+Intellectual Property: Chap. 1 Flashcards
Intellectual property generally comprises which four fields of law?
- Trademarks
- Copyrights
- Patents
- Trade Secrets
What is a Trademark?
It is a word, name, symbol, or device used to identify and distinguish one’s goods or services and to indicate their source.
Where does a registration of Trademark happen (which office)?
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Is it required to register with the USPTO?
Which types of things does the copyright protect?
original works of authorship: literaly, musical, dramatic, artistic, and other works.
When is a Trademark first protected?
The moment of their first public use.
When is a copyright exist?
From the moment of creation of a work in fixed form.
Who do you register your copyright through?
with the U.S. Copyright Office.
What is a patent?
It is a grant from the U.S. Government that permits its owner to exclude others from making, selling, using, or importing an invention.
Do patents only exist upon issuance by the USPTO?
What is a trade secret?
Any valuable commercial information that, if known by a competitor, would provide some benefit or advantage to the competitor.
Is registration necessary to create a trade secret?
How long do trade secrets endure?
As long as reasonable efforts are made to protect their secrecy.
Which type of property does Intellectual Property refer to?
The fruits or product of human creativity, including literature, advertising slogans, songs, or new inventions. It is the property that is the result of thought, namely, intellectual activity.
Can intellectual property be bought, sold, or licensed?
Can it be protected from theft or infringement?
How does the public benefit through protection of intellectual property?
It generates further creativity by allowing the author of the work to reap a profit.
What does a Trademark indicate?
- The source.
- The quality.
- and the ownership of a product or service.
What is a service mark?
It identifies a service, such as Starbucks for restaurant services.
What else can a trademark consist of?
- Slogans.
- Designs.
- Sounds.
Are marks protectable that are generic in nature?
What makes a good mark?
- coined.
- arbitrary.
- suggestive.
Which law governs interstate use of Trademarks?
Federal Law.