BMP Tree Risk Assessment Vocab Flashcards
Acceptable Risk
The degree of risk that is within the tolerance or threshold of the owner, manager, or controlling authority
Advanced Assessment (Level 3)
An assessment performed to provide detailed information about specific tree parts, defects, targets, or site conditions. Specialized equipment, data collection and analysis, and expertise are usually required.
Aerial Inspection
Inspection of parts of a tree not visible from the ground, including the trunk, stems, and branches; aerial inspections may include evaluation of internal decay
Aerial Patrol
Overflights of a utility right-of-way l, large areas, or individual trees to record the location of trees that are likely to fail and cause harm.
Basic Assessment (Level 2)
Detailed visual inspection of a tree and surrounding site that may include the use of simple tools. It requires that a tee risk assessor inspect completely around the tree trunk looking at the visible above ground roots, trunk, branches, and site
Bending Moment
A turning, bending, or twisting force exerted by a lever, defined as the force (acting perpendicular to the lever) multiplied by the length of the lever
The person or organization for whom professional services are rendered. Usually, the owner or manager responsible for the trees.
Compartmentalization Of Decay In Trees
Natural defense process in trees by which chemical and physical boundaries are created that act to limit the spread of disease and decay organisms
Effects or outcome of an event. In tree risk assessment, consequences include personal injury, property damage, or disruption of activities due to the event
Separation in wood fibers
Process of degradation by microorganisms
An imperfection, weakness, or lack of something necessary. In trees, defects are injuries, growth patterns, decay, or other conditions that reduce the trees structural strength.
Drive-By Assessment
Limited visual inspection from only one side of the tree, performed from a slow-moving vehicle; also may be called a windshield assessment.
Occurrence of a particular set of circumstances. In tree risk assessment, a tree or tree part failing and impacting a target
(tree failure) Breakage of stems, branches, roots, or loss of mechanical support in the root system.
Failure Mode
Location or manner in which failure could occur or has occurred, for example, stem failure, root failure, or soil failure.
Personal injury or death, property damage, or disruption of activities.
Situation or condition that is likely to lead to a loss, personal injury, property damage, or disruption of activities; a likely source of harm. In relation to trees, a hazard is the tree part(s) identified as a likely source of harm.
Hazard Tree (hazardous tree)
A tree identified as a likely source of harm
Impact (verb)
Striking a target or causing a disruption that affects activities
Inspection Frequency
The number of inspections per given unit of time (for example, once every three years)
Inspection Interval
Time between inspections
Predominant angle of the trunk
Lever Arm
The distance between the applied force (or center of force) and the point where the object will bend or rotate.
The chance of an event occurring. In the context of tree failure, the term may be used to specify 1) the chance of a tree failure occurring 2) the chance of impacting a specified target 3) the combination of the likelihood of a tree failing and the likelihood of impacting a specified target.
Likelihood of failure
The chance of a tree failure occurring within the specified time frame
Likelihood of failure and impact
The chance of a tree failure occurring and impacting a target within the specified time frame
Likelihood of impact
The chance of a tree failure impacting a target during the specified time frame
Limited Visual Assessment (Level 1)
A visual assessment from a specified perspective such as a foot, vehicle, or aerial patrol of an individual tree or a population of trees near specified targets, to identify specified co dictions or obvious defects.
A broad headed hammer made of wood, plastic, or resin used for sounding a tree.
The process of reducing risk
The person or entity responsible for tree management, or the controlling authority that regulates tree management.
The measure of the chance of occurrence expressed as a number between 0-1 (0-100%) where 0 is impossibility and 1 is absolute certainty
A stiff small diameter rod, stick, or wire that is inserted into a cavity or crack to estimate its size or depth
Qualitative risk assessment
A process using ratings of consequences and likelihood to determine risk significance levels and to evaluate the level of risk against qualitative criteria
Quantitative risk assessment
A process used to estimate numerical probability values for consequences, and to calculate numeric values for risk
Residual Risk
Risk remaining after mitigation
Response Growth (adaptive growth)
New wood produced in response to loads to compensate for higher strain in marginal fibers; includes reaction wood (compression and tension) flexure wood, and wound wood.
Longitudinal bulged of response wood growth
The combination of the likelihood of an event and the severity of the potential consequences. In the context of trees, risk is the likelihood of a conflict or tree failure occurring and affecting a target, and the severity of the associated consequences - personal injury, property damage, or disruption of activities
Risk aggregation
The consideration of risks in combination
Risk analysis
The systematic use of information to identify sources and to estimate the risk
Risk assessment
The process of risk identification, analysis, and evaluation
Risk evaluation
The process of comparing the assessed risk against given risk criteria to determine the significance of the risk
Risk management
The application of policies, procedures, and practices used to identify, evaluate, mitigate, monitor, and communicate risk.
Risk Matrix
A tool for ranking and displaying risks by assigning ratings for consequences and likelihood.
The process of striking a tree with a mallet or other appropriate tool and listening for tones that indicate dead bark, a thin layer of wood outside a cavity, or cracks in wood.
Structural Defect
Feature, condition, or deformity of a tree that indicates a weak structure or instability that could contribute to tree failure
Sudden branch drop
Sudden, unanticipated failure of a tree branch with little or no discernible defect; often associated with long, horizontal branches and warm temperatures
Change in diameter over the length of trunks, branches, and roots
Target (risk target)
People, property, or activities that could be injured, damaged, or disrupted by a tree failure
Target Zone
The area where a tree or tree part is likely to land if it were to fail
Time Frame
Time period for which an assessment is defined
Tree Risk Assessment
A systematic process used to identify, analyze, and evaluate tree risk.
Tree risk management
The application of policies, procedures, and practices used to identify, evaluate, mitigate, monitor, and communicate tree risk.
Unacceptable Risk
A degree of risk that exceeds the tolerance of the owner, manager, or controlling authority
Walk by assessment
A limited visual assessment l, usually from one side of the tree, performed as the tree risk assessor walks by the tree(s)
Uprooting and overthrowing of a tree caused by wind
Wood decay
The process of wood degradation by microorganisms