INR2002 EXAM1 Flashcards
seeks to understand how people and countries of the world get along
International Relations
observations about the world that demand and explanation
a logically consistent set of statements that explains a phenomenon of interest
3 I’s
Interests, Interactions, and Institutions
Goals actors have… outcomes they hope to obtain through political action
Ways in which 2 or more actors choices combine to produce political outcomes
are sets of rules that are known and shared by the relevant community that structure political interactions
“rules of the game”
2 Types of Interactions
Bargaining, and Cooperations
when 2 or more actors divide something they both want
when actors have common interests and need to act in a coordinated way to achieve those interests
the observation that mature democratic states rarely go to war with one another
Democratic Peace
representatives of states with different interests interact within institutions to determine a countries foreign policy
International Level (of analysis)
Levels of analysis
International, Domestic, Transnational
subnational actors with different interests interact within institutions to determine the country’s foreign policy changes
Domestic Level (of analysis)
groups whose members span borders - pursue their interests by trying to influence both domestic and international policies
transnational level (of analysis)
2 key assumptions of realism
- states are dominant
2. the stage of world politics is characterized by anarchy
the absence of a central authority with the ability to make and enforce laws that bind us all
Thucydides, Hobbes, Machiavelli, Jacques
People involved in Realism
Locke, Kant, Smith, Ricardo
People involved in Liberalism
Many actors are important in this case, wealth is a goal for most actors, their shared goals are the basis for cooperations
Wendt, Ruggie, Katzenstein
People of Constructivism
focuses on nonmaterial sources of interest (ideas, cultures and norms)
Western Europeans’ economic and military interests reflected in what
power and economic influence complement one another
most important control of mercanilists
those applied to trade
ended the 30 years war and created the modern state system (recognition of sovereignty and nonintervention)
Peace of Westphalia
The predominance of one nation-state over others
“british peace”
Pax Britannica
The end of Mecantilism
Free Trade
the monetary system in which countries tied their worth of money to be exchanged at a legally fixed cost
The Gold Standard
peace treaty that b/w allies and Germany taht formally ended WW1. Put all the blame on Germany,,, war reparations
Treaty of Versailles
a collective organization after WW1 prequel to the United Nations
League of Nations
an alliance between U.S., Canada, and most of W. Europe in response to Soviet threat
the economic order negotiated among allied nations which led to a series of cooperative arrangements involving freer trade
Bretton Woods System
A military alliance formed in 1955 by Soviet Union and its Cold War allies in Eastern Europe
Warsaw Pact
the process of shedding colonial possessions during the end of European Empires
what actors want to achieve through political action
3 basic groups of interest analysis
- power or security
- economic or material welfare
- ideological goals
the basic unit for the analysis of international politics
a central authority with the ability to make and enforce laws, rules and decisions
the expectation that states have legal and political supremacy (ultimate authority) wihtin their territorial boundaries
interests that belong to the state itself (usually security and power)
National Interests
2 assumptions of studying interactions
- actors behave w the intent of producing a desired result
2. actors adopt strategies according to what they believe the other actor will choose
sum-zero-game is also called
a type of cooperative interaction in which actors benefit from all making the same choices and subsequently have no incentive to not cooperate
a type of cooperation in which actors gain from working together but nonetheless have incentives to not come to an agreement
obstacles to cooperation in which actors have incentive to collaborate but each acts w the expectation that others will pay the costs of cooperation
collective action problem
repeated interactions with the same partners
the linking of cooperation on one issue to interactions on a second issue
a strategy of imposing or threatening to impose costs on other actors in order to induce a change in their behavior
alternatives to bargaining w a specific actor
outside options
actions taken before or during bargaining that make the reversion outcome more favorable for one party
agenda setting
an event involving organized use of military force by at least two parties that reaches a minimum threshold
minimum threshold for war
at least 1000 battle deaths
a war in which the main participants are states
interstate war
a war in which the main participants are within the same state such as a gov’t and a rebel group
Civil War
a dilemma that arises when efforts that states make to defend themselves cause other states to fell less secure; can lead to arms races and war bc of fear of attack
security dilemma
3 main reasons for war
- territory
- states policies
- to change regimes
a bargaining interaction in which at least one actor threatens to use force in the event that its demands aren’t being met
crisis bargaining
the use of threats to advance specific demands in a bargaining interaction
coercive diplomacy
the set of deals that both parties in a bargaining interaction prefer over the reversion outcome. When the reversion outcome is war, the bargaining range is the set of deals that both sides prefer over war
Bargaining range
an effort to change the status quo through the threat of force
an effort to preserve the status quo through the threat of force
the willingness of an actor to endure costs in order to acquire a particular good
the trade-off b/w trying to get a better deal and trying to avoid a war
risk-return trade-off
a strategy in which adversaries take actions that increase the risk of accidental war, with the hope that the other will “blink” first and make concessions
negative repercussions for failing to follow through with a threat
audience costs
a war fought with the intention of preventing an adversary from becoming stronger in the future
Preventative War
the situation that arises when military technology, military strategies, and/or geography give a significant advantage to whichever state attacks first in a war
first-strike advantage
a war fought with the anticipation that an attack by the other side is imminent
preemptive war
a good that cannot be divided without diminishing its value
indivisible good
the collection of organizations - including the military, diplomatic corps, and intelligence agencies that carry out most tasks of the governance within a state
groups of individuals with common interests that organize to influence public policy in a manner that benefits their members
interest groups
the tendency for people to become more supportive of their country’s government in response to dramatic international events, such as crises of wars
rally effect
the incentive that state leaders have to start international crises in order to rally public support at home
diversionary incentive
an alliance between military leaders and the industries that benefit from international conflict, such as arms manufacturers
military-industrial complex
the observation that there are few, if any, clear cases of war between mature democratic states
democratic peace
a political system in which candidates compete for political office through frequent, fair elections in which a sizable portion of the adult population can vote
a political system in which an individual or small group exercises power with few constraints and no meaningful competition or participation by the general public
the ability to punish or reward leaders for the decisions they make, as when frequent, fair elections enable voters to hold elected officials responsible for their actions by granting or withholding access to political office