Inlays, Onlays And Veneers Flashcards
When is an inlay useful?
Occlusal cavities
Occlusal / interproximal cavities
Replace failed direct restorations
What are the indications for an inlay?
Premolars or molars
Occlusal, MO or DO restorations
MOD if kept narrow
Low caries risk pt
Advantages of inlay vs direct restorations?
Superior materials and margins
Won’t deteriorate over time
Increased time
What things are needed in a prep for an inlay?
Tapered walls and no undercuts!!!!!
Correct Isthmus
Adequate depth
Correct margin
Margins clear of occlusal contact points
Clear contact points
Rounded internal line angles
Dimensions of ceramic inlay prep?
Isthmus: 1.5-2mm
Depth: 1.5mm
Margin: min 1mm shoulder or chamfer
Dimensions of gold inlay?
Isthmus: 1mm
Depth: 1.5mm
Margin: 0.5mm chamfer
+- occlusal key and dovetail, retention aspects
Indications for onlay?
Sufficient occlusal tooth substance loss
A cusp remaining
MOD wide isthmus
Pre existing large restoration
When use onlay?
Tooth wear cases
- increase OVD
Fractured cusps
Restoration of root treated tooth
Replace failed direct restoration
Reductions needed for porcelain onlay?
1.5mm non functional cusp
2mm functional cusp
1mm shoulder or chamfer
Reductions needed for gold inlay?
0.5mm non functional
1mm functional
0.5mm chamfer
1st appt for inlays / onlays?
LA if tooth not RCT
Make reduction template
Imp for temp
Tooth prep
Make temp
Take imps, bite reg and shade
Cement temp
Inlays / onlays second appt?
Remove temp
Isolate, clean and dry tooth
Try fit, occlusion and adaptation of crown
Cement or address problems
Minor occlusal adjustments if needed
What is a laminate veneer?
Thin layer of cast ceramic that is bonded to labial or palatal surface of tooth, with resin
Indications for veneer?
Improve aesthetics
- tooth discolouration
Change teeth shape or contour
- enamel defects
Correct peg laterals
Reduce or close proximal spaces and diastema’s
Align labial surfaces of in standing teeth
Contraindications for veneers?
Poor OH
High caries rate
- interproximal caries
Gingival recession
- poor aesthetics
High lip lines
> 50% surface area no longer enamel
Heavy occlusion
Poor bonding surface
Severe discolouration
What prep is needed for a veneer?
0.3mm cervical reduction with slight chamfer supra or slightly sub gingival
0.5mm midfacial reduction within enamel
1-1.5mm incisal reduction with bevel
How temporise veneer?
Fit pro temp restoration
No need if direct veneer
Spot bond composite
- single spot bond with no etch into centre of tooth
- composite veneer on top
Alternatives to veneers?
No tx
Penetrative resin - ICON bleaching
Direct composite