Intelligence Flashcards
____ - abilities to learn from experience, think rationally, and deal effectively with others (gives us the ability to learn)
_____ - knowledge and skills gained from experience (amount of knowledge we learn)
_____ believed that intelligence can be split into two categories
Raymond Cattel
Two categories
Crystallized intelligence
Fluid intelligence
______ - Your acquired knowledge and ability to retrieve it
Crystallized intelligence
_____ - Our ability to see complex relationships and solve problems
Fluid intelligence
Theory that suggests that people who do well with one type of intelligence do well with others
Two factory theory
Proposed the two factor theory
Charles spearman
Psychologist who took issue with spearman’s theory and proposed that there are primary mental abilities
L.L. Thurstone
Categorizes intelligence into the categories of word fluency, verbal comprehension, spatial visualization, facility or aptitude w/ numbers, memory, reasoning, and perceptual speed
Primal mental abilities
Proposed the theory of multiple intelligences
Howard Gardner
Theory that includes 9 categories of intelligence and that intelligences are independent from one another
Theory of multiple intelligences
Proposed the triarchic theory
Robert Sternberg
Suggests that intelligence can be broken down into 3 parts (Analytic, creative, and emotional intelligence)
Triarchic theory
Ones mental age divided by their chronological age x 100 (using the Stanford Binet Scale)
Traits we got through genetics and how much of it is environment
Theory that suggest that our genes determine how far we CAN go and our environment determines how far we WILL go
Range of reaction theory
_____ - Government funded preschool program that helps disadvantaged children be able to access this level of education
Head Start