Intelligence Flashcards
What is Munn’s definition of Intelligence?
Intelligence is defined as the capacity for flexible adjustment
Define Intelligence according to Binet and Simon
Intelligence is the ability to judge, to understand and to reason well
What is Oxford English Dictionary definition of Intelligence
The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills
Who proposed the two factor theory
Charles Spearman
g factor
general factor which are all primary and common to all tasks
s factor
special factor or abilities related to a particular task
expand pma
Primary mental abilities
Who proposed the theory of primary mental abilities
Louis Thurstone
how many primary abilities did thurstone identify
list the 7 primary abilities that thurstone identified
Verbal Comprehension
Word Fluency
Numerical Ability
Spatial Ability
Perceptual Speed
Who proposed the triarchic theory of intelligence
Robert Sternberg
Give Wechsler’s definition of Intelligence
The aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal with his /her environment effectively
Sternberg’s definition of Intelligence
The mental ability to adapt, to shape, and to select environment to accomplish one’s goals and those of one’s society and culture
What is componential intelligence also known as
Analytical intelligence
What is analytical intelligence also known as
Componential Intelligence
What is experiential Intelligence also known as
Creative Intelligence
What is Creative Intelligence also known as
Experiential Intelligence
What is Contextual Intelligence also known as
Practical Intelligence
What is Practical Intelligence also known as
Contextual Intelligence
Mental retardation definition by american association of mental retardation
Significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behaviour which are manifested during the developmental period
emotional intelligence definition
ability to monitor, access, express and regulate one’s own emotions, he capacity to interpret and understand other’s emotions; and the ability to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions
What are people with contextual intelligence known as
street smarts
What are the biological factors influencing intelligence
What is the deficiency of thyroxin
Indian version of Binet -Simon test
Binet - Kamath Test
Full form of WAIS
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
full form of WISC
Wechsler Scale for Children
Who gave the concept of mental age
Alfred Binet
What is mental age
Measure of a person’s intellectual development as compared to his/her age group
Who gave the concept of IQ
William Stern
formula for IQ
MA/CA * 100
Fullform of NPC
Normal Probability Curve
What is the curve that represents the distribution of intelligence
Normal Probability Curve
What is the average IQ
Who are called Genius
IQ 140 and above
Fullform of DAT
Differential Aptitude Test
Who developed DAT [3]
George K Bennet
Herold G Seashore
Alexander G Weshman
Name the 8 subtests of DAT
Verbal Reasoning
Numerical Ability
Abstract Reasoning
Clerical Speed and accuracy
Mechanical Reasoning
Spatial Relation
Language Usage Tests
Who gave the Indian Test of Creativity
Paramesh Baker Mehdi
Examples of Creativity Tests [5]
-Guilford Divergent Production Test
-Mednick and Mednick Remote Association Test
-Creativity Test by Wallach and Kogan
-Torrence’s test of Creativity
-Indian Test of Creativity by Paramesh Baker Mehdi
What is lack of Oxygen during birth called
fullform of APA
American Psychological Association
IQ for Borderline MR
IQ for Mild MR
IQ for Moderate MR
IQ for Severe MR
IQ for Profound MR
25 and below
what are people with mild MR also called [bc they can be educated to level of 8-9 yrs of mental age]
Individual tests of Intelligence [2]
CM Bhatia’s Battery of Intelligence tests
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale [WAIS]
Group Tests of Intelligence [3]
Raven’s Progressive Matrices
Army Alpha
Army Beta
Verbal Tests of Intelligence[2]
Stanford Binet Test
Otis General Mental Ability Test
Non Verbal Tests of Intelligence [2]
Raven’s Progressive Matrices
Goddard’s Form Board for Children
Performance tests of Intelligence
Bhatia’s Battery of Performance tests
Fullform of RPM
Raven’s Progressive Matrices
Who gave the term Emotional Intelligence
Wayne Payne
Who popularized the term Emotional Intelligence
Daniel Goleman
expand EI
Emotional Intelligence
Expand EQ
Emotional Quotient
Key Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence[5]
Self Awareness
Mood Management
Self Motivation
Managing relationships
What is AI
combination of expertise from cognitive psychology and computer science which focuses on the development of computer programs that are able to perform complex tasks like humans
Which university made Kismat
University of Massachusetts