Inhaled Anesthetics Flashcards
Where is the most important site of action of volatile anesthetics associated with immobilization?
Spinal cord
Volatile inhaled anesthetics enhance inhibitory synaptic transmission postsynaptically by …, extrasynaptically by …, and presynaptically by …
- potentiating ligand-gated ion channels activated by γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine
- enhancing GABA receptors
- enhancing basal GABA release
Actions at GABAA receptors appear to be important for the end point of immobility of inhalational agents
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actions at GABAA receptors appear not to be important for the end point of immobility, at least where inhalational agents are concerned
Actions at GABAA receptors appear to be important for the end point of immobility of inhalational agents
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actions at GABAA receptors appear not to be important for the end point of immobility, at least where inhalational agents are concerned
Which molecular structures may be associated with the immobility caused by de volatile anesthetics?
voltage-gated sodium (Na+) channels
tandem-pore domain potassium channels (K2P)
Molecular structures associated with the anterograde amnesia caused by de volatile anesthetics
Enhancement of GABAergic inhibition can account for a substantial portion of isoflurane’s effect on memory.
Other contributing targets may include nAChRs, HCN1 (Potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1) channels, and excitatory glutamatergic synapses
Recovery from sleep deprivation can occur under propofol but does not occur with inhalational anesthesia
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recovery from sleep deprivation can occur under propofol and inhalational anesthesia
A convergence of x-ray crystallography, molecular modeling, and structure-function studies indicates that inhaled anesthetics bind in the … proteins.
The lipophilic (or hydrophobic) nature of these binding sites explains their adherence to the … correlation
hydrophobic cavities formed within
GABAA receptors are the principal transmitter-gated Cl− channels in the…, whereas GlyRs (glycine receptors) fulfill this function in the …, with some overlap in the …
neocortex and allocortex
spinal cord
diencephalon and brain stem
Most functional GABAA and GlyRs are heteropentamers, typically consisting of three different GABAA subunits (e.g., …) or two different GlyR subunits (…)
Presence of a … subunit is required for benzodiazepine modulation of GABAA receptors and can also influence modulation by inhaled anesthetics
two α, two β, and one γ or ∂
three α and two β
The related cation-permeable 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin)-3 (5HT3) receptors are potentiated by volatile anesthetics. 5HT3 receptors are involved with … and also probably contribute to the … of volatile anesthetics
Autonomic reflexes
emetogenic properties
NMDA receptors are a major postsynaptic receptor subtype of inotropic receptors for glutamate, the principal excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian CNS.
Typical NMDA receptors, defined pharmacologically by their selective activation by the exogenous agonist NMDA, are heteromers consisting of an obligatory … subunit and modulatory … subunits.
Channel opening requires glutamate (or another synthetic agonist such as NMDA) binding to the … subunit while the endogenous coagonist glycine binds to the … subunit. NMDA receptors also require membrane depolarization to relieve voltage-dependent block by …. Depolarization is typically provided by the binding of glutamate to non-NMDA glutamate receptors
Inhaled anesthetics suppress excitatory synaptic transmission presynaptically by … (volatile anesthetics) and postsynaptically by … (gaseous and to some extent volatile anesthetics).
reducing glutamate release
inhibiting excitatory ionotropic receptors activated by glutamate
Distinct voltage-gated Ca2+ channel subtypes are expressed in various cells and tissues, and are classified pharmacologically and functionally by the degree of depolarization required to gate the channel as low voltage–activated (LVA; … ) or high voltage–activated (HVA; … ) channels
L-, N-, R-, and P/Q-type
At higher doses, a role for Ca2+ channel inhibition in the negative inotropic effects of volatile anesthetics is well established.
The force of myocardial contraction is determined by the magnitude of cytosolic Ca2+ increase after electrical excitation, the responsiveness of the contractile proteins to Ca2+, and sarcomere length. Negative inotropic effects of volatile anesthetics are mediated by … .
Volatile anesthetics reduce the Ca2+ transient and shorten action potential duration in cardiomyocytes primarily by inhibiting … currents, resulting in a negative inotropic effect and arrhythmogenicity
reductions in Ca2+ availability, Ca2+ sensitivity of the contractile proteins, and rate of cytosolic Ca2+ clearance
L-type (Cav1.2) Ca2+
Malignant hyperthermia is a pharmacogenetic disorder that manifests as a potentially fatal hypermetabolic crisis triggered by volatile anesthetics, particularly halothane. It is often associated with mutations in … and the physically associated … channel (Cav1.1), which functions as the voltage sensor. Volatile anesthetics activate the mutated …, resulting in uncontrolled intracellular Ca2+ release from the SR, muscle contraction, and hypermetabolic activity
L-type Ca2+
How do volatile anesthetics can cause intracellular calcium stores depletion?
Intracellular Ca2+ channels regulate Ca2+ release from intracellular stores, particularly the ER and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). These include 1,4,5-inositol triphosphate receptors (IP3Rs), regulated by the second messenger IP3, and ryanodine receptors (RyRs); the latter mediate the release of SR Ca2+, which is critical to excitation-contraction coupling in muscle. Volatile anesthetic–induced Ca2+ leak occurs by effects on both IP3R and RyR channels, which leads to depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores from the SR and ER
Activation of K2P channels by volatile and gaseous anesthetics―including xenon, nitrous oxide, and cyclopropane―was observed in mammals. Increased K+ conductance can …, reducing responsiveness to excitatory synaptic input and possibly altering network synchrony. Targeted deletion of the TASK-1, TASK-3, and TREK-1 K2P channels in mice reduces sensitivity to … by volatile anesthetics in an agent-specific manner, implicating these channels as contributory anesthetic targets in vivo.
The K+ channel TREK-1 also contributes to the … effects of xenon and sevoflurane
hyperpolarize neurons
Volatile anesthetics and xenon activate cardiac mitochondrial and sarcolemmal KATP channels,which might contribute to …
anesthetic preconditioning to cardiac ischemia
Volatile anesthetics have a relatively … potency but … efficacy at synaptic GABAA receptors and a … potency and … efficacy at extrasynaptic GABAA receptors
Excitatory synaptic excitation is generally decreased by volatile anesthetics. Experiments in various slice preparations indicate that reduced excitation is primarily caused by … mechanisms.
By contrast, the effects of the nonhalogenated inhaled anesthetics (xenon, nitrous oxide, cyclopropane)
appear to be mediated primarily by inhibition of …
postsynaptic NMDA receptors
Oscillations with EEG frequencies from 1.5 to 4 Hz are generally referred to as …, and these oscillations are characteristic of … and are commonly observed under general anesthesia. Even slower rhythms (below 1 Hz) occur during … sleep and appear at loss of consciousness induced by propofol and sevoflurane
deep sleep
non–rapid eye movement (NREM)
θ-Rhythms, present in various cortical structures but most prominent in the hippocampus, are thought to signal the “online state.” They are associated with … during waking behavior. One component of the θ-rhythm (type I or …) can be affected by amnestic concentrations of isoflurane as well as by the amnestic nonimmobilizer F6, indicating a potential network-level signature effect for anesthetic-induced amnesia. Type II θ-rhythm (…) can be evoked under anesthesia and is slowed and potentiated by halothane.
sensorimotor and mnemonic functions
The blood solubility of anesthetic gases (and other gases such as O2, N2, and CO2) increases as temperature …
Anesthetic partitioning into blood (blood solubility) increases after ingestion of fatty foods and may decrease in anemic or malnourished patients
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During an inhaled anesthetic induction, the rate of increase of Palv relative to Pcirc is governed by …
(1) alveolar ventilation, (2) cardiac output, and (3) anesthetic solubility in blood.
Increased ventilation delivers more anesthetic from circuit to alveoli and increases Palv/Pcirc.
Importantly, increased pulmonary blood flow removes more anesthetic from alveoli, thereby decreasing the rate of increase in alveolar concentration of anesthetic (Palv/Pcirc). Indeed, significant decreases in cardiac output are suspected when end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) decreases and end-tidal concentration of VA increases.
The more soluble an anesthetic is in blood (i.e., the higher its λb/g), the greater is the capacity for each volume of blood to take up anesthetic from alveolar gases (i.e., the larger the effective blood flow). Thus as λb/g increases, Palv/Pcirc increases more slowly
How does dead space affect the volatile anesthetics uptake?
Dead space (ventilated but not perfused pulmonary regions) reduces effective alveolar ventilation, and thus slows anesthetic uptake
How shunting affect the induction with volatile anesthetics?
Pulmonary right to left shunting can be physiologic, pathologic, or iatrogenic, such as during one-lung ventilation. Right-to-left shunting results in a difference between Palv and the partial pressure of anesthetic in arterial blood (Part). This is because arterial blood represents a mixture of shunted mixed venous blood combined with blood that has equilibrated with alveolar gases. Because such shunts also reduce transcapillary gas exchange in the lung and slow anesthetic uptake, right-to-left shunting sustains Pcirc, an effect that is more pronounced for highly soluble drugs compared with insoluble anesthetics. Thus shunt reduces the ratio of Part:Palv more for insoluble anesthetics, such as N2O
Explain the concentration effect and the second gas effect
When the anesthetic represents a large fraction of the inhaled gas mixture, its rapid uptake results in a smaller relative alveolar anesthetic concentration drop, because the volume of alveolar gas also decreases. This is known as the concentration effect.
The second gas effect is a consequence of the concentration effect.
Ex.: After an initial inspiratory breath, alveoli are filled with the gas mixture in the circuit (66% N2O, 33% O2, 1% Isoflurane) at their normal end-inspiratory volume. After half of the N2O and isoflurane are absorbed into pulmonary blood, the alveolar gas volume is reduced by 33.5%. At this point, the volume of N2O equals the volume of O2 and the gas mixture is 49.6% N2O, 49.6% O2, 0.8% isoflurane. Inflow of additional inspired gas mixture returns alveolar volume to its original value, resulting in a gas mixture of 55.1% N2O, 44.1% O2, 0.8% isoflurane. The alveolar partial pressure of N2O falls much less than the fractional uptake (the concentration effect). In addition, the partial pressure of O2 increases relative to the inspired gas O2 content, and the partial pressure of isoflurane is sustained close to the inspired value, increasing its rate of uptake (the second gas effect)
Traditionally, anesthetic distribution has been described for four distinct tissue groups. Describe them
1) The vessel-rich group (VRG):
the heart, brain, lungs, spinal cord, liver, and kidney. Together, these organs compose approximately 10% of the adult human body mass; however, they receive approximately 70% of cardiac output under normal resting conditions. As a result, time constants for anesthetic equili- bration between blood and these organs are typically only a few minutes
2) skeletal muscle:
Muscle composes approximately 40% of body mass in a healthy adult, making muscle the largest single compartment based on weight. Moreover, most inhaled anesthetics partition into muscle more than into brain, resulting in an increased effective volume for anesthetic uptake into this compartment. At rest, muscle receives about 10% to 15% of cardiac output (20 mL/kg/min), but this value can increase dramatically during exercise, stress, fever, or other states associated with high cardiac output. Taken together, these factors generally result in slow equilibration between anesthetic in blood and muscle, with typical time constants of hours.
3) fat:
in a healthy adult composes less than 25% of body mass and receives approximately 10% of cardiac output. Potent VAs partition avidly into fat; therefore, fat represents the largest effective volume for uptake of these drugs. The extremely large effective volume coupled with low blood flow results in very slow equilibration of anesthetics between blood and fat, with time constants approaching days
4) vessel poor tissues:
skin, cortical bone, and connective tissue
Inhaled anesthetic induction in children is faster or slower than in adults? Explain
In pediatric patients, the balance of cardiac output to various tissue beds differs from that in adults. Thus, although cardiac output per kilogram body weight is larger in children than in adults, anesthetic induction in young children is more rapid than in adults, because a disproportionate amount of perfusion goes to the vessel rich organs, such as the brain.
What is the MAC-awake? What is its value?
The alveolar anesthetic concentration preventing percep- tive awareness in 50% of subjects.
MAC-awake for potent VAs is typically 0.34 × MAC-immobility, whereas MAC- awake for N2O is approximately 0.7 × MAC-immobility