innate immunity Flashcards
enhances macrophage phagocytoisis, specific to lung epithelia and lung infection.
epithelial derived chemical
What are the biochemical barriers of innate immunity?
Lysozyme- sweat, tears saliva
Epithelial derived chemicals-
*Cathlicidin, *defensin, *collectins, *resin like molecule *Bacterial Inducing Protein, * Antimicrobial Lectins.
Bacterial Derived Chemicals- natural flora produce chemicals such as ammonia, indols and phenols
resin like molecule
intestinal goblet cell, against helminths
epithelial derived chemical
BPI- Bacterial permeability inducing protein
reacts with lipopolyscharide on the gram negative cell wall
stored in nuetrophil and intestinal epithelium
epithelial derived chemical
Antimicrobial lectins
effective against gram positive bacterium in the intestinal epithelium.
epihelial derived chemical
Cathelicidins and Defensin
toxic to bacteria, fungi and virus classes,
produced by monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils.
epithelial derived chemicals, polypeptides
Plasma protein systems
compliment cascade
kinnin cascade
clotting cascade
*consist of multiple proteins in the blood, many of which are enzymes (inactive as proenzymes) activated by the products of tissue damage or infection
Compliment cascade
classical pathway- antibodies and antigen
lectin pathway- bacterial carbohydrates
alternative: activated by gram negative bacteria and fungus
all converge at C3.
Clotting Cascade
plasma and fibrin
-prevents spread of infection to surrounding tissue
-traps microorganism for cleansing by macrophage and neurophils
-forms clot to stop bleeding
-provided framework to heal
converge at factor X-> common pathway to clot.
Plasma Kinin system
augments inflammation
produces Bradykinin: dilation of blood vessles, acts with prostiglandin to stimulate nerve endings -> pain.
muscle contraction, slower and more prolonged for later phases of inflammation
how are the protien plasma systems correlated?
very interconnected, each stimulates the other,
example=many enzymes exist to inhibit and control the inflammatory response. like C1 esteraseinhibits C1-C3, also clotting and kinnin.
genetic defect here, hereditary angioendema=hyper-activation of bradykinin thus vacular permiability.
tissue injury or infection stimulates what? innate.
chemical and cellular reaction
vascular responce
what are the cellular mediators of inflammation?
granulocytes and monocytes (macrophages)
what is a granulocyte?
is a cellular mediator of inflammation. are circulating WBCs neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils inconstant contct with endothelium cytoplasm contains many enzymes.
what is an innate immunity cell receptor?
PRRs- pattern recognition receptors, on infectious agents and thier products (PAMPS) found on cells that interact with the environment.
TRLs- toll like receptors, recognize PAMPs on microorganisms cell wall
Compliment receptors
scavenger receptors
Compliment receptors
found on many receptors of both innate and acquired responces, macrophages, basophils neutrophils, eosinophils, mast cells and plateletes,
Scavenger receptor
is a PAMP.
found primarily on macrophages and facilitate phaygocytosis
associated with vascular damage-> HDL, acetylated LDL, oxidized LDL (these are damaged lipoproteins.
mast cell
-what is it?-where located?- whats its job?
initiates the inflammatory responce
located in the epithelia, especially those connected to environment.
bags of granuals
what innitiates?- injury, chemical agent, IgE of acquired immunity, TRL activation by bacteria or virus.
pathogen associated molecular patterns
occurs within the mast cell, releases histamine, cytokine, chemotactic factors, within seconds
what are the effects of histamine?
temporary and rapid constriction of large vessels and dilation post capillary beds, increase vascular permiability
effects are due to H1-proinflammatory or H2- antiinflamatory
what else do mast cells do?
synthesis new cell mediators:
leukotrienes, prostiglandins, platelet activation facotors.
similar to histamine with a later and longer action. (smooth muscle contraction and vascular perimability)
increase vascular permiability, neutrophil chemotaxis, induce pain.
can inhibit histamine action by releasing lysosomal enzymes from nuetrophils.
platelet activating factor
also produced by monocytes, neutrophils, endothelial cels and platelets (but mostly by mast cells).
- endothelial cell retraction,
- increase permeability - leukocyte adhesion -platelet activation.
Cells that are phagocytes
neutrophils, monocyte/macrophages, and dendritic cells
predominant in early inflammation
attracted by bacterial protiens, compliment factos, chemotactic factors
short lived, become pus.
Neutrophils, along with two other cell types; eosinophils and basophils (see below), are known as granulocytes due to the presence of granules in their cytoplasm, or as polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) due to their distinctive lobed nuclei. Neutrophil granules contain a variety of toxic substances that kill or inhibit growth of bacteria and fungi. Similar to macrophages, neutrophils attack pathogens by activating a respiratory burst. The main products of the neutrophil respiratory burst are strong oxidizing agents including hydrogen peroxide, free oxygen radicals and hypochlorite. Neutrophils are the most abundant type of phagocyte, normally representing 50 to 60% of the total circulating leukocytes, and are usually the first cells to arrive at the site of an infection.[5] The bone marrow of a normal healthy adult produces more than 100 billion neutrophils per day,
big eaters, large and slow, 3-7 days after neutrophils, most effective bacterial eaters, plays a role in adaptive immunity with receptors,
also produces cytokines to call in other cells to fight.
eosinphils and basophils
encounter, basophils releasing histamine are important in defense against parasites, and play a role in allergic reactions (such as asthma).[3] Upon activation, eosinophils secrete a range of highly toxic proteins and free radicals that are highly effective in killing bacteria and parasites, but are also responsible for tissue damage occurring during allergic reactions. Activation and toxin release by eosinophils is, therefore, tightly regulated to prevent any inappropriate tissue destruction.[5]
dendritic cells
Dendritic cells (DC) are phagocytic cells present in tissues that are in contact with the external environment, mainly the skin (where they are often called Langerhans cells), and the inner mucosal lining of the nose, lungs, stomach, and intestines.[2] They are named for their resemblance to neuronal dendrites, but dendritic cells are not connected to the nervous system. Dendritic cells are very important in the process of antigen presentation, and serve as a link between the innate and adaptive immune systems.
natural killer cells
does not directly attack invading microbes but destroy compromised host cells, such as tumor cells or virus-infected cells,
neural regulation of inntate immuntiy
The innate immune response to infectious and sterile injury is modulated by neural circuits that control cytokine production period. The Inflammatory Reflex is a prototypical neural circuit that controls cytokine production in spleen.[12] Action potentials transmitted via the vagus nerve to spleen mediate the release of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter that inhibits cytokine release by interacting with alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (CHRNA7) expressed on cytokine-producing cells.[13] The motor arc of the inflammatory reflex is termed the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway.
Cytokines (Greek cyto-, cell; and -kinos, movement) are a broad and loose category of small proteins (~5–20 kDa) that are important in cell signaling. They are released by cells and affect the behavior of other cells, and sometimes the releasing cell itself. Cytokines include chemokines, interferons, interleukins, lymphokines, tumour necrosis factor but generally not hormones or growth factors (despite some terminologic overlap). Cytokines are produced by a broad range of cells, including immune cells like macrophages, B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes and mast cells, as well as endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and various stromal cells; a given cytokine may be produced by more than one type of cell.[1][2][3]
They act through receptors, and are especially important in the immune system; cytokines modulate the balance between humoral and cell-based immune responses, and they regulate the maturation, growth, and responsiveness of particular cell populations. Some cytokines enhance or inhibit the action of other cytokines in complex ways.[3]
They are different from hormones, which are also important cell signaling molecules, in that hormones circulate in much lower concentrations and hormones tend to be made by specific kinds of cells.
They are important in health and disease, specifically in host responses to infection, immune responses, inflammation, trauma, sepsis, cancer, and reproduction.
The major role of chemokines is to act as a chemoattractant to guide the migration of cells. Cells that are attracted by chemokines follow a signal of increasing chemokine concentration towards the source of the chemokine. Some chemokines control cells of the immune system during processes of immune surveillance, such as directing lymphocytes to the lymph nodes so they can screen for invasion of pathogens by interacting with antigen-presenting cells residing in these tissues. These are known as homeostatic chemokines and are produced and secreted without any need to stimulate their source cell(s). Some chemokines have roles in development; they promote angiogenesis (the growth of new blood vessels), or guide cells to tissues that provide specific signals critical for cellular maturation. Other chemokines are inflammatory and are released from a wide variety of cells in response to bacterial infection, viruses and agents that cause physical damage such as silica or the urate crystals that occur in gout. Their release is often stimulated by pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 1. Inflammatory chemokines function mainly as chemoattractants for leukocytes, recruiting monocytes, neutrophils and other effector cells from the blood to sites of infection or tissue damage. Certain inflammatory chemokines activate cells to initiate an immune response or promote wound healing. They are released by many different cell types and serve to guide cells of both innate immune system and adaptive immune system.