Call for Fire Flashcards
6 Elements
- Observer ID
- Warning Order
- Target Location
- Target Description
- Method of Engagement
- Method of Fire Control
3 Transmissions
- Observer ID and WARNO
- Target Location
- Target Description, Method of Engagement, and method of fire control
2 types of missions
- Adjust Fire
2. Fire for Effect
2 Methods of Target Location
- Grid
2. Polar
Adjust Fire
Fires ONE round. Used when you do not have an accurate target location. 6 digit grid minimum
Fire for Effect
Used when you have an accurate target location. Minimum 8 digit grid
Target Location
Given in 6 to 10 digit grids and includes the grid zone ID
Enables FDC to plot the location
3rd Transmission Description
- What the target is
- The number of elements in the target
- Degree of protection
- The target size and shape (if significant
Method of Engagement
6 sub-elements
Danger Close – 600m
The last element is
fire and control
Method of Control
Default – Fire when ready
At my command – Response “guns are safe and ready”
To cancel – “cancel at my command
To engage – “Target #, fire, k”
Only use blank when information is incorrect
Message to Observer
- Units to fire
- Adjacent Units
- Changes to Call for fire
- # of rounds per tube
- Target # (AA1234)
- Additional Info
W = R X M
W – total width
R – Observer Target Factor
M – Mils
“you de me, AF/FFE, k”
“GRID AA 123 456, k”
“Target description, k”
“you de me, AF/FFE, Polar, k”
“Direction 00 degrees, Distance 1000m, my location is AA 1234 5678, k”
“Target description, k”