Cardiovascular Monitoring Flashcards
Demand-mediated subendocardial ischemia resulting in ST-segment depression is the most commonly observed form of perioperative ischemia. ST-segment depression is most commonly observed in an anterolateral precordial lead regardless of the coronary territory responsible
T or F
Because of the absence of anatomic collateral flow at the elbow, brachial artery catheterization for perioperative blood pressure monitoring is not a safe
alternative to radial or femoral arterial catheterization
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Despite the absence of anatomic collateral flow at the elbow, brachial artery catheterization for perioperative blood pressure monitoring is a safe alternative to radial or femoral arterial catheterization
Why the arterial blood pressure recorded from peripheral sites has a wider pulse pressure than when measured more centrally?
▪ Because of wave reflection and other physical phenomena
Which eletrode can be placed in any part of the body? Why this is possible?
Placement of the right leg lead can be anywhere on the body because it is a ground electrode, and its location will not alter the display of any of the selected standard leads
Best leads for ischemia detection
mid-precordial leads (V3, V4, V5)
In addition to the standard lead locations, lead … , positioned in the … is the best lead for identifying right ventricular (RV) ischemia
V4R, a mirror image of lead V4
fourth intercostal space at the midclavicular line
A standard ECG is recorded at a gain of … and is indicated by a … mV rectangular calibration signal on a paper recording or by a … mV vertical marker at the edge of the bedside monitor ECG waveform
10 mm/mV
During stress testing and with acute subendocardial ischemia, the electrical forces responsible for the ST segment are deviated toward the …, causing … .
With acute transmural epicardial ischemia, the electrical forces in the ischemic area are deviated toward the…, causing …
inner layer of the heart
ST-segment depression or demand-mediated ischemia
outer layer of the heart
ST-segment elevation or supply-mediated ischemia in the overlying leads
With demand-mediated ischemia, as heart rate increases, … occurs.
As the severity of ischemia progresses, the ST segment typically becomes …, the magnitude of ST-segment depression increases, and the ST segment becomes … .
J-point depression and upsloping ST-segment depression
horizontal (flattens)
Standard criteria for stress-induced ischemia are …
1 mm (0.1 mV) or more of horizontal or downsloping ST-segment depression measured 60 or 80 ms after the J point
London and colleagues studied high-risk patients undergoing noncardiac surgery and showed that the greatest sensitivity for ischemia was obtained with lead 1…, followed by lead 2… .
Combining leads 3… increased the sensitivity to 4…%, whereas with the standard lead 5… combination, the sensitivity was only 6…%.
They also suggested that if three leads (7…) could be simultaneously examined, the sensitivity would increase to 8…%.
1) V5 (75%)
2) V4 (61%)
3) V4 and V5
4) 90
5) II and V5
6) 80
7) II, V4, and V5
8) 98
OBS.: Landesberg and associates monitored continuous 12-lead ST-segment changes greater than 0.2 mV from baseline in a single lead or more than 0.1 mV in two contiguous leads at J+60 ms, lasting longer than 10 minutes in patients undergoing major vascular surgery. They showed that leads V3 and V4 were more sensitive
than V5 in detecting perioperative ischemia (87%, 79%, and 66%, respectively). As a result of these and other investigations, it appears most appropriate to monitor lead V3, V4, or V5 for optimal detection of perioperative ST-segment depression, choosing the specific lead location to avoid interference with the surgical prep and procedure.
Comparisons of the upper arm, forearm, and wrist in morbidly obese patients show the best results for the … and worst for the …
In general, the ankle is always a … choice
upper arm
A large number of clinical studies have assessed the level of agreement between indirect and direct measurement of blood pressure. Generally, the two techniques show the highest level of agreement for … values while … are the most divergent.
As a rule, the … is underestimated while the … is overestimated with the discrepancy increasing with worsening hypotension
Systolic pressures
Below an MAP of …, NIBP does not appear useful as a guide to
therapy. Levels of agreement also decrease in the … patient
65 mm Hg
critically ill and the elderly
Complications of Noninvasive Blood Pressure (NIBP) Measurement
▪ Pain
▪ Petechiae and ecchymoses
▪ Limb edema
▪ Venous stasis and thrombophlebitis
▪ Peripheral neuropathy
▪ Compartment syndrome
Describe the Modified Allen test
1) Instruct the patient to clench his or her fist; if the patient is unable to do this, close the person’s hand tightly.
2) Using your fingers, apply occlusive pressure to both the ulnar and radial arteries, to obstruct blood flow to the hand.
3) While applying occlusive pressure to both arteries, have the patient relax his or her hand, and check whether the palm and fingers have blanched. If this is not the case, you have not completely occluded the arteries with your fingers.
4) Release the occlusive pressure on the ulnar artery only to determine whether the modified Allen test is positive or negative.
- Positive modified Allen test: If the hand flushes within 5-15 seconds it indicates that the ulnar artery has good blood flow; this normal flushing of the hand is considered to be a positive test.
- Negative modified Allen test: If the hand does not flush within 5-15 seconds, it indicates that ulnar circulation is inadequate or nonexistent; in this situation, the radial artery supplying arterial blood to that hand should not be punctured.
Complications of Direct Arterial Pressure Monitoring
▪ Distal ischemia, pseudoaneurysm, arteriovenous fistula
▪ Hemorrhage
▪ Arterial embolization
▪ Infection
▪ Peripheral neuropathy
▪ Misinterpretation of data
▪ Misuse of equipment
Factors associated with increased risk of complications during invasive arterial pressure monitoring
- vasospastic arterial disease
- previous arterial injury
- thrombocytosis
- protracted shock
- high-dose vasopressor administration
- prolonged cannulation
- infection
The displayed pressure waveform during invasive arterial pressure monitoring is a summation of … .
Other factors that affect the displayed waveform are …
both antegrade and retrograde (reflected) sine waves, each with its own frequency, amplitude, and phase shift
the stroke volume (left ventricular [LV] ejection), both static and dynamic arterial compliance, and the speed of the pressure wave
An underdamped system may combine elements of the measurement system itself with the measured sine waves and display systolic pressure overshoot. In contrast, an overdamped
waveform exhibits a slurred upstroke, absent dicrotic notch, and loss
of fine detail. In such cases, the pulse pressure will be falsely narrow
but MAP remains reasonably accurate
T or F
The most common reasons for underdamping are …
Overdamping results from …
excessively stiff tubing and a defective transducer.
decreases in pressure within the system (i.e. inadequate pressure in the pressure bag), loose connections, kinks in the tubing or catheter, or air bubbles
Describe the components of a normal arterial blood pressure waveform
(1) Systolic upstroke,
(2) systolic peak pressure,
(3) systolic decline,
(4) dicrotic notch,
(5) diastolic runoff,
(6) enddiastolic pressure
Explain the distal pulse amplification phenomenon
Pressure waveforms recorded simultaneously from different sites have different morphologies due to the physical characteristics of the vascular tree.
As the pressure wave travels toward the periphery, the arterial upstroke becomes steeper, the systolic peak rises, the dicrotic notch appears later, the diastolic wave becomes more prominent, and end-diastolic pressure falls. As a result, peripheral arterial waveforms have higher systolic, lower diastolic, and wider pulse pressures compared with central aortic waveforms. Interestingly, the displayed MAP is only slightly increased.
Characteristics of the arterial blood pressure waveform in Aortic stenosis
Pulsus parvus (narrow pulse pressure)
Pulsus tardus (delayed upstroke)
Characteristics of the arterial blood pressure waveform in Aortic regurgitation
Bisferiens pulse (double peak)
Wide pulse pressure
Characteristics of the arterial blood pressure waveform in Hypertrophic
Spike and dome (mid-systolic obstruction)
Characteristics of the arterial blood pressure waveform in Systolic left ventricular failure
Pulsus alternans (alternating pulse pressure amplitude)
Characteristics of the arterial blood pressure waveform in Cardiac tamponade
Pulsus paradoxus (exaggerated decrease in systolic blood pressure during
spontaneous inspiration)
The arterial pressure pulse in a patient with aortic regurgitation may have two systolic peaks (bisferiens pulse), with the first peak resulting from … and the second from …
antegrade ejection
a wave reflected from the periphery
In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the waveform assumes a peculiar bifid shape termed a “spike-anddome” configuration. Explain
After an initial sharp blood pressure increase resulting from rapid, early systolic ejection, arterial pressure abruptly falls as mid-systolic left ventricular outflow obstruction interrupts stroke volume ejection. This is finally followed by a second, late-systolic increase associated with arrival of reflected waves from the periphery
Pulsus alternans is a pattern of alternating larger and smaller pressure waves that vary with the respiratory cycle and are generally associated with …
severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction or aortic stenosis
Describe the Pulsus paradoxus
is an exaggerated variation in arterial pressure (>10–12 mm Hg) during quiet
breathing. is not truly paradoxical, but rather an exaggeration of a normal variation in
blood pressure that accompanies spontaneous ventilation. It is an important sign in cardiac tamponade but may also be seen with pericardial constriction, severe airway obstruction, bronchospasm, dyspnea, or any condition that involves large swings in intrathoracic pressure. Importantly, though, in cases of cardiac tamponade, the
pulse pressure and left ventricular stroke volume decrease during inspiration, in contrast to the pattern associated with large variations in intrathoracic pressure in which pulse pressure remains constant
Explain the physiologic aspect of Arterial Pressure Monitoring and Waveform Analysis for Prediction of Volume Responsiveness
During the inspiratory phase of a positive pressure breath, increased intrathoracic pressure simultaneously decreases left ventricular (LV) afterload while at the same time increasing total lung volume, displacing blood from the pulmonary venous reservoir into the left side of the heart, increasing LV preload and augmenting
LV stroke volume (higher pulse pressure during inspiration). In the absence of changes in system resistance, an increase in systemic arterial pressure results. At the same time, rising intrathoracic pressure impairs systemic venous return, lowers right ventricular (RV) preload, and potentially increases RV afterload by slightly increasing pulmonary vascular resistance. These effects combine to reduce RV ejection during the early phase of inspiration.
During the expiratory phase, however, the situation is reversed. The smaller RV stroke volume seen during inspiration traverses thepulmonary vascular bed and enters the left heart, resulting in reduced LV filling, reduced LV stroke volume, and a fall in systemic arterial blood pressure.
This waxing and waning cycle in stroke volume and systemic arterial blood pressure is known as the systolic pressure variation (SPV).
Systolic Pressure Variation is often subdivided into inspiratory and expiratory
components by measuring the increase (Δ Up) and decrease (Δ Down) in systolic pressure relative to the …
In a mechanically ventilated patient, normal SPV is …, with Δ Up being … and Δ Down being …
Values greater than this are felt to indicate …
Patients with increased SPV during positive pressure ventilation may be described clinically as …
end-expiratory, apneic baseline pressure
7–10 mm Hg
2–4 mm Hg
5–6 mm Hg
having residual preload reserve or being “volume responsive.”
Pulse pressure variation (PPV) is calculated as …
the difference between maximal (PPMax) and minimal (PPMin) pulse pressure values during a single mechanical respiratory cycle, divided by the average of these two values.
Pulse pressure (PP) = Psyst - Pdiast
PPV = (PPmax - PPmin) / [(PPmax - PPmin)/2]
Volume expansion does not result in a dichotomous outcome and the asymmetric nature of the Frank–Starling curve dictates that the cost–benefit ratio of acting in one direction will be different from acting in the other. For any given change in preload, the change in stroke volume depends on the direction of the preload change, with
that direction being dependent on how close to the peak of the curve the patient is at the time of measurement. Consequently, the concept of a “gray zone” has been proposed that defines a range of values between which evidence-based decision-making is not possible. For PPV, this zone appears to be … such that those above … should receive volume expansion while those below … should not.
Between those two values, the measurement is not able to provide meaningful guidance and the decision should be based on other criteria
More sophisticated methods of pulse contour analysis allow real-time measurement of stroke volume variation (SVV), as well as calculation of a stroke volume variation index (SVVI). When these measures exceed …, the patient is likely to have a positive response to volume expansion.