Inorganic ions Flashcards
Function + charge of magnesium ion
Mg 2+ → component of chlorophyll needed forphotosynthesis + healthy growth → lack of = chlorosis = yellow leaves + stunted growth
Mammals → proper bone development → strengthens them
Function + charge of iron ions
Fe 2+ → c omponent of the protein haemoglobin needed to absorb and transport oxygen around body for respiration → lack of= not enough red blood cells made= anaemia with fatigue, paleness, breathlessness and dizziness
Function + charge of calcium ions
Ca2+ → strengthening and hardening tissue, teeth and bones in mammals + cell walls in plants
Function + charge of phosphate ions
(PO4) 3- → makes nucleotides which make DNA, RNA, ATP and phospholipids → overall component of nucleic acids
Function of phospholipids
Part of lipid making up cell membrane