Graphical parameters Flashcards
controls text justification (0 left-justified, 0.5 centred, 1 right-justified)
specifies the colour of the background (ex. : bg=”red”, bg=”blue”, . . .
the list of the 657 available colours is displayed with colors())
controls the type of box drawn around the plot, allowed values are: “o”, “l”, “7”, “c”, “u” ou “]” (the box looks like the corresponding char-
acter); if bty=”n” the box is not drawn
a value controlling the size of texts and symbols with respect to the de-
fault; the following parameters have the same control for numbers on the axes, cex.axis, the axis labels, cex.lab, the title, cex.main, and the sub-title, cex.sub
controls the color of symbols and lines; use color names: “red”, “blue” see colors() or as “#RRGGBB”; see rgb(), hsv(), gray(), and rainbow(); as for cex there are: col.axis, col.lab, col.main, col.sub
an integer which controls the style of text (1: normal, 2: italics, 3: bold, 4: bold italics); as for cex there are: font.axis, font.lab, font.main, font.sub
an integer which controls the orientation of the axis labels (0: parallel to the axes, 1: horizontal, 2: perpendicular to the axes, 3: vertical)
controls the type of lines, can be an integer or string (1: “solid”, 2: “dashed”, 3: “dotted”, 4: “dotdash”, 5: “longdash”, 6: “twodash”, or a string of up to eight characters (between “0” and “9”) which specifies alternatively the length, in points or pixels, of the drawn elements and the blanks, for example lty=”44” will have the same effect than lty=2
a numeric which controls the width of lines, default 1
a vector of 4 numeric values which control the space between the axes and the border of the graph of the form c(bottom, left, top,
right), the default values are c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)
a vector of the form c(nr,nc) which partitions the graphic window as a matrix of nr lines and nc columns, the plots are then drawn in
id. but the plots are drawn by row
controls the type of symbol, either an integer between 1 and 25, or any
single character within “”
an integer which controls the size in points of texts and symbols
a character which specifies the type of the plotting region, “s”: square, “m”: maximal