Input and output Flashcards
load the datasets written with save
loads specified data sets
load add-on packages
reads a file in table format and creates a data
frame from it; the default separator sep=”” is any whitespace; use header=TRUE to read the first line as a header of column names; use to prevent character vectors from being converted to fac- tors; use comment.char=”” to prevent “#” from being interpreted as a comment; use skip=n to skip n lines before reading data; see the help for options on row naming, NA treatment, and others
id. but with defaults set for reading comma-delimited files
id. but with defaults set for reading tab-delimited files
read a table of f ixed width f ormatted data into a ’data.frame’; widths
is an integer vector, giving the widths of the fixed-width fields
saves the specified objects (…) in the XDR platform-
independent binary format
saves all objects
cat(…, file=””, sep=” “)
prints the arguments after coercing to
character; sep is the character separator between arguments
print(a, …)
prints its arguments; generic, meaning it can have differ-
ent methods for different objects
format an R object for pretty printing
sep=” “)
prints x after converting to a data frame; if quote is TRUE, character or factor columns are surrounded by quotes (“); sep is the field separator; eol is the end-of-line separator; na is the string for missing values; use col.names=NA to add a blank column header to get the column headers aligned correctly for spreadsheet input
output to file, until sink()
Most of the I/O functions have a file argument. This can often be a charac- ter string naming a file or a connection. file=”” means the standard input or output. Connections can include files, pipes, zipped files, and R variables. On windows, the file connection can also be used with description = “clipboard”. To read a table copied from Excel, use
x ,col.names=NA)
For database interaction, see packages RODBC, DBI, RMySQL, RPgSQL, and ROracle. See packages XML, hdf5, netCDF for reading other file formats.