Employment Law Test Flashcards
What is the principal statute governing employment law in the UK?
Employment Rights Act 1996
Is an employee under a contract of service or a contract for service?
Contract of services
What test do the courts use to identity a contract of service?
Multiple test
What does mutuality of obligations mean?
The employer must be under an obligation to provide work to the employee and the employee must have an obligation to perform that work
Does an employee have to perform work personally?
Yes. For example, they can’t send someone else in their place as this will usually be fatal to their status, unless in exceptional circumstances
What other factors might the court consider when deciding whether there is a contract of service?
Whether the employee has their own equipment, how the parties themselves view the relationship, payment of NI and tax by employer
Under the ERA 1996 must the employer provide to the employee within two months of the employee starting work?
Must provide an employee with certain written particulars of employment: job title, description and start date, how much and how often an employee will be paid, hours of work, holiday entitlement and location where work will take place
What are express terms in a contract of employment?
These are conditions within the contract which are specifically agreed between the parties, either orally or in writing
To whom do implied terms apply? Employers? Employees? Both?
The courts have implied various duties on both employees and employers into employment contracts
What is a collective agreement?
A further source of terms and conditions. These agreements are made by, or on behalf of, one or more trade unions with one or more employers
Give one of the implied terms under the ERA 1996.
Duty of mutual cooperation
If the contract is silent and an employee has been working for the employer for between 2 years and 12 years, what is the minimum notice period?
1 week notice per complete year
Which statute governs unfair dismissal?
Employment Rights Act 1996
To make a claim for unfair dismissal how long must the employee have been employed for?
Minimum period of 2 years
Within what time period must they make their claim?
Within 3 months of dismissal
Give the name of the case which illustrates unfair dismissal.
Kevin Keegan v Newcastle United Football Club
There are 5 fair reasons for dismissal - name 2 of them.
Conduct of an employee and redundancy
What are the remedies of unfair dismissal?
Compensation, reinstatement and reengagement
Explain when redundancy arises.
Redundancy arises where there is a disappearing role, workplace or cessation or diminution of work
Give the facts and decision of European Pasty Chefs v Currell.
A pastry chef was dismissed because the requirement of his speciality (eclairs and meringues) had ceased. He was replaced by a new pastry whose speciality was the new requirements (continental pastries). It was half that the pastry chef had been dismissed for redundancy as the need for his speciality had ceased.