Intelligence Flashcards
Definitions of intelligence
Abstract thinking ability (Termon 1921)
Capacity to learn from experience (Dearborn 1921)
The capacity to acquire capaity
Ability to adapt to the environment (Colvin 1921)
What intelligence test measure (Boring 1923 - a fucking idiot )
Latent construct
accepted to be a latent construct
- we may not be sure or agree on what it is
- we focus on the behavioural consequences of intelligence which is what we MEASURE and PREDICT
Predictive validity of intelligence
correlated with virtually everything in our lives:
- grades
- job success/salary
- divorce, happiness
- jail
- longevity, health
25% of variation is accounted by IQ
-other factors are of course extremely important
what does intelligence predict
tests are good predictors
predict success better than grades
best predictor is a combination of intelligence tests and grades
best workplace performance predictor
bloom (1976) predicts the most variance in performance resulting from learning
Stanford Binet Test
Alfred Binet wanted an objective way to identify kids who needed more help at school
many abilities/tests
-drawing object, repeating digits, recognize coins, explain why statements did or did not make sense
score = mental age vs chronological age
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-3)
-Vocabulary, similarities, arithmetic, digit span, information, comprehension, letter-number sequencing
-Picture completion, digit symbol, block design, matrix reasoning, picture arrangement, symbol search, object assembly
Assumptions of intelligence testing
- Stability of measurement
- Same score on different occasions
- Different scores on different people
- Measuring what is intended
- Is it a problem we don’t know exactly what is measured
- Predictive validity is key to intelligence measurement
General intelligence measures
if general is a set of various clusters that identify various types of ability then every intelligence test is in fact measuring general intelligence
theories and models of intelligence
Charles spearman (1863-1945) - General intelligence - G factor
Louis Thurston (1887-1955) -primary abilities/ many different abilities
Raymond Cattel (1905-1998) FLuid vs CRystallized
Single vs multiple
Howard Gardner
FLuid vs Crystallised
Fluid = mental processes rather than specific information
Crystallised = a persons knowledge base, increases with age
Neural correlates of intelligence
Mental speed/processing sped
-High correlation between IQ and reaction times
Working memory
brain size
body to cortex ratio predicts intelligence between species
between humans , correlation of,3 between size of frontal lobes and intelligence scores