Innate Immunity Flashcards
Common CD numbers and the cells they represent
CD3 = common t-cell marker CD4 = helper T cell CD8 = cytotoxic T cell CD14 = monocyte/macrophage CD16 = Neutrophil CD20 = B cells
Primary lymphoid organs
Bone marrow and Thymus
What causes cytokine causes fever response
TNF alpha, IL 1, IL 6
Important parts in the innate immunity
- Defensin
- Type 1 interferon
- Complement system
Where is defensin found in and what is its function?
It is found in neutrophil, macrophage, epithelial cell and dendritic cells
Its function is to cause penetrate microbial membrane to form pores
What is type 1 interferon
Interferon alpha and beta
Interferes with viral replication
Activates macrophage, dendritic cells and natural killer cells
What is the compliment system and what is their function
Compliment system is a group of proteins made by the liver
They accumulate to form MAC, membrane attack complex to cause lysis of cells
Compliment system triggers inflammation and phagocytosis
Innate immune response types
- Phagocytosis
- Inflammation
- Natural killer cells
Is an active process Phagocytosis receptors are 1. Lectin receptor (mannose receptor) 2. Scavenger receptors 3. Fc receptors 4. Complement receptors
Inflammation response function in innate immunity
- Prevent spread of infection to other parts of the body
- promote repair of injured tissue
- release of cytokines and chemokine for chemotaxis
Natural killer cells
How they cause lysis of pathogen
Which part of infection do they exert their function in
What chemokines cause their increase in function
Large granular lymphocytes
Release granzymes made of perforin and proteases to cause lysis of pathogen
Exert function in early part of infection
Activity is increased by IFN alpha, IFN Beta, TNF alpha, IL12
How does innate immunity differentiate self from non-self cells
Pathogen associated molecular protein
Danger associated molecular protein
What is the name of the receptor used to differentiate between self and non-self cells in innate immunity
Pattern recognition receptor
TLR, toll like receptor is an example of a PRR