Inherited disorders of amino acid catabolism Flashcards
•Outline the catabolic pathway of the following amino acids: –Phenylalanine and tyrosine and associated disorders •Phenylketonuria(Classic-PKU I and tetrahydrobiopterindeficiency –PKU II, maternal PKU), Alkaptonuria, Tyrosinosis –Branched chain amino acids •Maple syrup urine disease •Methylmalonicaciduria –Methionineand cysteine •Homocystinuria •Outline the two possible fates of homocysteine •For each of the disorders listed above –Specify the enzyme deficient and coenzyme requ
How is PKU now tested?
Tandem mass spec
What type of genetic disorder is PKU?
Autosomal recessive disorder
What does PKU stand for?
Why do some centers test infants twice for PKU?
-First test might be false negative
-Due to maternal clearance
Describe the diet to recommend to patients with PKU.
Low Phe diet:
-Low protein
-Avoid eggs, milk and meat
-Avoid aspartame (artificial sweetener)
What is the biochemical defect in patients with Classic PKU (type I)
Phenylalanine Hydroxylase (PAH)
What is the biochemical defect in patients with Benign PKU (type II)
Deficiency of dihydrobiopterin synthesis or dihydrobiopterin reductase (BH2/BH4)
What is the biochemical defect in patients with MSUD?
Branched chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase (BCKD)
What is the biochemical defect in patients with Homocystinura
Cystathioneine B-synthase
What is the biochemical defect in patients with Alkoptonuria
Homogentisic Acid Oxidase
Besides Phenylalanine, what other factors are needed by PAH to form tyrosine?
Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4)
Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), gets converted to what by PAH?
Dihydrobiopterin (BH2)
Dihydrobiopterin (BH2), gets converted to Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) by which enzyme?
Dihydrobiopterin reductase
Deficiency of BH2/BH4 leads to what?
1) Elevated PHE and its metabolites
2) Deficient catecholamine formation
3) Deficient serotonin production
Which is more severe, PKU-I or PKU-II?
What are the characteristics of PKU-I (classic) in untreated patients?
-Developmental milestone delay
-low IQ
-Seizures if blood Phe are high
-MOUSEY ODOR of urine
-decreased pigmentation of skin and hair