Insect Pics 2 Flashcards
Bagworm Caterpillar
Eastern Tent Caterpillar
Euonymus Caterpillar
Fall Webworm
Forest Tent Caterpillar
Gypsy Moth
Mimosa Webworm
Oak Skeletonizer
Winter Moth
Azalea Sawfly
Maple Petiole Borer
Mountainash Sawfly
Pearslug Sawfly
Pine Sawflies
Red-headed Pine Sawflies
Elm Leaf Beetle
Imported Willow Leaf Beetle
Japanese Beetle
Viburnum Leaf Beetle
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Pine Bark Adelgid
Hemlock Eriophyid Mite
Spruce Spider Mite
Two-spotted spider mite (left)
Typical predatory mite (right)
Boxwood Psyllid
Sycamore Lacebug
Potato Leafhopper
Sharpshooter Leafhopper
Pear Thrips
Pine Spittlebug
Ash Plantbug
Four-lined Plantbug
Honeylocust Plantbug
Sycamore Plantbug
Tarnished Plantbug
Taxus Mealybug
Azalea Bark Scale
Beech Scale and Nectria Fungus
Cottony Camellia Scale
Cottony Maple Scale
Euonymus Scale
Fletcher Scale
Golden Oak Scale
Elongate Hemlock Scale
Juniper Scale
Lecanium Scales
Oystershell Scale
Pine Needle Scale
Tuliptree Scale
White Prunicola Scale
Black Stem Borer
Conifer Bark Beetle
Conifer Bark Beetle
Elm Bark Beetle
Black Vine Weevil
Periodical Cicada
Pityophthorus Shoot Beetle
Shoot and Tip Moths
White Pine Weevil
Arborvitae Leaf Miner
Birch Leaf Miner
Boxwood Leafminer
Holly Leafminer
Locust Leafminer
Needle Miners
Asian Longhorned Beetle
Bronze Birch Borer
Cedar Longhorned Beetle
Dogwood Borer
Emerald Ash Borer
Lilac / Ash Borer
Peachtree Borer
Leopard Moth
Pitch Mass Borer
Rhododendron Borer
Round-headed Apple Tree Borer
Sirex Wood Wasp
Tilehorned Beetle
Two-lined Chestnut Borer
Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid
Cynipid Gall Wasps
Eastern Spruce Gall Adelgid
Eriophyid Mite Galls
Hackberry Leaf Galls
Honeylocust Podgall Midge
Squirrel Damage
Birch Catkin Bug
Boxelder Bug
Carpenter Ants
Giant European Hornet
Leafcutter Bees
Asian Ladybird Beetle
Western Conifer Seedbug
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug