What is an intangible asset?
An intangible asset is an identifiable nonmonetary asset without physical substance.
An intangible asset must be controlled by the entity as a result of a past event and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.
What PAS governs intangible assets?
PAS 38
What are the essential criteria in the definition of an intangible asset?
- Identifiability - distinguishable from goodwill
- Control - power to obtain future economic benefits and restrict access of others to those benefits
- Future economic benefits - access to revenue, cost-savings, or other forms of benefits.
T or F
Judgment based on internal evidence is exercised in assessing the degree of certainty of future economic benefits.
False. Judgment is based on EXTERNAL EVIDENCE.
What are the different methods of acquiring an intangible asset?
- Separate acquisition
- Acquisition as part of a business combination
- Acquisition by way of government grant
- Acquisition by exchange
- Acquisition by self-creation or internal generation
How is an intangible asset measured in a separate acquisition?
If an intangible asset is acquired by separate acquisition, its cost include:
- Purchase price
- Import duties and nonrefundable taxes
- Less trade discounts and rebates
- Cost of employee benefits arising directly from bringing the asset to its working condition
- Professional fees arising directly from bringing the asset to working condition
- Cost of testing the asset
If the intangible is DEFERRED beyond normal credit terms, it is MEASURED AT CASH PRICE EQUIVALENT, similar to installment method of acquiring PPE.
How is an intangible asset measured if it is acquired as part of a business combination?
If an intangible asset is acquired as part of business combination, it is measured in the following order of priority:
- Fair Value at date of acquisition - the FV of the intangible must be measured with sufficient reliability to be recognized separately from goodwill.
- If there is an ACTIVE MARKET, the asset is measured at the QUOTED PRICE OF AN IDENTICAL ASSET
- If there is no active market, the asset is measured at a PRICE OF A SIMILAR ASSET.
- FV of the asset is measured based on unobservable input developed by the entity using the best available information.
How is an intangible asset measured if it is acquired by government grant?
If an intangible asset is acquired as by government grant, it may be measured and recorded at EITHER:
- NOMINAL AMOUNT OR ZERO, plus any expenditures directly attributable to preparing the asset for intended use.
How is an intangible asset measured if it is acquired by exchange?
If an intangible asset is acquired by exchange, the measurement DEPENDS ON WHETHER THE EXCHANGE HAS COMMERCIAL SUBSTANCE OR NOT.
- If with commercial substance - Measured at FV
- If w/o commercial substance - Measured at the CARRYING AMOUNT OF THE ASSET GIVEN UP.
How is an intangible asset measured if it is internally generated?
The cost of an internally generated intangible asset comprises ALL DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTABLE COSTS NECESSARY TO CREATE, PRODUCE AND PREPARE THE ASSET for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management.
What is the treatment of internally generated goodwill?
Internally generated goodwill is not recognized as an intangible asset. It is EXPENSED WHEN INCURRED. Examples of internally generated goodwill are:
- Customer lists
- Internally generated brands
- Publishing titles
What is the treatment of subsequent expenditures relating to intangible assets?
Generally, subsequent expenditures relating to intangible assets ARE EXPENSED.
However, it may be capitalized if:
a. it is probable the future economic benefits attributable specifically to the subsequent expenditure will flow to the entity
b. The subsequent expenditure can be measured reliably
How are intangible asset measured after its recognition?
- Cost model - At cost less accumulated amortization
It is amortized over its useful life. - Revaluation model - at revalued amount less accumulated amortization and subsequent accumulated impairment losses.
T or F
An intangible asset can only be carried at revalued amount if there is an active market for the asset.
If an intangible asset has an indefinite useful life, how is it measured?
An intangible asset with an indefinite useful life is not amortized, but is TESTED FOR IMPAIRMENT AT LEAST ANNUALLY.
What are the rules when an intangible asset has a residual value?
The residual value of an intangible asset is PRESUMED TO BE ZERO, EXCEPT WHEN:
a. A 3rd party has committed to buy the intangible at the end of its useful life
b. When there is an ACTIVE MARKET for the asset
The residual value is reviewed at the end of each year, and a change in RV is accounted for as a change in accounting estimate.