Insects 4 Flashcards
How do insects communicate with eachother?
- Interspecific and Intraspecific Communication
How do Billbugs injure turf?
Larvae feed on stems and crowns
Adults notch leaves and chew stems
List three insects with univoltine life cycle.
- Billbugs
Identify the morphological characteristics that separate the following insects:
Sod Webworm Larvae vs. Cutworm Larvae
- Cutworms are hairless and have a stripe
- Sod Webworms have spots, and setae (hair)
Identify the morphological characteristics that separate the following insects:
Billbug Larvae vs. Aetenius Larvae
- Billbug larvae dont have legs and BTA larvae do.
Identify the morphological characteristics that separate the following insects:
Chinch bug Nymph vs. Chinch bug Adult
Adults have a white “X” on their back from developed wings….Nymphs have a small white spot on their backs and are smaller overall.
Identify the morphological characteristics that separate the following insects:
Webworm Adult vs. Armyworm Adult
- Webworms have rolled wings
- Armyworms have flat wings
What is the only effective control for nematodes?
How far can cutworm larvae travel in a night?
+/- 70 feet
Why are organophosphate insecticides harmful to humans?
They are nerve toxins
Name an insect that cannot be controlled with endophytes.
What type of leaf litter is favored by hyperodes weevils (ABW)?
- THey prefer tall grass and mixed leaf litter
Describe an adult BTA.
Small, black, smooth hind tibia
Define anthropomorphism.
Assigning human characteristics to unhuman things. Mistake
How can you tell an adult BTA from an adult billbug?
- Billbugs have a longer, narrow snout with antanae at the base while the BTA doesn’t
How long is the life cycle of a billbug?
12 months
What time of year should you treat grubs with insecticides?
April - August depending on your target….
What is Naturalis-T?
a Biocontrol
Why won’t endophytes stop white grubs?
white grubs feed underground
List 4 characteristics of eusocial insects.
- division of labor
- overlap of generations
- cooperative care of juveniles
- adults live in groups
How long is the life cycle of the June bug?
12 months