Insects Bites & Stings Exam 3 Flashcards
Mosquitos saliva contains an anticoagulant that leads to
Mosquito vector born illnesses
malaria, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, and Zika virus
transfer to humans from infested habitats or from pets
Bites present as cluster around legs and ankles
Intense itching
Seek out prey based on carbon dioxide and lipids present on skin
Lay eggs in stagnant water (puddles, lakes, marshes)
Flea vector born illnesses
bubonic plague and typhus
Contagious parasitic skin infection caused by microscopic arachnid mite
Transmitted through physical contact
Burrows into upper layer of the skin, where it lays eggs
Characterized by inflammation and intense itching
Most often found on wrists, between fingers
Requires prescription therapy to treat
Nocturnal feeders that hide during the day
Typically exist in large groups and often spread by travelers
Patients will present with multiple bites at sites of exposed skin
Infestations can be very challenging to remove
Attach to the skin using a barbed feeding tube
ticks saliva contains
anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and anestheticproperties
ticks vector-born illnesses acquired from hosts and transmitted via
bedbugs bites are typically
form a straight line of 2-3 bites
Intense itching
Irritation can range from redness to raised welt
Tick species present in North Carolina
American dog tick Blacklegged tick (“deer tick”) Brown dog tick Gulf Coast tick Lone star tick
Commonly found among tall grass, shrubbery, and forests
With Chiggers after attaching, larvae secrete a
digestive fluid
Fluid with chiggers causes
cellular disintegration of the affected area, a red papule, and intense itching
This fluid also causes the skin to harden and form a tiny tube in which the chigger remains to feed
Bites often seen in groups at areas of exposed skin
Majority of ________ are unable to penetrate human skin
North Carolina spiders most likely to cause bites
Brown recluse
Black widow
spider bites are a __________, often from unintentional contact/trapping
defense mechanism
Deaths are rare, but symptoms can be serious with spiders like
Delayed, intense pain
Stiffness and joint pain
Abdominal disturbances
Fever, chills, dyspnea
Prevention of insect bites/stings
avoidance cover skin limit time outside at dawn/dusk utilize insect repellant remove stagnant water
Exclusions for Self Treatment
Hypersensitivity reaction
< 2 years of age
History of tick bite and systemic effects indicating possible infection
Suspected spider bite requiring medical attention
Signs of secondary infection of the bite area
Non-Pharmacologic Treatment for Insect bites/stings
Prevent secondary bites
Apply ice pack to the area in 10 minute intervals
Avoid scratching affected areas (secondary infections)
Avoid rough, irritating clothing
Relieves itching and pain through blockade of nerve impulses
Inhibits flow of sodium ions, preventing depolarization of membrane
Local Anesthetic
Counsel patients to avoid the following for local anesthetic:
Areas with open wounds/sores
Large areas of the body
Applying under compresses/bandages