Briefly discuss the 4 sequences of treatment planning
Control phase - control pain and disease
- OH, FS, referrals, emergency tx, impressions
Conservation phase
- perio, endo, resto, surgery, TMJ, ortho & assessment of patient for reconstruction
Restorative Phase - enhancing function and aesthetics
- crowns, posts, dentures, splints, simplants
Maintenance Phase - review and maintain good practices
- recalls
What does SOCRATES stand for
mnemonic for pain history
Site Onset Character Radiation/Referal Associations Time Course Exaccerbating/Relieving Factors Severity
What does an ICDAS score of 3 indicate
There is a white/brown spot when the tooth is wet and upon drying there is noted enamel breakdown
A tooth with a grey shadow from the dentine would be an ICDAS score of?
Which of the following is an ICDAS score of 2
A. normal appearance when wet and a WSL evident when dried
B. white/brown spot when wet and enamel break down when dried
C. grey dentine shadow
D. white/brown spot when wet that does not change when dried
A - this is a code 1
B - this is a code 3
C - this is a code 4
Discuss what the radiographic codes C1-C5 represent
C1 - radiolucency in the outer 1/2 of enamel
C2 - radiolucency in the inner 1/2 of enamel
C3 - radiolucency just into dentine
C4 - radiolucency in the outer 1/3 of dentine
C5- radiolucency in the inner 2/3 of dentine
What does a plaque index score of 1 mean?
1 - there is no visible plaque, but there is a small amount of plaque removed with a probe
you can see thick visible plaque on the patients teeth, what is the plaque score?
What are the recomended fluoride doses in tooth paste for
0-18months of age
18 months - <6yrs
6yrs - adulthood
0-18months of age: none
18 months - <6yrs: 400-550ppm
6yrs - adulthood: 1000ppm
A patient in your chair has evidence of fluorosis, their teeth appear to be moderately affected >80% and the entire surface is white and flecked
what is the fluorosis index?
What does a fluorosis index of 0, 0.5 and 1 indicate
0 - normal
0.5 - questionable, milky
1 - mild 1-25% affected
What percentage of the tooth/teeth are affected in a fluoride index of 2?
mild 26-50%
What is the definition of dental caries
A non-communicable bacterial and lifestyle mediated disease
Biofilm mediated, sugar driven, multifactorial, dynamic disease that results in phases of demineralisation and remineralisation of dental hard tissues
Cariogenic bacteria alone cause carious lesions
Caries requires cariogenic bacteria, bacterial plaque/biofilm, stagnation, a succeptible surface and time
What are the 4 primary risk factors for caries
- Fluoride
- Biofilm/Plaque
- Saliva
- Diet
What is the single most important factor for managing biofilm diseases?
Home care
Which of the following protocols would you recomend for a high caries risk patient
A. Twice daily brushing with 5000ppm toothpaste and a 0.2% CHX rinse
B. Twice daily brushing with 1000ppm toothpaste and a 0.05% NaF mouth rinse
C. Twice daily brushing with 5000ppm toothpaste
D. Twice daily brushing with 1000ppm toothpaste
A - this is for very high risk (hyposalivation, active lesions on smooth surfaces)
B - this is for medium risk
D - this is for low risk
A patient is in your chair and you have classified their caries risk as medium - what kind of professional fluoride applications would you do?
Medium risk
- apply varnish (duraphat 5% naF) or GIC to newly erupted WT
- apply varnish (duraphat 5% naF) to all lesions at each tx session
- Then 6 month varnish applications of these lesions until patient moves into low risk
A new patient attends your clinic, they have no frank cavitations but they do have some sticky pits and fissures, their radiographs show radiolucencies = C4
What is their caries risk level?
A recall patient is at your clinic for their 12 month exam and they are presenting with 2 new lesions
What caries risk are they?
You have a patient with an ICDAS code of 3 on their 46, the radiograph shows the lesion to be a C3.
What treatment do you do?
ICDAS 3-4 are ONLY restored is the radiolucency is >C4
Review in 6 months
When would you recall a high caries risk patient and what would be done at the recall appointment?
3 month recalls following completion of tx
6 monthly BW’s
3 month recalls maintained UNITL OH improved and lesion progression has arrested
- a patient cannot be moved from high to medium in <12 months
Your colleague has requested you see their patient for a recall, they have asked you to do this recall at 6 months after initial tx was completed and to take BW at these 6 monthly recalls
what caries risk classification is this patient?
Medium risk