Intellectual Revolutions' Flashcards
A knowledge involving general truths and
general laws that is taken from a systematic
study which is concerned with evidences and
Focuses on the natural world
* Goes through experiments
* Passes through the specific community
Common Characteristics of Science:
A means to fulfill a human purpose
➢ Assemblage of practices and components
➢ A collection ofdevices and engineering practices
available to culture
it is a body of knowledge, it
provides information that we can use to make
new technology so therefore, every time there
exists a new technology, it demands more
scientific studies
t or f. Technology andscience are working together to
make the life of the people, the society, much
easier so therefore, the society benefits from
thought that people should use
knowledge to improve themselves. (when there is a discovery of new knowledge,
there is a need for us to share it to the society)
o They believed there was no absolute
right or wrong.
(The idea why we have public speaking and
developed the art of public
speaking and debate)
He was a critic of the Sophists. he believed that there is an
absolute right or wrong. He created the Socratic Method of
teaching (learning new things simply by
asking questions and considering
different options)
Main idea:
o He rejected the idea of democracy as a
form of government.
o Plato believed that the philosopher-kings
should rule.
→ Important contribution:
o The way to be happy was to seek out
continual physical pleasures.
o It also meant a life free from worry and to
some extent, responsibility.
→ Important contribution:
o He described his ideal vision of how
government works in his book Republic.
→ Influence on today:
o He introduced the idea that government
should be fair and just.
Taught of the idea of the Golden Mean.
(A Golden Mean is the different ways in which we
are doing the things we do to reach our goal)
(If these ways that you are doing are in
accordance with the Golden Rule, then that is the
Golden Mean)
Golden Rule – “Do unto others as you would have
them do unto you.”
He believed observation and comparison
were necessary to gain knowledge.
(You should also consider the study of other
people and compare your findings)
→ Important contribution:
o He wrote over 200 books on philosophy
and science.
o He divided all governments into 3 basic
→ Influence on today:
o His writings helped shaped our
(His followers are called “Epicureans”)
(His followers are called “Epicureans”)
→ Main idea:
o Epicurus taught his students that
happiness was the goal in life.
Important contribution:
o The way to be happy was to seek out
continual physical pleasures.
o It also meant a life free from worry and to
some extent, responsibility.
Epicurean means the love of physical
pleasures such as good food and
comfortable surroundings.
Started by a Phoenician named Zeno
who taught that happiness came from the
following reason, not emotions.
(To be happy with what we have, we must follow
reasons, not emotions in decision-making
→ Important contribution:
o Emotions come and go, and are
o Usingreason andbeing stable is superior
as it leads to fewer bad times
Stoic is used to describe people who are
not greatly affected by joy or grief.
o Stoics put duty above feelings or
Copernican Revolution
(The Heliocentric Model of the Universe)
→ Ptolemaic System – Geocentric Model
- Claudius Ptolemy
–Nicolaus Copernicus
he proposed that the sun is in
the middle of the universe, and the Earth and
other planets revolve around it
Nicolaous Copernicus
It was implied in the teachings also from the Bible
that the Earth is the center of the universe since
the statements of Genesis focuses on God’s
creation of different beings.
Claudius Ptolemy came up with concrete
explanation that when different planets revolve
around the earth, they are having a retrograde
Ptolemaic System – Geocentric Model
- Claudius Ptolemy
invented a telescope and his
findings supported the theory of Nicolaus
gallieo galilei
Darwinian Revolution
- (Evolution of Man)
–Charles Darwin
theory does not only focuses on the
evolution of man but also on the Origin of
It started based on his observation during a
voyage when he noticed the similarities and
differences between species, and he came up
with the “Theory of Adaption” where species
adapt according to their environment
Darwinian Revolution
Another theory about the evolution of man that is
based from the Bible
Darwinian Revolution
The history of man
shows an upward
Man is a product of his
natural environment
The “Universe”
happened, A “Big Bang
Theory” is plausible
Man’s morals depend
upon animal instinct
Man came from animals
Man came from God
Man has soul
Man falls away
Man can live above his
God created the
heavens and the Earth
Man’s morals are
governed by God
BIBLE teaches
Freudian Revolution
–Sigmund Freud
Many suffer from trauma or hysteria before and
the way they treat their mental illnesses are by
means of
of electrocution or drowning
Infant achieves gratification through oral
activities such as feeding, thumb sucking,
and babbling.
1.) Oral (0 - 2)
The child learns to respond to some of the
demands of society (such as bowel and
bladder control).
Anal (2 - 3)
The child learns to realize the differences
between males and females and becomes
aware of sexuality.
Phallic (3 - 7)
The child continues his or her development
but sexual urges are relatively quiet.
Latency (7 - 11)
The growing adolescent shakes off old
dependencies and learns to deal maturely
with the opposite sex.
Genital (11 - Adult)
person’s development is determined by
events in early childhood.
o Human behavior is largely influenced by
irrational drives (unconscious).
- Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939)
focuses on the present state of
Conscious mind
are the
experiences or what we see are accessed by
means of memory or stored knowledge
Pre-conscious mind (subconscious)
mind are our primitive desires and
wishes that we do not admit consciously.
Unconscious mind
they have all the mind levels
ego and super ego
has only the unconscious level
represents our morals of what is right
and wrong.
are our hidden desires but are against our
reasons and morals that’s why we suppress it.
are ourselves, what will be our decisionsand
Effects of Science & Technology to Society
o Commercialization
o Improved economy
o Change in all aspects of human life
was the common
tool to explain the motion of
celestial bodies and is combined
with actual observations which
provided enough evidence
proving that the sun is at the
center of the solar system
- proved that the earth is
spherical - Earth was at the center
of the universe, i.e., sun,
planets and stars were
located in sphere that
revolved around the
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.,
The first to propose the
idea that the Sun was the
center of the universe
Aristarchus (310-230
B.C., Greek)
- Considered to be the
greatest astronomer of
ancient times - Measured earth’s
distance to the moon - Discovered the
wobbling of the earth
Hipparchus (190-120
B.C., Greek)
- Used Hipparchus
observations to develop
the Ptolemaic System
which describes the earth
as the center of the
universe with sun, moon,
planets, and stars
revolving around it in a
circular orbit
Claudius Ptolemy (85-
165 A.D., Greek)
- Concluded that the sun
and not the earth is the
center of the universe
Nicolaus Copernicus
(1473-1543, Polish)
- Supported Copernican
model of the universe
Galileo Galilei (1564-
1642, Italian)
- Formulated the Three
Laws of Planetary Motion
Johannes Kepler (1571-
1630, German)
he explained how human mind
works and cure its mild mental
Sigmund Freud
This method is called
__ and its main
goal is to make unconscious
He developed topographical and
structural model of the mind to
explain the sources of human
consists of
thoughts that focus on the
present state of the mind
Conscious mind
of what can be retrieved from the
Preconscious mind –
of primitive desires, wishes, or
impulse which is mediated by the
preconscious mind
Subconscious mind
drives a socially
acceptable way to satisfy the
demands of id as it operates the
conscious and unconscious
comprises Eros, the life or
survival instinct of man and
Thanatos, the death or
destructive instinct of man
based on the
principles of morality that drive
man to become socially
responsible and behave in an
acceptable manner
* Basically means that
super-ego drives a man
to follow the rules and
resolve the conflict
between the ego and the
is a
biologist who was famously
known for his works on evolution
and the process of natural
Charles Robert Darwin
he made observations on
diversity of organisms, fossils,
comparison to South American
organisms, comparison among
the organisms in the Galapagos
Islands and adaptation enabling
him to develop his theory of
evolution by natural selection
species produce many
offspring but not all of
these young will survive
Overproduction and
that survived are more
likely reproduce which
transfer their
characteristics to their
Competition and
the environment will
not adjust for the
organism but rather it is
always the organism will
change to adapt to the
Environmental change
The beginning of the information
age, according to some
historians, was the time when
computer was made available to
ordinary people
Information Age