Intel 102 Flashcards
What is C2?
Command and control: exercise of authority and direction by commander to accomplish mission
What are command authorities?
Combined or joint forces commander. Then JFACC, JFLCC, JFMCC, and JFSOCC
What is OPCON?
Operational control: Command authority, direction over all aspects of military operations and joint training necessary to accomplish the mission
Tactical control: authority for controlling and directing the application of forces or tactical use of combat support assets
Administrative control: organization of service forces, control of resources and equipment personnel management, etc. Support for mobilization, readiness, demob, discipline and other non-operational matters
Who is CJCS?
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: General Mark Milley
Who is Vice Chair of Joint Chiefs of Staff?
Admiral Christopher Grady (SWO)
Who is CNO?
Admiral Mike Gilday
Who is Commandant of the Marine Corps?
General David Berger
What is the Combatant Commander?
Non transferable authority: composed of forces from at least two departments. C2 of US military forces, regardless of branch and service, in peace and war
What is a Combined Joint Task Force?
More than one service force and nation forces acting on one mission
What is a Joint Task Force?
A force combined of more than one service
What is a functional component?
Combined force of two or more departments to perform a particular operational mission
Who is A?
Officer is Tactical Command: overall responsible for a conflict. On board CVN
Who is B?
Composite Warfare Commander: aboard CVN, head of the warfare area commanders (in charge of air, strike, IWC, etc)
Who is W?
Air and Missile Defense Commander. Cruiser commander
Who is Q?
IW commander. Sits in CVIC
Who is Z?
Sea Combat Commander: on CVN. Coordinates the sea combat picture of both surface and subsurface warfare
Who is X?
Anti-submarine warfare commander. Half of the Z mission.
Who is S?
Surface warfare Commander. one half Z’s duties
Who is P?
Strike warfare commander. In charge of precision munition attacks.
Talk about Africom
Kelley Barracks; Stuttgart Germany. 54 African country
Talk about CENTCOM
MacDill AFB, Tampa FL. 20 countries of the Middle East.
Talk about EUCOM
Patch Barrack; Stuttgart, Germany. 51 Independant countries in Europe and beyond including Israel.
Intel Cycle
Planning and direction, collection, process and exploit, production and analysis, dissemination

Define OE, Evaluate Adversary, Determine Adversary COA

Talk about 2nd Fleet
Norfolk, VA: Northcom and Eucom
Talk about 3rd fleet
Point Loma, SD: pacom
Talk about 4th fleet
Jacksonville, FL: southcom and navsouth
Talk about 5th fleet
Manama, Bahrain: Centcom and navcent
Talk about 6th fleet
Naples, Italy: Eucom/africom and naveur
Talk about 7th Fleet
Yokosuka, JP: Indopacom
Talk about 10th Fleet
Ft Meade, MD: Cybercom
What is the 9 dash line?
The demarcation made by China to lay claims to the shoals, reefs, and islands in the South China Sea.