Insolvency Flashcards
What are the two main options available to a company if it finds itself in financial difficulty?
Administration or liquidation
What does administration do?
Aims to rescue a company so that it can continue trading as a going concern
What does liquidation do?
It winds up the company, thus bringing its life to an end (may be voluntary or compulsory)
What is administration?
A process whereby a specialist takes control of a company’s affairs, in an effort to improve its financial position and rescue it from insolvency
What does administration involve?
The appointment of an insolvency practitioner, known as an administrator, to manage the affairs, business and property of a company
Who can an administrator be appointed by?
The court in response to a petition by the company members, directors or any creditor, and the holder of a qualifying floating charge over the company’s assets
The court will agree to appoint an administrator if it is satisfied that what?
That the company is or is likely to become unable to pay its debts, and the administration order is likely to achieve its objectives
What are the effects of appointing an administrator?
The rights of creditors to enforce any security over the company’s assets are suspended, there can be no enforcement of charges, retention of title clauses or hire-purchase agreements against the company, any outstanding petition for winding up is dismissed, no resolution may be passed to wind up the company, and the directors still continue in office, but their powers are suspended
What type of tasks will the administrator carry out?
They are now the company’s agent, but must act in the best interests of all the company’s creditors, they have wide powers to manage the business and property of the company, including the power to bring and defend legal proceedings, sell assets and borrow money, they have the power to remove and replace directors and employees, and he can pay out monies to secured or preferential creditors without the need to seek approval of the court
What are the number of legal duties of an administrator?
They must send notice of appointment to the company and publish notice of appointment, must obtain a list of company creditors and send notice of appointment to each, within 7 days of appointment they must send notice of appointment to the Registrar, they will arrange for certain relevant people to provide a statement of affairs of the company, they must ensure that every business document of the company bears their identity as administrator and a statement that the company affairs and property are being managed by them, and based not he statement of affairs, they must draw up a statement of their proposals which must be approved at a meeting of creditors within 8 weeks of the commencement of administration, if the meeting does not approve the proposals, the court may dismiss the administrator or make such provisions as it sees fit, and if the meeting approves the proposals, the administrator can carry them out
When will the administration end?
When it is completed or when the administrator is discharged by the court
When normally should the administration be completed?
Within 12 months of the date on which it commenced
What is voluntary liquidation?
Occurs where the members pass a resolution to go into liquidation
An ordinary resolution is passed in which case?
Where the period fixed for the duration of the company expires or an event occurs upon which the articles provide that a company should be wound up
A special resolution is passed in which case?
If the company is wound up for any other reason
What are the two types of voluntary liquidation?
Members’ voluntary liquidation (company is solvent), or creditors’ voluntary liquidation (company is insolvent)
How can a members’ voluntary liquidation be converted into a creditors’ voluntary liquidation?
If the liquidator discovers that the company’s debts will not be paid in full within the time specified in the declaration of insolvency
What must the liquidator do when convening a meeting of the company’s creditors?
Lay before the creditors a statement of affairs, invite the creditors to appoint a different insolvency practitioner as liquidator, and invite the creditors to appoint a liquidation committee
When will a compulsory winding up commence?
When a petition for a winding up order is presented to the court
What are the possible grounds for the petition, which are set out in s 122?
The company has passed a special resolution to be wound up by the court, a public company has not been issued with a trading certificate within a year of incorporation, the company has not commenced business within a year of being incorporated or has suspended its business over a year, the company is unable to pays its debts. A company is deemed to be unable to pay its debts where a creditor who is owed at least £750 has served a written demand for payment and the company has failed to pay the sum due within three weeks, and a dissatisfied member may petition the court for the company to be wound up on the just and equitable ground. However, the court will not make an order under this ground if some other more reasonable remedy is available
Who may petition the court for a compulsory liquidation?
The company itself, the directors, credits, contributories, or an administrator
What are the effects of a winding-up petition?
The liquidation is deemed to have started when the petition was first presented, all actions for the recovery of debt against the company are stopped, any floating charges crystallise, any legal proceedings against the company are halted and none may start unless leave is granted from the court, the company ceases to carry on business except where it is necessary to complete the winding up, eg to complete work-in-progress, the powers of the directors cease, although the directors remain in office, and the employees are automatically made redundant, but the liquidator can re-employ them to help him complete the winding up
Where are the procedural rules for the conduct of a liquidation found in Scotland?
The Insolvency (Scotland) Rules 1986
What are the primary functions of a liquidator?
Ingather the company’s assets and apply those assets in satisfaction of the company’s liabilities
What is the ranking of all proven creditor claims for the company’s assets?
Holders of fixed securities, costs of liquidation including the liquidators remuneration, preferential creditors, floating charge holders, and then ordinary creditors
When will the liquidation be complete?
Once all assets have been applied to debts and any surplus monies are distributed among the company members
When will the company be dissolved and cease to exist after liquidation?
After a period of 3 months