inservice rando knowledge Flashcards
what are adjuvant RT regimens for skin cancer?
50Gy/20fxs 60Gy/30fxs
on GOG 33, what was the risk of pelvic lymph node involvement for grade 1 tumors involving the inner third vs. outer third of the myometrium?
3% vs. 11%
what is the most common histology for male urethral cancers?
squamous cell (80%)
what are the doses for neuroblastoma status post GTR and for gross residual tumor
21.6Gy if GTR 36Gy if gross residual
what are the IPI criteria for advanced stage Hodgkin lymphoma?
ALL SHAM Age > 45 Leukocytosis > 15 Lymphopenia Stage IV Hgb < 10.5 Albumin < 4 Male
Per NCCN, what total dose of RT is recommended with concurrent chemo for Ib2 cervical cancer?
what is the recommended dose for ALL patients who have persistent testicular disease after induction chemo?
What is the MOST appropriate treatment of a 55-year-old patient with diffuse superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder that has recurred after transurethral resection of the bladder tumor (TURBT) and intravesical BCG?
what constitutes T3b renal cell carcinoma?
tumor extending into vena cava below the diaphragm (does not invade wall of vena cava cuz that’s T3c)
what is the MOA of exemestane?
steroidal aromatase inhibitor
what translocation is associated with resistance to H. pylori eradication in gastric MALT?
According to the 7th edition AJCC staging manual, penile cancer involving bilateral inguinal lymph nodes is staged as:
N2 (multiple ipsilateral nodes or bilateral nodes)
what criteria are used to define active/symptomatic myeloma?
CRABC - elevated calciumR - renal insufficiencyA - anemiaB - bone lesions
test for continuous independent variable and continuous dependent variable
What was the involved field radiation therapy dose in Gy used for nodal sites in complete response in EORTC trial 20884 (Aleman et. al. New England Journal of Medicine, 2003) in patients with stage III or IV Hodgkin lymphoma after MOPP-ABV
what is the expansion for APBI with interstitial and intracavitary/balloon brachytherapy?
interstitial - 1.5cm intracavitary - 1cm
what is the CTV expansion and dose for APBI using EBRT?
1.5cm, 38.5Gy (+1cm for PTV)
risk factors for CNS involvement in ALL
mature B-cell immunophenotypeT-cell immunophenotypehigh LOH
What is the expected 2-year locoregional freedom from progression (FFP) rate following IMRT–based chemoRT for nasopharyngeal carcinoma?
what chemo is used up front for T-cell ALL
intrathecal MTX
After complete resection for locally advanced rectal cancer, the MOST common site for local recurrence is the:
presacral space
what constitutes RPA class 1 and class 3?
class 1 - KPS>70+, age <65 class 3 - KPS<70
what is the preferred doublet chemotherapy for unresectable mesothelioma?
cisplatin / pemetrexed (40% response rate)
what RT dose causes ovarian failure in a 30 year old?
14Gy for 30yo(18-20Gy from birth to 10yrs)
what constitutes M1 cutaneous T-cell lymphoma?
visceral involvement
in the EORTC trial of PCI for patients with ES-SCLC, what was the risk of brain mets at 1 year with and without PCI?
15% vs. 40%, survival improved from 12 weeks to 14.7 weeks
The BC2001 (James et. al., NEJM 2012) study was a phase III trial that randomized patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer between chemoradiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone. What is the locoregional disease free survival at 2 years in patients who underwent chemoradiotherapy?
MOA for nivolumab, pembrolizumab, and ipilimumab
nivolumab: anti-PD-1 antibody pembrolizumab: anti-PD-L1 antibody ipilimumab: CTLA-4 antibody
what is the histologic feature of retinoblastoma?
Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes
criteria for stage III Wilms
BSSLURPP: Biopsy Spillage Subtotal resection Lymph nodes Unresectable Rupture Peritoneal implants Piecemeal resection
what is the treatment paradigm for high risk neuroblastoma?
Induction: induction chemotherapy followed by primary tumor resection Consolidation: myeloablative chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplant and consolidative radiation Post-consolidation: immunotherapy and cytokines plus isotretinoin.
What criteria constitute International Prognostic Factors for advanced Hodgkin lymphoma?
Stage IV, male sex, age >45serum albumin <4 g/dl, hemoglobin <10.5 g/dl, lymphocyte count <600/mm3
What CSF tumor marker levels are consistent with non-metastatic CNS pure germinoma?
normal AFT, normal or slightly elevated bHCG (<50)
The yield of PET/CT scan in detecting a primary cancer for patients presenting with cervical lymph node metastasis of unknown origin has been shown to be approximately:
30% per DAHANCA 13
Following RT for a solitary plasmacytoma, how often is skeletal survey obtained?
skeletal survey every 9-12 months
what are the 4 subsites of the nasal cavity?
septum, floor, lateral wall, vestibule
what are the 5 sections of the male urethra?
glandular, penile, bulbous, membranous, prostatic(anterior urethra - glandular/penile/bulbous)(posterior urethra - membranous/prostatic)
what dose rates define HDR and LDR brachytherapy?
LDR 0.4-2Gy/hrHDR >12Gy/hr
what is the rate of distant failure for surgically resected gallbladder cancer vs. hilar cholangiocarcinoma vs. intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma?
gallbladder - 85% hilar cholangio - 40% intrahepatic cholangio - 25%
The risk of vaginal recurrence at 5 years for patients randomized to vaginal brachytherapy in PORTEC-2 (Nout) was:
1.8% for brachy, 1.6% for EBRT
what 2 mutations are common in follicular lymphoma?
t(14;18) and BCL2
what was the surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy used in the CLASSIC trial?
D2 gastrectomyadjuvant oxaliplatin/capecitabine
What was the strongest predictor for local recurrence for DCIS treated by excision without radiation on the ECOG E5194 study at 5 years?
what is the RT dose for MALT (gastric and orbit)?
What is an appropriate radiation dose for a 15-year-old boy with stage IIB Hodgkin lymphoma of the neck and mediastinum without bulky disease is to be treated with involved-field radiation therapy after a complete response to four cycles of chemotherapy?
How many cases of SCLC are diagnosed annually in the US and what percentage of patients present with extensive stage disease?
35,000 65% present with extensive stage disease PET results in upstaging in 8%
What is the MOST appropriate dose in Gy for PCI in a 10-year-old boy with high risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and no evidence of central nervous system involvement?
18Gy (current protocol uses 12Gy so be wary) Current protocol AALL0434: Int and high risk: 12 Gy in 1.5 Gy per fx CNS 3: 18 Gy in 1.8 Gy per fx CNS1-2, low risk: no RT (get prednisone) residual testicular disease after chemo: 24 Gy CN3 with overt cranial nerve involvement, symptoms: give 24 Gy upfront before chemo
what were the inclusion criteria for SWOG 8794 (prostatectomy +/- adjuvant RT)?
SVI, ECE, positive margin
what is the T stage for NSCLC with visceral pleural invasion?
What ratio of positive ipsilateral groin nodes to total resected predicts contralateral groin metastasis in vulvar cancer?
what IHC stains help distinguish mesothelioma from adenocarcinoma NSCLC?
calretinin, thrombomodulin
what is the typical dose for paraganglioma? what is the local control rate with definitive radiation?
45Gy, 90%
what vertebral bodies correspond with the approximate levels of the celiac axis, SMA, and IMA?
celiac - T12SMA - L1IMA - L3
What chromosomal deletion in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia is associated with an unfavorable prognosis?
what is the N stage for renal cell carcinoma with 6 positive lymph nodes?
N1 (there is no N2)
Approximately what percentage of penile cancer is positive for HPV DNA?
what T stage is a renal cell carcinoma that extends beyond Gerota’s fascia?
On the Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study IV, the 3 year FFS of patients with metastatic embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma involving 2 or fewer metastatic sites was:
40% for embryonal <3 sites 25% for embryonal 3+ sites 20% for non-embryonal <3 sites 5% for non-embryonal 3+ sites
what constitutes T2 cholangiocarcinoma of the distal bile duct?
invasion beyond the wall of the bile duct
On ECOG 5194 (DCIS +/- RT), what 2 factors indicated a higher risk of ipsilateral breast event?
nuclear grade, patient age
what is the histologic feature of medulloblastoma?
Homer-Wright rosettes
What is the overall objective response rate to FOLFIRINOX (5-FU, oxaliplatin, leucovorin, and irinotecan) for patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer?
30% survival 11mo vs 6mo with gem alone for stage IV pts
The randomized trial by EORTC and RTOG comparing standard PCI dose to higher-dose in patients with limited-stage SCLC showed the higher dose of PCI:
resulted in worse survival and no difference in incidence of brain metastases
what are the criteria for age adjusted IPI?
PLS performance status 2+ LDH elevated stage 3-4
What is the 5yr OS for WNT and SHH medulloblastoma?
WNT 95% SHH 75%
following bladder preservation treatment, what percentage of long-term survivors will maintain an intact bladder?
test for categorical independent variable and categorical dependent variable
chi square
What percent of patients with an urothelial carcinoma of the renal pelvis will have an urothelial carcinoma of the bladder?
what are the indications for adjuvant radiotherapy for vulvar cancer?
close margins (<8mm) LVSI DOI >9mm
what are the adjuvant chemo options for patients with pN2 NSGCT?
BEP x 2 cycles or EP x 2 cycles
what chemo showed OS benefit when added adjuvantly to treatment of STS?
doxorubicin/ifosfamide (Pervais meta analysis)
what is the most likely diagnosis for a boy with a pineal mass and CSF with elevated bHCG and undetectable AFP?
pure germinoma, biopsy not required
what CT phase should be used for treatment planning when treating liver mets or intra-hepatic cholangiocarcinoma?
portal venous phase
what percentage of RT plans on Z11 utilized high tangents?
factors included in IPI for non-Hodgkins
Age, Performance status, LDH, Extranodal sites, Stage
What dose and fractionation should be used for palliative splenic RT for CLL?
0.25-1 Gy fractions delivered daily or 2-3 times per week to a total dose of 4-10 Gy
What was the complete pathologic response in GOG 201 a Phase 2 study of concurrent weekly cisplatin and radiation in advanced carcinoma of the vulva?
what is the risk of radiographic multi-focal disease at presentation for the following patients with primary CNS lymphoma: immunocompetent immunocompromised AIDS-related
immunocompetent - 40% immunocompromised - 70% AIDS-related - 95% (almost all patients have pathological multifocal disease if examined microscopically)
on subgroup analysis of intermediate risk patients on RTOG 9408, what was the 10yr OS improvement with addition of short term ADT?
10yr OS improved by 7% (61% vs. 54%)
what constitutes B1 cutaneous T-cell lymphoma?
circulating sezary cells >5% of lymphocytes and <1000 sezary cells/uL
What are the systemic therapy options for desmoid tumors?
NSAIDs (sulindac or celecoxib), hormonal or biological agents (tamoxifen, toremifene, or low-dose interferon), chemotherapy (methotrexate and vinblastine, doxorubicin-based regimens), and TKIs (imatinib and sorafenib)
what is the risk of secondary cancers in pediatric cancer survivors at age 30?
20% including non-melanoma skin cancer 8% excluding non-melanoma skin cancer
what is the treatment paradigm for osteosarcoma?
neoadjuvant chemo, surgical resection, adjuvant chemo for 4-6 months (results in long term survival of 60% vs. just 20% with surgery alone)
what is the RT dose for a supratentorial ependymoma status post GTR in a 10 month old?
54Gy (for patients under 18mo s/p GTR, all others receive 59.4Gy)
what percentage of Wilm’s tumors have calcifications on imaging?
10-15% (calcs are associated with neuroblastoma asshole)
Which tumor most commonly occurs in the anterior mediastinum of adults?
What is the appropriate dose range for single fraction SRS to a 1.0 cm WHO gr 1 meningioma?
in RTOG 9111, what endpoints were improved with concurrent CRT as compared to sequential CRT?
concurrent CRT resulted in superior laryngeal preservation, local control, and locoregional control
what is the 10 year LRR with and without PMRT for patients with stage III breast cancer who have a pCR to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (MDACC)?
10yr LRR 33% without PMRT, 7% with PMRT
What is the most common genetic aberration in rhabdoid tumors of the kidney?
deletion of chromosome 22q (INI1/hSNF5)
what is the inferior boundary of the retropharyngeal lymphatics?
cranial aspect of hyoid bone
what are the 3 most common side effects of cetuximab?
acneiform rash, hypomagnesemia, infusion reaction
what is the RT regimen for ATRT in a child younger than 3?
50.4Gy to primary site only, no CSI
what structures comprise the CTV for IMRT for IB2 cervical cancer?
GTV, cervix, entire uterus, parametrium, upper half of vagina
What was the radiation dose in Gy used in ECOG 1484 (Horning et. al. JCO, 2004) for patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in complete response following chemotherapy? What chemo was used?
30Gy CHOP x8
what are the absolute contraindications to breast conserving surgery
pregnancy diffuse microcalcifications persistent positive margins widespread disease that cannot be removed through a single incision with good cosmesis
what is the hallmark of double hit lymphoma?
translocations of cMYC and BCL2
What is the total recommended dose (EBRT + LDR equivalent brachytherapy) for a patient with positive vaginal margins following hysterectomy for endometrial cancer per ABS guidelines (Small 2012)?
For a BRCA1 patient, what is the risk of developing ovarian cancer?
20-40% patients are also at risk for fallopian tube cancer
what hormone has the lowest threshold for dysfunction after hypothalamic/pituitary RT?
Growth hormone (only requires 18Gy)
A sentinel lymph node biopsy is positive in what proportion of patients with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS)?
what percentage of multiple myeloma is non-secretory?
Following surgery for a large cell carcinoma of the left lung, pathology demonstrated a 2.5 cm primary cancer with negative margins where there were four involved level 11 lymph nodes and 1 AP window lymph node that demonstrated metastatic disease. What is the recommended treatment following surgery?
Cisplatin based doublet x 4 cycles followed by mediastinal RT
What is the appropriate sequence for the workup for an occult primary of the head and neck in a patients that presents with a neck mass and has negative flexible laryngoscopy?
FNA node, CT neck, PET/CT, EUA/tonsillectomy
where is the motor cortex?
precentral gyrus
what were the fibrosis rates on the O’Sullivan STS trial?
48% vs. 32% favoring preop
Under the new WHO (2016) grading (grade group) system for prostate cancer, a Gleason pattern of 4+3 would fall under which grade group category?
group 3
for postop endometrial cancer, what are the 3 main HDR regimens?
6Gy x 5 to surface 4Gy x 6 to surface 7Gy x 3 to 5mm depth
Following RTOG 0617, what is the recommend V30 heart constraint?
Approximately what percent of Merkel cell cancer is due to the polyomavirus?
what is the risk of pelvic lymph node involvement with stage II cervical cancer?
30% (rule of 15’s, stage x 15)
WTF is palifermin
human keratinocyte growth factor used to reduce severity of mucositis during H&N RT
On RTOG 0933 (hippocampal avoidance) what was the mean relative decline in HVLT-R DR from baseline to 4 months?
7% (compared to 30% in historical controls)
what percent of pediatric patients with Hodgkin lymphoma present with stage IV disease?
What is the 5-year survival rate for patients with inflammatory breast cancer?
What is the most common route of intracranial invasion in a nasopharyngeal carcinoma?
foramen lacerum
what are the biomarker profiles for luminal B breast cancer?
ER/PR+, Her2+ER/PR+, Her2-, high Ki-67
What is the FIGO stage of a 4 cm carcinoma of the vulva with 8 mm of stromal invasion confined to the right labia majora and negative lymph nodes?
per quantec, what is the risk of symptomatic pneumonitis with lung V20 < 30%?
what is penile bulb D90 constraint per QUANTEC?>
D90 < 50Gy (risk of ED <35%)
Per NCCN, what are the indications for bone scan in the setting of prostate cancer?
T1 disease with PSA > 20ng/ml,T2 disease with PSA > 10 ng/ml, a Gleason score of < 8, T3 or T4 disease, or symptomatic
what is the histologic feature of medulloblastoma?
Homer-Wright rosettes
what percentage of primary CNS lymphoma patients will present with ocular involvement?
The overall larynx preservation rate in the Veterans Affairs (VA) Larynx Trial was:
What constitutes CNS 2 T-cell ALL?
< 5/ L WBCs and cytospin positive for blasts or ≥ 5 μL WBCs
what is rate of pain flair after single fx RT for bone mets?
what is the most common site of subependymoma?
ventricular system
Per QUANTEC, what is the risk of optic neuropathy with 55-60Gy conventionally-fractionated RT to the optic nerve/chiasm?
on Slotman trial for ES-SCLC, what was the benefit in median survival for patients who received PCI?
median survival 6.7mo vs. 5.4mo1yr OS 27% vs. 13%
What is the maximum dose constraint in Gy for the spinal cord when SBRT is given in 3 fractions for an early stage lung cancer?
18Gy 14Gy for 1fx, 30Gy for 5fxs
what was the treatment paradigm on the NCIC trial for cervical cancer?
WP 45 Gy + LDR 35 Gy x 1 or HDR 8 Gy x 3; weekly cisplatin during external beam
criteria for stage III multiple myeloma
hemoglobin < 8.5 orcalcium >12 orBence Jones >12g/24hr oradvanced lytic lesions
where do most ependymomas present in adults?
sorry dude this is gonna suck…what were the 4 treatment arms in RTOG 9003?
standard frac: 70Gy/35fxshyperfrac: 81.6Gy/68fxs BIDaccelerated frac split course: 67.2Gy/42 BID with 2 week break in middleaccelerated frac concomitant boost: 72Gy/42fxs, BID during final 2 weeks
According to the CLASSIC trial, addition of what treatment resulted in improved disease-free survival among patients with gastric cancer?
adjuvant capecitabine and oxaliplatin
median survival on Stupp trial for patients with MGMT methylation that received temozolomide and RT
23 months
on GOG 37, what was the 2yr local recurrence rate for patients randomized to RT?
2yr LRR 5%
What is the rate of clinical radiation pneumonitis in breast cancer patients from comprehensive regional node irradiation that includes the internal mammary lymph node chain?
NSABP analysis shows patients with T3N0 breast cancer treated with mastectomy, chemotherapy and no radiation have a 10-year LRR rate of:
what is the standard treatment for primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma?
DA-EPOCH x 6 cycles (chemo alone)
what is the MOA of anastrazole and letrozole?
non-steroidal aromatase inhibitors
What is the estimated risk of fracture at 5 years for a vulvar cancer patient if the femoral neck received 50 Gy when treating the inguinal nodes?
what is the group stage for T2N3 breast cancer?
what is the preferred V20 for contralateral lung in treating with hemithoracic IMRT for mesothelioma?
V20 < 7%
What is the appropriate stage grouping (AJCC, 7th Ed) for a patient status post R0 resection of a 12 cm high grade sarcoma of the anterior compartment of the thigh?
stage III; pT2b cN0M0 G3
what is the adjuvant RT dose for hemangiopericytoma status post GTR?
Which tumor markers can be used as adjunctive studies to assess for disease progression in metastatic breast cancer?
CEA, CA 15-3, CA 27.29
What was the chemotherapy regimen used in RTOG 91-11 for laryngeal preservation?
inductin cisplatin and 5FU x3, concurrent cisplatin x3
what is the histologic feature of ependymoma?
perivascular psuedorosettes
what is the group stage for T2N2b breast cancer?
which subtype of renal cell carcinoma is associated with deletion in chromosome 3p and Von Hippel Lindau disease?
clear cell
Langerhans cell histiocytosis is associated with what marker?
A posterior hypopharyngeal wall squamous cell carcinoma MOST frequently involves which groups of the nodes?
Retropharyngeal, II, III
what is the 5 year pelvic control rate for stage I/II SCCa of the mid-vagina treated with RT alone? what about stage III/IV?
stage I/II - 85%stage III/IV - 71%
what histopathological finding and genetic abberation are associated with AT/RT?
negative INI-1 staining, 22q deletion
what constitutes FIGO III fallopian tube cancer?
peritoneal implants outside of the pelvis (there is no FIGO IV by the way)
The rate of laryngeal preservation at 2-years after non-surgical treatment in the Department of Veterans Affairs Laryngeal Cancer Study Group trial (NEJM 1991) was approximately:
what are the UCSF criteria for liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma?
1) single tumor <6.5 cm; 2) maximum of 3 total tumors with none >4.5 cm; and 3) cumulative tumor size <8 cm
what percentage of CNS germ cell tumors in males occur in the pineal area?
What length (cm) of vaginal cuff is delineated in the CTV for adjuvant pelvic IMRT for endometrial cancer per consensus guidelines?
The 5-year, cause-specific survival for patients with medically inoperable FIGO stage I endometrial carcinomas treated with definitive radiation is approximately:
what was the rate of pCR and/or minimal residual disease on SWOG 9416 superior sulcus tumor trial?
what cell surface antigen is targeted by Zevalin (britumomab tiuxetan)?
what is the RT dose for NLPHL?
30-36Gy (RT alone)
mutation associated with GIST?
what is the CSI dose for a child with persistent CSF involvement after chemotherapy for B-cell ALL?
test for categorical independent variable and continuous dependent variable
T-test and ANOVA
On RTOG 9408 subgroup analysis of the intermediate risk prostate cancer patients, what was the percent improvement in 10 year overall survival associated with the radiotherapy + hormone arm compared to radiation alone?
what constitutes T4 cholangiocarcinoma of the distal bile duct?
involves celiac axis or SMA
what are common RT regimens for Kaposi sarcoma?
8-12Gy/1fx or 30Gy/15fxs
what was the dose and duration of memantine on RTOG 0614?
20mg daily for 24 weeks
Per AJCC (7th Ed) involvement of which muscle is considered chest wall invasion in breast cancer?
serratus anterior
Long-term Hodgkin lymphoma survivors who received radiation therapy during childhood have approximately what chance of developing a treatment-induced cancer?
for prostate SBRT, what rectal wall constraints are associated with risk of grade 3+ toxicity?
V50 < 3cc, less than 35% of the circumference receiving 39Gy
what was the path CR rate in NSABP R03 comparing preop vs. postop CRT for rectal cancer?
path CR rate 15% (obviously only in preop group)
What is the appropriate radiation volume and dose for a child with a right sided stage III Wilms tumor with positive lymph nodes, no spill, and no rupture with diffuse anaplasia?
Right flank radiation; 19.8 Gy
What is the most common radiation dose for Graves ophthalmopathy?
20Gy / 10fxs
when should capecitabine be taken when used concurrently with radiation for rectal cancer?
1 hour before treatment
what percentage of patients with inflammatory breast cancer will present with metastatic disease?
what constitutes T2a renal cell carcinoma
7-10cm, confined to kidney
invasion of what structures constitutes T4 nasopharyngeal carcinoma?
infratemporal fossa, masticator space, orbit, hypopharynx, cranial nerve, intracranial extension
what are doses for cutaneous SCCa >2cm
66Gy/33 or 55Gy/20 1.5-2cm margins
What is the total dose (Gy) of radiation used to treat a clinical stage I, 2 cm squamous cell carcinoma located in the lateral mid vagina?
what triad of symptoms are associated with classic radiation induced liver disease (RILD)?
anicteric hepatomegalyasciteselevated alk phos
What is the most appropriate radiation target volume for treatment of a 4-year- old boy with a localized anaplastic ependymoma of the posterior fossa with 2 cc of residual tumor?
residual tumor and tumor bed
what mutation is associated with favorable prognosis in B-cell ALL?
t(12;21) - TEL/AML1
what were the two treatment arms in RTOG 9512 for T2 glottic cancer?
70Gy/35fxs qday vs. 79.2Gy/66fxs BIDno significant difference LC, DFS, or OS
what percentage of pediatric ALL patients have t(11;22) mutation?
5% (poorer prognosis)
what is the 2 year rate of pelvic insufficiency fracture after definitive radiation for early stage cervical cancer?
what chemotherapy was used in RTOG 9802?
PCV - procarbazine/lomustine/vincristine
which chemo regimen contains vincristine vs. vinblastine: CHOP and ABVD
CHOP - vinCristine AVBD - vinBlastine
is the chiasm anterior or posterior to the pituitary stalk?
what is the histologic feature of ependymoma?
perivascular pseudorosettes
What is the TNM stage of a cancer of the female urethra that extends to the vagina and has a 3 cm single LN?
what is the maximum dose constraint for the spinal cord with 3 fraction SBRT?
what are the RT regimens for intracranial NSGCT and pure germinomas?
NSGCT - 36Gy CSI, primary boost to 54Gy germinoma - 24Gy WVI, primary boost to 45Gy
on PORTEC-1, what was the 3 year OS after salvage radiation for patients who relapsed at the vaginal cuff following observation?
3yr OS 73%
What is the T stage of a fallopian tube cancer that has pelvic extension with malignant cells in the peritoneal washings?
what are the most common breast cancer molecular subtypes associated with BRCA1 and BRCA2?
BRCA1 - triple negative / basal subtypeBRCA2 - luminal A/B
what is the RT dose for craniopharyngioma?
Burkitt lymphoma mutation
According to the CALOR trial, what is the 5-year DFS for patients with ER negative-local-regional breast cancer recurrence who receive chemotherapy?
5yr DFS was 67% vs 35% for ER negative patients, for ER positive patients it was 70% vs 69%
what percentage of prostate cancer patients present with high risk disease?
what is the histologic feature of diffuse astrocytoma?
microcystic changes
what is the group stage for T2N2 anal cancer?
stage IIIB
what constitutes T2 cutaneous T-cell lymphoma?
generalized patches and plaques over >10% of total skin surface
RTOG 9804 (DCIS +/- RT) recurrence with and without RT
7yr LR 7% without RT and 1% with RT
On AHOD 0031, a COG study of patients with intermediate risk Hodgkin disease, recurrences rarely occurred:
at new sites of disease there were high rates of failure at primary site (received 21Gy)
mutation associated with well differentiated / dedifferentiated liposarcoma?
12q amplification (MDM2/CDK4)
In the Auperin meta-analysis of limited stage SCLC patients, PCI reduced the 3-year incidence of brain metastases from 58.6% to:
In the ECOG 1484 (Horning, et al.) trial that studied the use of chemotherapy alone versus chemoradiation therapy for aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma, patients who had a partial response to 8 cycles of CHOP received what dose of involved-field radiation therapy?
Regarding the French multicenter Phase II trial (2014), what is the anticipated grade 2 acute GI toxicity (%) with postoperative 45 Gy pelvic IMRT for Stage I-II endometrial cancer?
The 5-year overall survival for patients with pyriform sinus cancer treated by either surgical or non-surgical treatment on EORTC phase 3 trial (24891) was approximately:
most common cancer in children <18 months of age?
In the Veterans Affairs (VA) Larynx Trial, the rate of salvage laryngectomy amongst patients with T4 larynx cancer was:
where does spinal cord end in an adult?
What was the 10-year distant metastasis-free survival benefit for patients who had stage T3N0M0 prostate cancer and underwent adjuvant radiation therapy following radical prostatectomy versus observation in the SWOG S8794 trial?
what are radiation regimens for basal cell carcinoma < 2cm?
64/32 55/20 50/15 35/5
The radiation target volumes used in the randomized clinical trial (Turrisi, et. al.) comparing thoracic radiation of 45 Gy given in once-daily to twice-daily in addition to current chemotherapy for limited-stage SCLC included:
primary tumor, ipsilateral hilum, bilateral mediastinum
what were the 2 treatment arms in RTOG 8501 Herskovic trial for esophageal cancer?
64Gy/32fxs (RT alone) vs. 50Gy/25fxs with concurrent cis/5FU
What is the recommended preoperative dose (Gy) of radiation (LDR equivalent) for gross Stage IIB adenocarcinoma of the endometrium?
75-80Gy LDR equivalent
on RTOG 9811, what was the 5yr OS for patients with T4N+ anal cancer?
5yr OS 40%
on GOG 33, what was the risk of pelvic lymph node involvement for a grade 1 tumor involving inner 1/3 versus outer 1/3 of the myometrium?
inner 1/3 - 3% risk of nodal involvementouter 1/3 - 11% risk
male breast cancer is most commonly associated with what mutation?
what was the local recurrence rate on RTOG 9704?
28% overall (25% with gem, 30% with 5FU)
in treating with conventional fractionation for NSCLC, what is the appropriate CTV margin for adenocarcinoma and squamous histologies?
adeno - 8mmsquamous - 6mm
for high risk endometrial cancer, what are the two main options for adjuvant WPRT with brachy boost?
WPRT 45Gy, HDR 6Gy x 3 to surfaceWPRT 50.4Gy, HDR 6Gy x 2 to surface
what are the CNS doses for T-cell ALL?
18Gy if CNS3 12Gy if CNS1/2 and int/high risk
what mutations portent a poor prognosis in neuroblastoma
n-myc amplificationLOH 1p + 11qdiploid DNAincreased telomerase activity
what is the appropriate adjuvant RT field and dose for a child with a 4th ventricular grade III non-metastatic ependymoma status post GTR?
RT to resection bed plus margin to 54-59.4Gy in 30-33fxs
What was the study design of the SWOG 0809 biliary cancer study published by Ben-Josef et al. (JCO, 2015)?
single arm phase II study of gemcitabine and capecitabine chemotherapy plus chemoradiation with capecitabine after surgical resection of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma or gallbladder carcinoma
what two tumor markers are commonly elevated with cholangiocarcinoma?
CA 19-9 and CA 50
The approximate incidence of mucosal emergence 5 years after comprehensive radiation for squamous cell carcinoma metastatic to a cervical lymph node of unknown primary origin is:
What was the approximate 5-year pelvic control rate FIGO stage II vaginal cancers treated with definitive radiation, as reported by Frank et. al
84% The 5 year pelvic control rates were 86%, 84% and 71% for stages I, II and III-IV, respectively.
what is the age criterion for RPA for malignant glioma?
Clinical group IIA rhabdomyosarcoma consists of:
grossly resected tumor with microscopic residual disease, without involved regional lymph nodes
The cumulative cochlear dose (Gy) for a child receiving 54-59.4 Gy of radiation for posterior fossa tumor should be less than:
A relatively specific marker of Langerhans cell histiocytosis is:
what are the doses for stage II thymoma status post R0, R1, and R2 resection?
R0 - 45-50Gy R1 - 54Gy R2 - 60Gy
What is the best treatment option for a medically inoperable 61 year old with clinical stage T1b1 squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix?
EBRT + brachy (no chemo)
what are the 4 subtypes of classic Hodgkin Lymphoma and what are the characteristic molecular markers?
nodular sclerosing, lymphocyte rich, mixed cellularity, lymphocyte poor CD15/CD30 positive, CD20/CD45 negative
What is the QUANTEC recommended maximum bladder V80, V75, V70, and V65 when planning for prostate cancer RT?
V80 < 15% V75 < 25% V70 < 35% V60 < 50% (95-100-105-110)
what is the age cutoff used for staging thyroid cancer?
age 45
Based on a large multi institutional experience treating patients with concurrent chemoRT for advanced NSCLC (Palma), which dosimetric factor BEST predicted grade 2 or higher esophagitis?
what is the dose per fraction when using 4 fractions of HDR brachytherapy alone for inoperable endometrial cancer (at 2cm from sources)?
8.5Gy per fraction at 2 cm
Per QUANTEC, what is the risk of radiation pneumonitis with V20 of 30-35% and MLD of 20-23Gy?
20% risk of pneumonitis
In patients with early stage breast cancer treated with breast conservation, what factors are associated with locoregional recurrence and not distant metastatic spread?
Size, ER status, Ki-67
What is the risk of neck recurrence with elective neck dissection and without adjuvant radiation therapy for a pathologic T1-2N0 low risk oral tongue cancer?
What is the 10-year bladder-intact DFS rate (%) after the treatment of muscle invasive bladder cancer with definitive chemoRT?
when treating stage I/II seminoma, what is the renal dose constraint?
D50 < 8Gy
what mutation is associated with ALK in anaplastic large cell lymphoma?
What is the expected 2-year overall cumulative incidence of both symptomatic and asymptomatic pelvic insufficiency fractures after definitive radiation for early stage cervical cancer?
35% (risk increased with advanced age and low body weight)
what is the risk of conversion of solitary osseous plasmacytoma to multiple myeloma at 10 years? what about non-osseous plasmacytoma?
osseous - 54%non-osseous - 11%
What is the MOST common secondary malignancy after radiation for Ewing’s sarcoma?
what are the indications for adjuvant CRT after radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer?
positive nodes, positive margins, parametrial involvement
what percentage of women with BRCA1 mutation will develop breast cancer and/or ovarian cancer by age 70?
60% will develop breast cancer40% will develop ovarian cancer
what are the risk factors for the very high risk group of pediatric ALL patients?
t(9;22) or BRC/ABL fusion protein, hypoploidy, DNA index < 0.81
loss of what gene is associated with LCIS?
loss of CDH-1 / E-cadherin
what anatomical portion of the penis is most commonly involved in penile cancer?
glans - 50% (next most common is prepuce/foreskin at 25%)
what was the rate of groin recurrence for the surgery arm in GOG 37 Homesley trial?
25% for surgery 5% for radiation
Per AHOD0031, what were the criteria for a complete response in rapid early responders after 4 cycles of ABVE-PC?
- >80% reduction in product of PPD 2. return to normal size for all target lesions 3. no residual extramediastinal nodal mass >2cm 4. no disesae in non-measurable sites 5. negative gallium or FDG-PET scans
by what mechanism is EGFR expression level elevated in H and N SCCa?
gene amplification
what constitutes N2 ureteral carcinoma?
single lymph node 2-5cm or multiple lymph nodes <5cm
In order to be eligible for the ARTIST trial comparing adjuvant chemotherapy vs. adjuvant chemoRT, what type of gastric LND was required?
D2 node dissection with R0 resection
What dosimetric threshold for the pelvic bone marrow is associated with > grade 2 neutropenia and leukopenia during cisplatin based radiation?
V10 > 90%
What factors are included in post-Rituximab Follicular Lymphoma International Prognostic Indicators?
Age, β2 microglobulin, bone marrow involvement, hemoglobin level, tumor size
what was the benefit at 5 years with the addition of short term ADT in the D’Amico trial?
10% OS benefit with ADT (88% vs 78%)
patients with dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency will have reduced metabolism of what chemotherapeutic agent?
According to a population-based case-control study (Darby et al), what was the percent increase in the rate of major coronary events for each 1 Gy increase in mean heart dose?
7.4% increase for each 1Gy
what is the radiation dose for group III rhabdomyosarcoma?
what is the risk of isolated distant failure in average risk medulloblastoma?
Per ASTRO consensus guidelines for contouring and treatment of cancer of the vulva, the CTV for the inguinal/femoral lymph node contours should extend what distance (mm) around the femoral vessels?
anteromedial ≥35 mm, anterior ≥23 mm, anterolateral ≥25 mm, medial ≥22 mm no margin needed posteriorly or laterally to vessels
what was the concurrent chemotherapy regimen utilized in NSABP R-03?
5-FU / leucovorin
In the German (Stahl) esophageal cancer study, what was the pCR rate for chemo alone versus CRT?
2% vs. 16%
what is the most common RT regimen for Graves ophthalmopathy?
what percentage of craniopharyngioma patients will experience long-term diabetes insipidus?
what are appropriate dose ranges for NK T-Cell lymphoma with and without chemotherapy?
40-50Gy with chemo >50Gy without chemo
per the new guidelines for APBI, what are the cautionary criteria for age, tumor size, and margin status?
age 40 - 49 (with no other risk factors)size 2.1 - 3.0cmmargin < 2mm
what are the Milan criteria for liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma?
1) single tumor 5 cm; or 2) no more than 3 lesions without and single lesion measuring > 3 cm
what are the Roach formulas?
ECE = 3/2PSA + 10(GS-3) SVI = PSA + 10(GS-6) LN = 2/3PSA + 10(GS-6)
what are pre-plan goals for prostate LDR?
V100>95 D90>100 Rectum D2cc
What is the TNM stage for a resected 2.5 cm extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with invasion through the bile duct but without involvement of nearby organs or blood vessels, and 4/15 lymph nodes positives?
what was the primary endpoint that was improved with 6 months of ADT (leuprolide) in GETUG-AFU 16?
5yr progression free survival improved from 62% to 80%
what subtype is not a classical subtype of Hodgkin Lymphoma and what are the molecular markers for that subtype?
nodular lymphocyte predominant CD15/CD30 negative, CD20/CD45 positive
For vulvar cancer, what is the rate of groin metastases for primary lesions <2cm versus >2cm?
20% for <2cm 40% for >2cm
what is the traditional size of a HO prophylaxis RT field?
what is the N stage for anal cancer with unilateral pelvic side wall and inguinal lymph nodes?
A 10-year-old female presents with clinical stage IIIB mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma with partial response at completion of 5 cycles ABVE-PC chemotherapy. What is the MOST appropriate RT dose?
what gastric lymph node stations are removed with a D2 dissection?
left gastric, celiac, common hepatic, splenic hilum, splenic artery
what are the dose constraints for the duodenum when treating the paraaortics in the setting of GYN cancer?
D2cc < 60GyV55 < 15cc
In NSABP B-18, the complete pathologic response rate in the breast after neoadjuvant AC chemotherapy for breast cancer was:
what is the RT dose for neuroblastoma causing cord compression?
9Gy if <3yrs old 21.6Gy if >3yrs old
In patients with early-stage NSCLC planned for surgical resection, how many N2 stations should be sampled?
minimum of 3
when should patients with phyllodes tumor receive adjuvant RT?
lumpectomy for tumor >2cm, mastectomy for tumor >10cm
what constitutes T2 hepatocellular carcinoma?
solitary tumor with vascular invasion or multiple tumors <5cm
what is the histologic feature of retinoblastoma?
Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes
criteria for N2 anal cancer?
unilateral internal iliac and/or unilateral inguinal
Bujold et al. recently reported the phase I/II experience of liver SBRT for treatment of unresectable, locally advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) from University of Toronto (JCO, 2013). What was the reported 1 year overall survival rate (%)?
1yr OS 55%, 1yr LC 87%
what were the enrollment criteria for the Roa GBM study?
age >65 OR age >50 and KPS 50-70
what are the indications for whole abdominal radiation with favorable histology Wilms?
SPAR:diffuse Spillage Peritoneal seeding Ascites preoperative Rupture
What is an appropriate dose (Gy) for single fraction SRS to a functioning pituitary adenoma?
what is the TD 5/5 for whole kidney?
what constitutes T3 gallblader cancer?
invasion of visceral peritoneum, liver, or ONE adjacent organ
what constitutes T3 female urethral cancer?
invasion of vagina or bladder neck
invasion of what structures constitute stage II urethral cancer?
corpus spongiosumprostateperiurethral muscle
what constitutes T2 pancreatic cancer?
>2cm in size but confined to the pancreas
per NSABP analysis, what is the 10yr local recurrence rate for patients with T3N0 breast cancer treated with mastectomy and chemotherapy (without PMRT)?
10yr LRR 7%
Regarding RTOG 0617 for lung cancer, what were the per protocol constraints for total lungs minus CTV?
V20 ≤ 37% OR mean dose ≤ 20 Gy
what is the Siewert classification of a tumor mass centered in the gastric cardia with extension of the gastroesophageal junction?
Siewert type III
what infection has an increased incidence during bortezomib treatment?
Herpes zoster
What percent of patients who undergo bladder preservation therapy will have a complete response on biopsy after initial TURBT and induction chemoRT?
what constitutes a negative surgical margin for T1b-T3 gastric cancer?
what was median survival on the CROSS trial?
50 vs 25 months (actually 49 vs 24 but lets not be ridiculous)
On the WECARE study, what was the 10 year risk of contralateral breast cancer for BRCA1, BRCA2, and non-carrier?
BRCA1 - 20%BRCA2 - 16%non-carrier - 5%
what were the risk factors on GOG 99?
age, moderate to poor tumor grade, lymph vascular space invasion and outer third myometrial invasion HIR: age 70+ with one risk factor, age 50+ with 2 risk factors
what cell surface antigen is targeted by brentuximab?
In the ACOSOG Z0011 trial, what was the rate of regional recurrence in patients with breast cancer with a positive sentinel node biopsy treated by lumpectomy and tangential irradiation but no further axillary dissection?
what was WBRT does on Patchell 1 vs. Patchell 2?
Patchell 1 - 36Gy/12 Patchell 2 - 50.4Gy/28
According to the updated QUANTEC, what mean dose (Gy) to the whole lung with 3D-CRT would result in a 5% risk of symptomatic pneumonitis?
7Gy mean dose risk is 20% with 20Gy mean dose
What radiation regimen was used in the TROG trial comparing postoperative radiation versus observation in high-risk melanoma patients?
48 Gy at 2.4 Gy per fraction over 4 weeks
Based on QUANTEC, what is the V25 constraint to achieve a <1% probability of cardiac mortality?
for grade II astrocytoma, what is the rate of transformation to high grade glioma?
what is the most common testicular cancer in men older than 50?
at what site do most male urethral cancers occur?
bulbomembranous urethra (60%), penile urethra (35%), prostatic urethra (5%)
at what dose is the heart blocked in the treatment of a left sided mesothelioma?
for adjuvant and salvage prostate treatment, what is the recommended bladder dose constraint per RTOG 0534?
V65Gy < 50% (bladder - CTV)
What was the MINIMUM criterion for patient classification as a “rapid early responder” according to COG protocol AHOD 0031 for intermediate risk Hodgkin Disease?
Decrease in products of perpendicular diameters of at least 60% of up to 6 largest areas of disease after 2 cycles of chemotherapy (ABVE-PC)
first line TKI for clear cell carcinoma of the kidney
what tumor marker is used to follow granulosa cell ovarian cancers if elevated at diagnosis?
what are RT doses for group IIA and IIB/C rhabo?
IIA - 36Gy (LN-) IIB/C 41.4Gy (R1/LN+
what 3 structures can be involved in stage II vulvar cancer?
lower urethra, vagina, anus
what percentage of solitary plasmacytomas arise in bone?
80% are osseous, 20% are extra-osseous
for pancreatic cancer, what are the classic superior and inferior borders for adjuvant RT?
superior T10/11 interspaceinferior L3/4 interspace(superior border of T11, inferior border of L3)
what percentage of patients with urothelial carcinoma of the renal pelvis will also have a urothelial carcinoma of the bladder?
what factors constitute IPI for advanced Hodgkin lymphoma?
stage IV male sex age > 45 albumin < 4 hemoglobin < 10.5 lymphocyte count < 600
what percentage of patients with LS-SCLC by conventional imaging will be upstaged by FDG PET?
What criteria makes a patient an ideal candidate for bladder preservation?
unifocal T2-3a tumor <5cm, no extensive CIS, no ureteral obstruction, good bladder capacity and renal function, visibly complete TURBT
what cytokine is associated with pneumonitis following lung RT?
What is the expected 5-year overall survival for a stage III carcinoma of the female urethra with treatment?
what mutation is associated with hereditary diffuse gastric cancer?
CDH-1, coding for e-cadherin
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) differs from small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) in that a large number of abnormal lymphocytes are found in the:
bone marrow and blood
what percentage of penile cancers are HPV positive?
mutation asociated with myxoid round cell liposarcoma
According to the ACT II study of definitive chemoradiation for anal cancer, the complete response rate (%) at 26 weeks was:
indications for adjuvant RT following radical hysterectomy
two of the following:>1/3 stromal invasionLVSItumor >4cm
for breast cancer, how many sentinel nodes are needed to give a 9% false negative rate?
3 nodes (false negative rate is 6% with 4 nodes)
what constitutes stage IIIB NSCLC?
any N3 or T4N2-3
What is the incidence of inguinal or pelvic lymph node involvement in a woman with stage II-III squamous cell carcinoma of the urethra?
what group stage is T3N2 rectal cancer?
what is the most common type of childhood leukemia?
B-cell ALL
what was the complete resection rate and 5yr OS in the SWOG 9416 superior sulcus tumor trial?
complete resection rate 76%5yr OS 44%
Which volume and dose is BEST for a 65-year-old man with Stage IIA, nonbulky, diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma with a partial response based on PET to 3 cycles of R-CHOP chemotherapy but no additional chemotherapy recommended?
list the interval for adjuvant RT for the following: medulloblastoma Wilms tumor low risk rhabdo int risk rhabdo high risk rhabdo
medulloblastoma - 3-4 weeks wilms - 9 days low risk rhabdo - week 13 int risk rhabdo - week 4 high risk rhabdo - week 20
what constitutes S2 testicular cancer?
LDH 1.5 - 10x upper limit of normal rangebHCG 5,000 - 50,000AFP 1,000 - 10,000
When performing LDR brachytherapy for carcinoma of the cervix, the ABS recommends limiting the vaginal surface dose to what percent of the dose at Point A?
after prostatectomy with biochemical failure, what is the median survival for a patient once metastases develop?
5 years
what constitutes N2 cutaneous T-cell lymphoma?
clinically abnormal nodes, histopathology Dutch grade 2 or NCI LN3
What is the BEST treatment approach for a T3N0 malignant epithelioid mesothelioma?
Induction chemotherapy, pleurectomy and decortication, followed by IMRT
According to the 11 year results of the German Rectal Trial (CAO/ARO/AIO-94), what was the risk of local recurrence following surgery alone for high, mid, and low rectal tumors?
high: 10% mid: 19% low: 5%
what molecular features are characteristic of pediatric anaplastic large cell lymphoma?
CD30 positive (100%), ALK rearrangement (90%)
reactivation of what virus occurs after liver SBRT?
hepatitis B (hence the reason they start antiviral treatment prior to RT)
based on the EBCTCG meta-analysis, what is the 5 year local recurrence rate for stage I breast cancer treated with surgery and radiation?
5yr LR 7%
what are the indications for adjuvant radiation to inguinal/pelvic lymphatics for vulvar cancer? (Homesley criteria)
clinically palpable or matted nodes, 2 or more pathologically positive nodes, ECE, >20% lymph nodes positive
What was the radiation dose on the experimental arm of the CONVERT trial presented at the 2016 ASCO that used 45 Gy (1.5 Gy twice daily) as the standard arm for limited stage SCLC?
66Gy, no significant difference in survival or toxicity
on PORTEC-2, what was the 5yr rate of isolated vaginal recurrence for high-intermediate risk patients treated with brachytherapy versus those treated with EBRT?
5yr vaginal recurrence 1.8% with brachy, 1.6% with EBRT