Insects Flashcards
Describe arthropods.
*jointed limbs, segmented body, exoskeleton
-flies (diptera)
-fleas (siphonaptera)
-lice (phthiraptera)
-bed bugs (Hemiptera)
Arachnids - Acari
Describe insects.
-adults: 3 pairs of legs
-head thorax, abdomen
-life cycle: ELPA (egg - larva - pupa - adult)
-biological/mechanical transmission of organisms
-fly strike (myiasis)
>infection of fly larvae
Describe Diptera.
>irritate animal
>feed on blood
>transmit disease
>migrate in animal
>feed on animal
-stomoxys calcitrans ‘stable fly’
-hypoderma spp on bovine backs
-cuterebra in cats
Describe Siphonaptera.
-ELPA life cycle
-ex: Ctenocephalides eggs
Describe Phthiraptera.
-host specific
>preferred host
>site of infestation
-life cycle: ENNNA
>sucking lice - suck blood = cause anemia
>move slow
>head narrow than thorax
-ischnocera (mallophaga)
>chewing lice = feed on skin - pruritus - 2ndary infections
>move fast
>head wider than thorax
Describe Hemiptera.
Describe Musca domestica.
‘House fly’
-host: domestic animals & humans
>adults 5.5-7.5mm
>sticky hairs on pads of leg s
>mouthparts fleshy & adapted to sponging
-PPP: 7-10d
-life cycle: typical muscid
>eggs laid in decaying organic substances
Describe Musca autumnalis.
‘Face fly’
-ID: similar to house fly
-life cycle: typical muscid
>eggs in feces or rotting organic material
-SOI: animal secretions & wounds
>annoyance (feed on face secretion)
>mechanical vector of virus, bacteria, helminths, Protozoa
>biological vector of Habronema & Draschia megastoma “summer sore”
>annoyance = interfere w grazing & drop in performance
>eye disorders or conjunctivitis
Describe Stomoxys calcitrans.
‘Stable fly, biting house fly’
-host: animals & humans
>rigid mouthpart, conspicuous & forward
-life cycle:
>feed on blood
>require 3 min to finish blood meal
>females lay egg on decaying matter (ex. Damp hay)
-SOI: general
-pathogenesis: attack animals, transmit disease
-CS: increased head & ear movement, skin twitch, tail swish
Describe Musca spp & Stomoxys calcitrans.
-diagnosis via fly ID
>sanitation (reduce breeding sites)
>dont treat compost
Describe Haematobia irritans.
‘Horn fly’
-host: cattle
>small bloodsucking muscid
>distinguish from stable fly bc 1/2 size & shorter proboscis
-life cycle:
>on host except when female lay egg in fresh feces
>overwinter (diapause, pupa)
>around horns
>feed in thousands
>impair milk production & weight gain
>transmit helminths
>200+ flies economic loss
>insecticide on host
>insecticide resistance
Describe Culicoides spp.
‘Biting midges, no-see-ums’
only females take blood meals
-host: domestic animals & humans
>1.5-5 mm
>mottled wing, short proboscis, antenna long
-SOI: general
>transmit protozoa, helminths (onchocerca), virus
>allergic reaction in horses
>decrease standing water
>avoid marshy pasture
>treat horse w repellents, insecticides
Describe Tabanus spp.
‘Horse fly’
-hosts: lg animals, sm mammals, birds
>mouthparts slashing & sponging
-painful bites
-mechanical vectors
-cant control breeding sites bc diffuse & difficult to detect
-control in housing & on animals via repellents/insecticides
Describe Chrysops spp.
‘Deer fly’
>dark band across wings
>elongated antennae
>bite horses in shade (horse stand in sun to avoid)
all other aspects like Tabanus spp
Describe Melophagus ovinus.
-host: sheep
>dorsoventral flat, hairy, wingless Dipteran
>blood sucking mouthpart
-SOI: wool
-life cycle:
>female make one egg that hatches in her body
>3rd in star adheres to fleece & immobile instars pupate (3-4mm)
>adults emerge in 3wk in summer, longer in winter
Describe Culicidae.
>pair of wings
>long thin legs
>long proboscis
>long antennae
-CS: transmit disease