Inquiring about the body Flashcards
Hypochondrium - Distending pain in the chest and hypochondrium, sighing, irritability, wiry pulse
Liver qi stagnation
Hypochondrium - Burning pain in hypochondrium, red complexion and eyes, wiry and rapid pulse
Depressed heat from liver qi stagnation
Hypochondrium - Why is there depressed fire from liver qi stagnation?
Constrained liver qi causing the depressed fire
Hypochondrium - Distending and heavy or burning pain in hypochondrium, yang-type jaundice, wiry and slippery pulse
Damp-heat in liver and gall bladder
Hypochondrium - What causes distending pain?
qi stagnation
Hypochondrium - True or false qi stagnation is at a fixed location and does not move
False. Qi stagnation is fixed, but it can move and be fixed at another location
Hypochondrium - Fixed and stabbing hypochondrium pain that is worse at night
Blood stasis
Hypochondrium - Fullness and oppression in hypochondrium, alternating fever and chills, bitter mouth, dizziness, blurry vision, restlessness, nausea, wiry pulse
Shaoyang disease
Hypochondrium - Nausea is due to what in terms of the five elements?
Wood overacting on earth
Epigastrium (cold and heat) - Cold and paroxysmal epigastric pain relieved by warmth and aggravated by cold
Invasion of pathogenic cold in the stomach
Epigastrium (cold and heat) - Burning pain in epigastrium, excessive hunger, foul breath, constipation with dry stool
Stomach fire
Epigastrium (qi and blood) - Distending pain aggravated by anger/stress/emotions, belching, hiccup
Liver qi stagnation with liver overacting on stomach
Epigastrium (qi and blood)- What causes belching in terms of the five elements?
Wood overacting on earth just like with nausea
Epigastrium (qi and blood) - Stabbing pain in fixed location that is worse at night
Blood stasis in the stomach
Epigastrium (yin and yang)- Dull epigastric pain relieved by warmth and pressure
Stomach yang deficiency