Instrument directions Flashcards
con sordini or con sord.
strings & brass. with mutes
senza sordini or senza sord.
strings & brass. without mutes
enlevez (F)
strings & brass. remove mute
pizzicato or pizz.
strings. plucked
strings. play with bow (used after pizzicato)
sul G
stings. play on the G string (letter indicates string)
sul ponticello
strings. play near the bridge
sul tasto
strings. play over the fingerboard
v (above a note)
strings. play with an up bow
n (above a note)
strings. play with a down bow
Col lengo
strings. play with the wood rather than the hair
detached bowing
strings. slurred notes
strings. a slur over or under two or more notes means they are to be played in one stroke of the bow (either up or down)
Flatterzunge, Flzg. (G)
wind & brass. flutter-tongueing
Una corda (literally “one string”)
piano. press the left pedal