protect US interests and equities.*
Four Primary Missions of CI
- Counterespionage
- Support to force protection
- Support to research and technology protection
- Cyber CI
Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)
exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial information:
Three Sources OF GEOINT
National - Limited distribution (sensitive)
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
Intelligence derived from communications, electronic, and foreign instrumentation signals
Functions of SIGINT
o Communications Intelligence – COMINT (derived from foreign communications)
o Electronic Intelligence – ELINT
o Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence – FISINT
Measurement and Signatures Intelligence (MASINT)
Intelligence obtained by quantitative and qualitative analysis of data derived from specific technical sensors for the purpose of identifying any distinctive features associated with the emitter or sender
One Capability of MASINT
Differentiate between systems and decoys
Technical Intelligence (TECHINT)
is the analysis of threat equipment
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
Open source information is acquired from newspapers, television and radio broadcasts, books, reports, journals, photographs and other images.
Single Source (one discipline) and All Source (multiple disciplines)
The four steps of IPB are
i. Define the Operational Environment
ii. Describe the Environmental Effects on Operations
iii. Evaluate the Threat
iv. Determine Threat Courses of Action.
Operational Environment
Area of Operations (AO)
Area of Influence
Area of Interest (AOI)
Aviation Specific Considerations for AOI
Area of Operations (AO)
Defined by higher HQ
Area of Interest (AOI)
Adjacent to AO
Of concern to Cdr
Threat areas that may jeopardize the mission
Aviation Specific Considerations for AOI
Threat Airfields
Threat Air Defense Systems
Natural and Manmade
Aviation Specific Obstacles
include terrain elevation, high tension lines,
antennas, industrial chimneys, etc.
Avenues of Approach
Possible ground or air route used by an
attacking force
Includes mobility corridors
Key Terrain
Seizure or control affords a marked
advantage to either side
Observation & Fields of Fire
Determine/adjust maximum ranges of view
and weapons systems
Cover & Concealment - Terrain Analysis
Cover: affords protection from the effects of
direct & indirect fire weapon systems
Concealment: affords protection from visual
/ sensor observation from the ground or air
Terrain, Vegetation, & Man-made objects