inservice Flashcards
Length of time for battery to cause caustic injury
As little as two hours.
Ptosis w too much botox, give what medication
Apraclonidine -> alpha 2 agonist gets 1-2mm additional lid elevation
Most common IgG deficiency in children? Adults?
-IgG2 leads to infections w encapsulated bacteria eg H flu, S pneumo, Klebsiella -Adults IgG3
Over past 10 yrs, what % of OPCa’s are attributed to HPV
Z plasties, length and angles

rollover is indicative of what condition?
Vestibular schwannoma
-rollover is when speech discrim gets worse with higher signal intensity
How many hair cells per cochlear nerve?
10 outer hair cells per efferent nerve
10 afferent nerves per 1 inner hair cell
Ideal upper eyelid crease in women? men?
women - 8-11mm
men 6-9mm
What age are auditory brainstem implants approved for?
12yrs and older
What is a positive Queckestedt’s test?

Development timeline of sinuses?
- The maxillary sinus develops first in utero
- The ethmoids are the most developed at birth
- The sphenoid starts to develop at 3 yo
- The frontal sinus starts to develop at 5yo
Most common bug involved with cavernous sinus thrombosis?
S Aureus
What anomaly is associated with an absent foramen spinosum and middle meningeal artery?
*persistent stapedial artery
OSHA levels?

MCC bug assc with malig OE? fungal?
- Pseudonomas
- Aspergillus
MCC congenital facial palsy?
Congenital lower lip palsy syndrome
Congenital b/l facial paralysis and abducens palsy?
Mobius syndrome
EBV is RF for what ca’s?
- NPCa
- salivary gland ca
Salted foods are a risk for what ca’s?
Eponym for Branchial oto renal syndrome?
Melnick Fraser
Dose of epinephrine for anaphalyxis
-0.3cc IM every 5-15 min
Treatment of hyperthyroidism in preggers?
- Propylthiouracial in 1st trimester (methimazole assc w aplasia cutis)
- Then methimazole (PTU assc w liver damage)
NF2 inheritance pattern?
When to mask on an audiogram?
- >40db difference on circumaural headset
- >70dB difference of intraaural headset.
Treatment of RLS?
-Dopamine agonists eg pramipaxole, ropinirole, bromocriptine
What lab value assc w narcolepsy?
Differences in their sleep studies?
*low CSF hypcretin
*increased stage 1, sleep latency less than 8 min
When to be suspicious of malingering score for UPSIT?
- Anosmia is 5-18
- Hyposmia is 19-33
Ideal TSH level prior to radio-iodine therapy
-therefore off thyroid meds for 2-4 wks w low iodine diet.
Baker Gordon peel
*Deep peel
-Contains liquid soap, 88% phenol, water, croton oil
-MCC age of Recurrent parotitis of childhood and Tx?
-resolves usu by teens therefore conservative management and abx
Wound strengthe timeline
*3% at one week
*20% at 3 wks
*80% at 3 mo’s
Inheritance pattern of connexin 26
What drains into the maxillary vein?
Where does the submucosal plexus drain?
*pterygoid plexus
*facial, ophthalmic, and sphenopalatine vein
Components of the internal valve?
*upper lat, inf turb, septum, piriform aperture
Cogan syndrome
Cochlear deafness
Ophthalmic issue (interstitial keratitis
Glucocorticoids for tx
Aortic involvement
Nerve deafness/dizziness
(It’s an AI disorder)
CI’s for hemilaryngectomy?
*piriform sinus involvement
*Proximity to the cricopharyngeus
*post cricoid region
*ipsilateral cord paralysis
Tx of hypercalcemic crisis?
*2-4 L of fluids
- Loop diuretic
- Bisphosphonate
- calcitonin
Minimum thickness of melanoma where you should consider sentinel node bx?
0.75 mm
Treatment of malingnant hyperthermia?
Sodium dantrolene
-push a minimum of 1mg/kg until symptoms stop or max dose of 10mg/kg
CI’s for gamma knife for vestibular schwannoma
tumor >3cm can lead to obstructive hydrocephalus.
Mitomycin C MOA and concentration?
DNA crosslinker
Cotton myer grading for subglottic stenosis?
Grade 1: 0-50%
Grade 2:50-70%
3: 70-99
4: complete
When is a neck dissection indicated in salivary ca?
*Mass >4cm
*high grade pathology except adenoid cystic
*nodal disease
*adenoid cystic has rare neck mets and therefore rarely needs neck dissection.
Optimal time to dermabrade scars?
6-8 wks
Metabolization of local anesthetics?
Amides are metabolized by liver
Esters are metabolized by psueocholinesterase
- amides have two i’s in name
- esters have one i in name
Freidman staging for OSA surgery?
Stage I 80% success
Stage II 40% success
Stage III 8% success

Sinus tumor staging?

Medications that can cause tinnitus?
ASA, neomycin, furesomide, quinine, vanco